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posted on December 08, 2016 by Johann

iOSMath is an open source component from Kostub Deshmukh for displaying math equations in iOS applications within a UILabel type class. Equations in iOSMath are created using the popular LaTeX mathematics markup format and the following formula types are supported by the library according to the readme: Simple algebraic equations Fractions and continued fractions Exponents […]

3 hours later…
gud mrng all
hi @BhavinRamani
1 hour later…
hi dear
Hi Guys,
Good Morning,
Anyone recently faced issue with Setting icon in GMSMarker.
with latest version : - GoogleMaps (2.1.1):

little help if possible
I see you guys might be recently seen on chat
@amorbytes sorry not idea about that
thanks for all
Gud mrg @iShwar @All
Anyhelp would be greatly apprecieated
Gudmrng :-)
@iShwar jsk bhai..:-)
Hi any one has Xcode 8.1 link?
I want to download
Hi there
any one album library like facebook?
in which one can dismiss image by dragging down?
@KunalGupta check cocoacontrols.com
@VikramKThakor use AppStore to update it
@ShobhakarTiwari and @KunalGupta
Any hint for my issue.

Anyone recently faced issue with Setting icon in GMSMarker.
with latest version : - GoogleMaps (2.1.1):

Marker is not appearing on map if we specify **icon** property or **iconview** property.

Default marker has not any issue.

let marker = GMSMarker(position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: long))

marker.tracksViewChanges = true
marker.title = title
marker.snippet = address
marker.icon = icon
marker.map = self.gmapView
posted on December 08, 2016 by Johann

LNPopupController is an open source UI component from Leo Natan inspired by Apple’s Music and Podcasts apps allowing you to present view controllers as a popup of another view controller. Attached to the popup view is a content view that can be brought in with a sliding gesture or a tap. The look is modernized […]

did u check wat lat and long it showing ? @amorbytes
yes everything is perfect when I don't specify the icon
I even checked by setting icon properly using


for 10 secs
it disappeared when the code run after 10s
@amorbytes so it is tthere right
so how u using asynch show me code
dont forget to use pastie.org to share code
Q: GMSMarker stop rendering when set icon or iconview property

amorbytesGoogleMaps : (2.1.1) iOS : 10.1 simulator Swift 3.0+ Everything is working fine if I don't specify icon or iconview. I even checked with iconview property as well, but none of them are worked for me. I even tried to set map before setting the iconview or icon like this marker.map = sel...

@ShobhakarTiwari : I tried every possible solution but none of them are worked for me
@ShobhakarTiwari : dpaste.com/1XBTXG3
@ShobhakarTiwari : Ok Bro Thanks
@ShobhakarTiwari : I got solution! anyways thanks for your efforts.
it was issue corrupted image. it even previewing in console. but not rendered by mapsdk.
Anybody has worked on Chat application using Xampp recently ?
any one can help me
i have problem on tabbar ios 10
any one can help me
Q: how to remove line on tabbar in ios 10

sohili have create a project with custom Tabbar its work perfect in iOS up to 9 but in iOS 10 i have a problem with tabbar line on top of the tabbar. i am try this. UITabBarController *Tabbar; [[UITabBar appearance] setShadowImage:[[UIImage alloc] init]]; its work in ios 9 not in ios 10. I tri...

