I solved this with own , i was able to get the desired shadow by modifying the frame before making Path .
just the hack :)
Instead of passing view.frame in this method i modified the frame
UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(viewFrame, contentInsets); and got shadow from top side .
this is the code below...
How can I add a shadow to the top of my UIView I've tried the following but with no luck...
childView.layer.cornerRadius = 5;
childView.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
childView.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(-15, 20);
childView.layer.shadowRadius = 5;
childView.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5;
SamuraiTransition is an open source Swift based library providing a collection of ViewController transitions featuring a number of neat “cutting” animations from hachinobu. SamuraiTransition is easy to implement, your view needs to subclass SamuraiViewController and can be implemented in code or in interface builder. SamuraiTransition features 9 transition animations, and you can cu…
Hi, I am having a problem regarding memory issues. I am adding some collectionViews to tableViewCells(lots of them). I am initializing the collectionViews programmatically in every tableViewCells. Can anyone tell me, if this is a memory in-efficient way of adding collectionViews programmatically? http://pastebin.com/3CwJE0uA
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