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Happy Republic Day!!
Happy Republic day @TheTiger
hi @BhavinRamani @PayalManiyar
@BhavinRamani i hv an xml response,when i am parsing it
and search for selected element name
it only shows the first one
@pooja_1205 Its been long time since I have parse xml
You can check this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/33340688/4078527
hi @ShobhakarTiwari
@pooja_1205 hi
@ShobhakarTiwari i have xml response,when i parse it always returns the same string name
this is the response,it always gives elementName as string
@pooja_1205 wat u getting
city or cuntry
posted on January 26, 2017 by Johann

ResponseDetective is an open source Swift library from netguru that allows you to automatically intercept incoming and outgoing communication requests and view details of those requests for debugging. With a few lines of code you can add ResponseDetective and get networking request details in the console like in this example from the readme: <0x000000000badf00d> [REQUEST] […]

@pooja_1205 m talking about which element u getting
country or city
follow any tutorial its very easy to read data node by node then child
if u stuck ping me anytime
i hv followed tutorial
it is only reading the first element that is "string"
elementName is equalto country condition always fails
in elementName i m only getting string
@pooja_1205 show me code
for reading xml
2 hours later…
Hey all, is it possible to add Floating Button like Android in TABLEVIEWCONTROLLER instead of having UIViewController and TableView in it. ?
3 hours later…
@Nitesh yea
it is possible
you should add button on window not on view.subview
and then bring it to top of view
simple !
@pooja_1205 solved !
@ShobhakarTiwari Didn't get you
@Nitesh create a button okey
then add on self.window not on self.view
got my point !
no @ShobhakarTiwari its not done
@pooja_1205 did u follow that tut
i implemented it with some other url
there i m getting the right response
but this response is not handled
i want all the city names in an array
@pooja_1205 okey so now u getting correct response
not with this url of cities
response is correct or not
did u try to print or not
one step at a time i always told u to do it
thats d way to approach any problem
in element name i m always getting string
elementName isequalto @"city" is always false
@ShobhakarTiwari via Storyboard?
this is the response
@Nitesh if u still dont understand what i m saying then better to go and learn basic of iOS and then ask here
@pooja_1205 u getting correct response
here is the format
nsxmlformatter or third party ?
let me know first ?
@pooja_1205 you want to use any third party which will convert xml into dictionary , so i guess that wil help u do fetch it easily
u wana use this !
anything will work
xmlreader i m trying now
@pooja_1205 try this way
A: XML into JSON conversion in iOS

Ryan PoolosNSError *parseError = nil; NSDictionary *xmlDictionary = [XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString:testXMLString error:&parseError]; NSLog(@" %@", xmlDictionary); This code isn't converting anything to JSON. Its giving you an NSDictionary. You need to actually create the JSON data from the dictionary. ...

1 hour later…
@ShobhakarTiwari the dictionary is in xml format with tags
@pooja_1205 print it wat u getting
@ShobhakarTiwari its done
@pooja_1205 you did it . keep it up
@pooja_1205 u r in office or working from home ?
working from home
hvnt joined anywhere yet
so just practising things
study swift
this will help you to get job
ya i will do that..first i m clearing some basics

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