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Good morning everyone :)
1 hour later…
Good morning
Hey everyone. Does anyone know about Voice search in iOS?
2 hours later…
hi good morning all of you
Service class Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around character 0." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around character 0.}

AFNetworking in (Objective c)
When i call service then some time i get this error .
Almost work fine
@Praveen @BoominadhaPrakashM @Moo
can you help me too fix this.
@chetu have you checked in Google?
In google and GIT hub final solution is

AFHTTPSessionManager *manager;
manager.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer
And i already did this at implemtation time
1 hour later…
@BhavinRamani Hi
Q: Text To Speech functionality when app is in background mode?

Jagat DaveI am working on a TextToSpeech app. I write one paragraph in a UITextField, then i press the Speak button. Sound plays according to the text written in the UITextField. However, when the app is in background mode, the audio play stops playing. How can I continue playing the sound in background...

Sorry by mistake i put this link in this group.
@chetu Sorry.. Give me sometime.. I will ask someone and tell you.
yes and i think this probem is server side in some cases because i can't able to find any think And also fix this problem in One API from server side.
but if you test that API in postman is that working? @chetu
which control are you using to play sound.
Sorry i never test.
but i chekc log at PHP side then they find a his mistake and fix it
but now i go through POSTMAN
anybody knows y didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken is not getting called
@PayalManiyar Hello
do you get solution for pick video from library in ios 10 simlator?@BhavinRamani
@hacker Are you running your app in Simulator?
@PayalManiyar have not tested it yet :)
@BhavinRamani hmm
@chetu using Google_TTS_BySham
@Praveen no
in device only
iOS 10.0.1
hii anyone worked with xmpp messenger ios for group chat using ejabberd server in swift
i stuck in group chatting implementation
@NitinGohel hi
need help
Q: ios 10 simulator : UIImagePickerController stuck when I select video from library and select choose button

Payal ManiyarI am facing below issue : iOS 10 simulator : UIImagePickerController stuck when I select video from library and select choose button. I have set privacy keys in plist also.See below image. in iOS 9 simulator it works fine. But not working in iOS 10 simulator. Any one has idea? Any help will...

If any one knows solution then help me
Q: Audio playing and recording is not working with iOS 10

SonuI'm unable to play any audio file in iOS 10, Even Default keyboard click sound also not playing. [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&sessionError]; Can anyone suggest me? Regards

Can anyone help me to solve this issue?
@Sonu....u need to add some properties in plist
For Recording U need to add this PermissionKey: Privacy - Microphone Usage Description String:Can we use Microphone
any one know how to create bots in fb messanger using Siri in ios
@Priya Ya, I did it, Some time its recording and some time not.
can u able send demo
i think some frequencies will be missing while recording
@Sonu.....which one you did...
@Priya I'm using LLSimpleCamera
I've posted a query, could anyone help: stackoverflow.com/questions/40551030/…
7 hours later…
@ShobhakarTiwari @Tirth did either of you find a fix for my errors?

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