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Gud Morning all
Good morning all :)
Good Morning :)
good morning all
anyone there?
Good morning all
can anybody tell how can i learn basic swift
Because i am beginner to swift language
start coding without learning.....it is only R & D process if you are good in objective c.
hi all can anyone help with below issue
i hv screen in below order :

splash -> navigationController -> Login screen -> dashbaord

now once user login i hv saved credetials in userdefault , now my questions is how to push screen from splash to directly Dashboard wihtout goinf to login

i hv tryed this

naviagtionController.pushVoewConoller but problem is Dashboard is table view controller and pushController above method excepts UiViewController what can be solution?
you need to change rootviewcontroller in appdelegate
set dashboard as rootviewcontoller
@KKRocks any books i need to prefer for learning
but i hv to show splash then dashbaord wanna just skip login

but with suggestion i will move directly to dashbaord right
yes try this .
I have a json response : {"status":"success","user_id":"58","user_name":"kundan","result":"You have been logged in succesfully"}
can i post code here ?
Good Morning
I have a json response : {"status":"success","user_id":"58","user_name":"kundan","result":"You have been logged in succesfully"} and i want to navigate to another page when i get status:success and above response comes when i click button in login page. i have two textfields in login page one is for entering username and other for entering password.so can anyone help me its urgent?
for uploading photos to google drive from ios app i have tried the below library...Its getting errors any one can help me out...

can anybody help
@DilipTiwari...r u using objective-c or swift
help help help
@DilipTiwari so what your issue
you are getting response check status == "success" and navigate
i have already developed app in objective c
but i want same app to be developed in swift
how can i start
so logic will be same
only syntax will be change
but i am using xcode 6
so can i post the code for objective c and you can give me swift code for that @sandy
have you not try any line of code in swift
no sir
u should try first dear
and i have one query more
as i am getting response json format {"status":"success","user_id":"58","user_name":"kundan","result":"You have been logged in succesfully"} so how will i save user_id in my app (objective c or swift) so that i can only navigate when status is success
@Priya what type of error you are getting?
@DilipTiwari what web service you are using to get response?
this is my code when i click on login button........ NSString * post =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"urlstring",[[self.txtUsername text] stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], [[self.txtPassword text] stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSData *postdata= [post dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES];
NSString *postLength=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",(unsigned long)[postdata length]];
NSMutableURLRequest *request= [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc]init];
i have further code below i you want
delete this
and use pastebin while sharing your code
in simulator i'm getting this error
Gud mrg all
@DilipTiwari NSURLConnection delegate method to get response and you can check there that what status is coming
Yes status is coming but i want this to be in swift @sandy
@Priya Not accessible at my machine some network issue
@DilipTiwari are you familiar with swift ?
little bit
but i am learning
so you can first few sample code how to create NSURL connection request in swift
that will be going to help you
only i am having problem in connecting web services only
could you post me the code for that
in swift?
@DilipTiwari Have a look on this in detail stackoverflow.com/questions/24016142/…
and also if you start working in swift try to update your xcode with latest one
ok thanks for this help
pls tell me how can i save the user_id in my app using objective c
You can save in NSUserdefault or also you can save in share variable
so how many user i can save using NSUserdefault
also you can you keychain
I think only you are saving one user at a time right?
after login
so you can use NSUserdefault
I have to link this use in my further page of project and tell me how
when user logout remove save useid from it
@DilipTiwari I am not getting you what help you want from me
time for tea break and you can ask your issue with other team member
in my app i have not used logout but i want to save user_id for every login
@ShobhakarTiwari hello
@AbhishekGupta heelo
@DilipTiwari ping me on skype , i will help u to learn Swift
ok and thanks
from which
i have to search with shobhankartiwari
@DilipTiwari shobhakar tiwari
where are you from
i have send the request
any i0s developer
No only "Aeronautics" are in this group :-D
have you added me @ShobhakarTiwari
Has anyone used apic library in swift?
hello @ShobhakarTiwari i have sent new request to you
pls add me on skype
i have added my phto als
add me too....xD
@moon your skpe id
i will wait
@Moon it is not coming you can add me at Dilip Tiwari
or my mail id [email protected]
@DilipTiwari okay
your skype id?
i am unable to find you
u can search by email id
ok i will
i finded your mail with name sabhir
are you ios developer
but i am a beginner
okay me too
@ShobhakarTiwari where r u?
@DilipTiwari i also not got u on skype
is say not existing
pls search on skype with email id which i have posted above
it will come
i search but it says no result found
you try my id is msabir2631
its your email id
its my skype id
search me at skype
ok i find it
i have sent request
@sandy....ANY SOL
i have a json response show how i will show {"status":"success","result":[{"id":"10","name":"SRS TOWER"},{"id":"9","name":"123 Fake St - Investor 2 Eco "},{"id":"8","name":"VARDHMAN MALL"},{"id":"6","name":"GIP MALL CONSTRUCTION"}]} key of name to label in swift 1.2 or 2.0
I am getting this below error while running the app
@Priya are u sure GoogleService-Info.plist file is in your bundle?
i have a json response show how i will show {"status":"success","result":[{"id":"10","name":"SRS TOWER"},{"id":"9","name":"123 Fake St - Investor 2 Eco "},{"id":"8","name":"VARDHMAN MALL"},{"id":"6","name":"GIP MALL CONSTRUCTION"}]} key of name to label in swift 1.2 or 2.0 help me
hello guy. i m stuck in bug can anyone help me.
@Priya you could help me
@DilipTiwari...tell wt u want exactly
i want to show json response on tableview with label inside cell ...............{"status":"success","result":[{"id":"10","name":"SRS TOWER"},{"id":"9","name":"123 Fake St - Investor 2 Eco "},{"id":"8","name":"VARDHMAN MALL"},{"id":"6","name":"GIP MALL CONSTRUCTION"}]} ......i want to show label value for key "name" using swift 2.0
1 hour later…
@Moon if u want to learn ios ping me on skype
2 hours later…
aao aao
@KuldeepYadav hi
@ShobhakarTiwari Hi
@ShobhakarTiwari how are you
m good buddy
Hi All I am senior automation tester If you need Any help related automation testing please ask.
1 hour later…
@KuldeepYadav great , welcome to this group

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