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Good morning all :)
gm to all
good morning guysss
wtf apple
rejected my app for three times already
Good Morning :)
Gud mrg all :)
Hello all
good morning :)
Good morning all
I am loading fitbit login page url in UIwebview and get the token in shouldStartLoadWithRequest delegate method
but this delegate calls again and again with new request that is faceebook/rfthub
I dont know how that reaquest load
how can I stop to load that request?
1 hour later…
multiple Target in xcode increase size of applicatoin ?
good noon all
1 hour later…
Hi, guys
I have an issue related to UIDynamicAnimator. Could you please offer me some help?
Q: Collision detection behaves differently as I expected

EvanI was trying to set a custom collisionBoundingPath in my custom view. Here are my custom StarView: class StarView: UIView { lazy var path: UIBezierPath = { let width = self.bounds.width let bezierPath = UIBezierPath() let points = [StarData.pointA, StarData.pointG, S...

hey guys
quick question: how can you schedule a local notification which will fetch data through an api request
Can anyone tell how to call this:
- (void)presentOpalImagePickerController:(OpalImagePickerController * _Nonnull)imagePicker animated:(BOOL)animated select:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSArray<PHAsset *> * _Nonnull))select cancel:(void (^ _Nonnull)(void))cancel completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion;
has anybody done something on these lines?
[self presentOpalImagePickerController:imagePicker animated:YES select:^(NSArray<PHAsset *> * _Nonnull) {

} cancel:nil completion:nil];
I wasn't able to find a complete answer
It gives me error parameter name ommited
its cos your not including the error parameter in your statement
hii guys
i have a problem in cocoa os x
is there any member who have experience in cocoa os x
3 hours later…
This is iOS Developer Family LOL
@RonGahlot ? issue
@Gamex yes
Hello Everyone
hey all, have an annoying issue, trying to implement offline HLS with FairPlay. using this method:
I get:
NSLocalizedDescription = "The operation could not be completed";
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "An unknown error occurred (-42651)";
NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-42651 \"(null)\"";
and I need to try and prove to our license server guys it might be an issue with the license, any chance anyone has experience with FairPlay offline
Hi every one, I am new to this group. Actually I have struggle to getting scroll view in view controller that is create in story board. If any one suggest idea to get out of this problem.
is this the least-dead ios room now?
After I installed latest sierra on my mac, xcode doesn't see my ipad if the mac is rebooted with the ipad plugged in; I have to unplug and re-plug for it to appear as a device.
Also itunes doesn't see it.
4 hours later…
@MikeAsdf hey u still facing this issue ?
@Deepak go to basic first
@user1256276 hello
@Vade dont think so
@ShobhakarTiwari I haven't rebooted in the last four hours but I assume I still have the problem
i dint face such issue
did u reboot ur ipad
I have 2 ipads, one on latest ios and one old ipad on I think ios 8.3.
same problem with both
4 hours later…
Hi everyone. Could someone take a look at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/43379800/… ?

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