hello all
any one can help me
i have one problem on adding objects in array
i have one array and in that array i have add one mutable dictionary object
but problem is that when i add 2nd object then first object is also overwrite by 2nd and when adding 3rd object then my first and second is overwritten by 3rd
then what is the problem when i add object in array??
@ShobhakarTiwari @NitinGohel @pooja_1205
plz help mi
my code is in swift
@PallaviNikumbh show me code
its because u adding data dynamically
check index u specifying mostly due to this it happen
@ShobhakarTiwari hi
u there
hi @NitinGohel
kem cho
fine bro
have you worked with coredata befor?
how can we do migration like i up one app with coredata
now i change in database add entity and all
and up it again
i think we need to set some migaration to chagne old coredata to new ?
do you know anything related
did u checked raywenderlich post for this
i did with the help of this
@NitinGohel hi
@ShobhakarTiwari hi
@PayalManiyar hey hi sister
@ShobhakarTiwari have you manage before like this?
@NitinGohel how's u?
@PayalManiyar fine sis what about you
have you any idea about?
8 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
how can we do migration like i up one app with coredata
@NitinGohel want to learn image processing.
can you give me any references ?
@NitinGohel no never worked with core data
for the image processing github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage
is a best
@NitinGohel okay
@ShobhakarTiwari ya i adding data dynamically
actually i have get data from third party API aand in that i have parse required data and add tthis created dictionry inarray
any other refrence you know?
I want to learn image processing like photoshop mix app
@NitinGohel okay thanks
@NitinGohel yea in house distribution project i did using three flag
anybody here?
@PallaviNikumbh thats y m saying check each item into array and print it before adding , u must having same index thats y its getting overwritten by other item
@KhalidRahman hello , fire your issue
its short and compact
it deals what exact thing needs to do for data migration
@ShobhakarTiwari ok thanks brother will check
or you can sync your tabledata to your server first then drop existing one and create a new one and then sync down
i's struggling for day long trying to create a server in iPhone ...im using CocoaHTTPServer ,sample project: iPhoneHTTPServer ....i have run it on simulator . and trying to access in browser,,,,it works well..&& then i tried to run it on iphone sharing my mac internet (creating wifi hotspot) ,able to acess it in browser too.........bt when i use wifi from a router ,,,,i cant access server in the browser
any idea ?
@KhalidRahman any conf file in ur server
*conf - configuration file
@ShobhakarTiwari Yeh, now I did get it working with this code, the only problem now is how to integrate with indexPath. Code here: gist.github.com/badbull/d1653cef142574271d7ffedec80994c0
@Arto just call this method from cellForRowAtindexpath method and pass cell and indexpath
see what happend
It will print the same data over and over
its because u r not using indexpath at all in this configureCell method
you should fetch only specific objects
then only it wil show different value
got my point!
Yeah, I know that is the problem but how to use it? I did try all podcast.object(indexPath) but it doesn't have it
btw damn i felt my self stupid when I did figure out I need to cast it as [Podcast] to read it heh
no u should use
hmm, why? I think the tableView cellForRotAt indexPath will handle that, actualy It is sending the correct indexPath, but I should only read that indexPath podcast in configureCell, because now it will read them all
When the indexPath is 0 it should read the first podcast object in that specific playlist
and so on
just try once
@ShobhakarTiwari yeah i print the array before adding, but when i am adding second object print it before add it shows mi second object
not first
what value it showing different or same @Arto
It will show me the last podcast name in all of rows
@PallaviNikumbh do u append every time u add new item , is it ?
and also i have add the item using insertObject: AtIndex: method bt it shows simillar
@Arto can you tell me the exact structure of vallue u stored in it
hi Imran
@ShobhakarTiwari Entity named Playlist have a relations with Entity named Podcast, so Playlist have a set of podcast objects in it.
yes @ShobhakarTiwari
So when I pass configureCell indexPath 0 it should read the firs podcast object in that playlist and when I pass indexPath 1 it should read the second podcast.
look //Selected Types
var selectedTypes :NSMutableArray = [] okey now if i need to add object then i simply use selectedTypes.addObject("value")
this way i did in swift2.2
@Arto thats fine , but in configure cell do u everytime fetch that value , i doubt
I dont need to fetch it again, I do pass the whole Playlist from another view
With that let podcasts = selectedPlaylist(playlist entity).podcast.allObjects I get all podcasts in that playlist
yea so u means selectedPlaylist.podcast?.allObjects return all values
Yeh it will return me all podcast objects in that playlist
@ShobhakarTiwari ok i will try to add object using this
then I cast it to [Podcast] to read it, but I should tell it which object to read when configreCell
With that indexPath
look u dont need to enumerate it
just remove that loop
and access using indexpath.row
it wil fix your issue man
beacuse for each cell this configureCell is called so why u use for loop to set value , only one value to be set at one time . NO NEED to use this
Hmm yeah, I do get the point
So podcast?.index(at: indexPath.row).podcastCollection ?
check it solves your issue
Cannot invoke "index" with and argument list of type "("of: indexPath.row")"
gist: 165bcf5b8ba9064473dabbe07307a085, 2016-12-08 12:46:31Z
var i = 0
for object in podcast!{
            cell.collectionInPlaylistLabel.text = object.podcastCollection ?? "Ei otsikkoa"
            cell.durationInPlaylistLabel.text = dataParser.secondsToTimeString(seconds: object.podcastDuration)
            if indexpath.row == i {
      i = i + 1
use this way once
Thanks man!
I have another question, I have like 20 issues when compile my project and they are all from tableViews creation which I have copied from CoreData programming guide, how to fix that issue? gist.github.com/badbull/c25ad08953a2eabc00ca31091359ee84
just seeing single line of code how can i answer your question
Gist description ;) Gives error, Conditional cast from Playlist to Playlist always succeeds
show me either error or code
And also Non-optional expression of type "Playlist" used in a check for optionals
if u getting a value which is already a String type then if u convert it using as! String then swift will show such warning/error
avoid this
Learn basic swift , u missing basic syntax
These was directly from Apple CoreData programmin guide
Leaving for the day , will back after reaching home
till enjoy
bye everyone
2 hours later…
Please help convert var plugInInterface = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<IOCFPlugInInterface>>() to Swift 3...
I tried a lot but...Nothing works
1 hour later…
@Arti what error u getting
tell me
@ShobhakarTiwari thank you, this helped for me: var plugInInterfacePtrPtr:UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<IOCFPlugInInterf‌​ace>?>? = nil
but now stuck on this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41043892/convention-queryinterface-swift-3?noredirect=1#comment69295515_41043892

4 hours later…
Is anyone here good at using operation queue's in swift?
posted on December 08, 2016

macOS Sierra 10.12.2 beta 6 (16C63a) Now Available

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