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posted on September 20, 2016 by Johann

QuickCheck is an open source Swift library from TypeLift inspired by the QuickCheck Haskell library that automatically generates random data for testing program properties. QuickCheck has a very concise syntax, and what makes QuickCheck different is that it can shrink test cases to find exactly what is causing a test to fail. As the readme […]

Hello Everyone,
Does ipod touch support augmented reality games. I mean it's hardware
Please let me know. Thanks
gud mrng all
Good morning all :)
good morning
Q: how to display mulitple dictionary or array data in single tableview cell in swift ios

AnithaI am new to iOS development can any one give me some idea in swift. i have json data after parsing i am storing data in array like example "orderId" : 146, "total" : 2, "created_at" : "2016-09-19 11:08:51", "categories" : [ { "name" : "Bleach", ...

any one give me solution for this
Goodmrng Every one :-)
@Anitha someone already answer your question.
hi all
good morning
A: pod 'Bolts' getting an error when i tried pod install command

Anbu.Karthikcheck your platform version 7.0 or 8.0 satisfy the deployment target in of Podfile, for e/g source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'Bolts', '1.8.4' finally run command as pod update for sample see this

could you please help me
Hi anyone have called Java Class file using objective c?
@Nisha you want to use java file in your objective c code ?
hello everyone
@sandy yes
possible or c++ is better option? call c++ file in objective c i knowdone demo but using java don't know
What is the exact use of NSAssert? What I know is its a condition check.
which on failure will throw an exception and will crash the application. But crashing the application is not fair right? @Abizern @PayalManiyar @NitinGohel
Where do we use this ?
@abhi1992 Assert is to make sure a value is what its supposed to be. If an assertion fails that means something went wrong and so the app quits.
@sandy app quits means it will crash .Where do we use this normally?
What about the use?
@Nisha if you can do this with c++ then go a head and do it in that way
posted on September 20, 2016 by Johann

StatusProvider is an open source component from Mario Hahn for displaying customizable status views with include loading, empty, and error views. You can customize the text shown on the different displays, and make completely custom error views. Here’s an image from the readme showing a created no data available view: You can find StatusProvider on […]

@sandy I got it.thanks
@abhi1992 welcome :-)
@abhi1992 You're right - crashing the application is not fair for the users. But crashing for the developer is useful. NSAssert lets the creator of an API mark some conditions as being required. For example, calling NSAssert in methods of a class that are required to be subclassed.
The general guideline is crash on developer errors, but handle user errors gracefully.
@Abizern plz suggest for this question codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/141878/…
Hello Friends :)
i need help for XXMP Framework
If anyone can help that would be awesome: stackoverflow.com/questions/39589710/…
Q: Customizing subtitles with AVPlayer

Marcelo FabriI was able to display a subtitle track with AVPlayer on iOS 6, but I am not able to customize it. It just shows the same style (a small font size, in white). Here's how I select the subtitle: AVMediaSelectionGroup *subtitle = [asset mediaSelectionGroupForMediaCharacteristic: AVMediaCharacterist...

@RugDealer i think you need to use text track
Hey all
@NitinGohel thanks for the link. I'll check it out and let you know if it works for me.
hey All I have been faceing the Problem of COREDATA about deleteing one row from data Base
how can i delete Row from DB
one entity is having 4 attributes
Please Help
you must be have something uniqe of row
like uid
or primary key
or someting else then you can delete by its keyvaluye
does crashlytics add all the crashes in the log?
development + distribution?
@NitinGohel can u please help buddy if you have any idea?
Ya I have URL@NitinGohel
how it will Work
deleteObject is not WORKING @NitinGohel
@KunalGupta that workign with distributin i think
@AvinashMishra that delete object must be manage object
for example you have a user table in coredata
then you need to craete userl manage object
for for delete u need to get particuler user that you want to delete
cak you Show me an example i tried so many of ref like stackoverflow.com/questions/26979296/…
i have url which is uniqe
do you k now how can we delte object from array
this is what i am
1 message moved to Trash
do you know how to delete object from array
do you have manageObjected class
of entity
then how core data know which user you want to delete
how we can delete object from array
like we have to tel them this object remove from this index
remove obj
what what is that obj?
that obj is
yes this is where i am not
that particular data
you have a array of users
that users is a entity manages object individual class
that 5 is a manageObject type user
you have bookmarkclass array right
so for delete
you have to do code like
[context deleteObject:[bookMarkClass objectAtIndex:0]]; //make sure that bookmarkclasss have that index
[context save:nil];
0 is just for example
so that delete particular object of Bookmarkclass not full table
@NitinGohel :-) hello
@sandy hello paji
if i have value of key
url = dhjkhkj.com
@NitinGohel arey kaisse hain aap :-D
which i want to delete
@AvinashMishra that is the long way
instead of index
then first you need to create an object
@sandy wadiya sir ji
my data is in VC not in table View
thats Why it is Difficult
to find
see now you have a logic
you need to manage it based on your project
in sort you have to set an object for delete not full array
now make an object how you want
and manage it by your self
as i m searching while i m inserting
same way can i delete?
if url already exists then dont insert
else insert
hi all
anyone working with iOS 10 notifications?
its not playing the custom audio file for notification sound
yes by this way you can make first select type quest with predication
and if you get array count gereter then 0
hi guys , anyone worked with facebook integration in swift for iOS
it mean that url alrady there
any idea about my issue?
@PradipKumar what is your issue?
I want to add the feature for facebook login.. but the integration is available in objective -C. not in swift... I got a facebook sdk swift on github .. But the framework creates error while integrating it@sandy
@AnilkumariOSdeveloper what is the type of sound file
its like ringtone.caf
@PradipKumar have you gone through this link theappguruz.com/blog/facebook-integration-using-swift
@AnilkumariOSdeveloper that is okay, so you able to get notification right ?
but, its playing default sound
may be it will help let me check @sandy
@PradipKumar okay good
no dear i was only known about file format issue?
@AnilkumariOSdeveloper just try to debug that point when u received notification
its local notification
and i have one more issue
i have two iOS devices
in one device
im able to get local notifcation while app in backgroundmode
but another device not getting
any idea
so app was in background in both devices ?
okay wait i leaving right now
tm to catch my office cab
will let u know after sm times
oh k
hay hay
can any one suggest me for constraints and autolayout a
in ios
yes i suggest you to use it
@NitinGohel hello
hey @NitinGohel not able to solve it Can you help me with Some Saple Code please please and my Code is Here let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "HistoryList")
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "historyurls = %@", www.abd.com)

let result = (try? self.getManagedObjectContext().executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)) as? [HistoryList]

if result?.count > 0 {

I have view, where on touch we have to create a lable. also user can drag that lable. I have used Pangesture for dragging. on touch it creates a lable but it does not allow to drag. for the second time i touch the label it allwo me to drag.
how can i solve this. I could get, on touch the label created, but pan gesture is not applied on the moment.
it works afte i tapout, then tap in the finger and start dragging
got me?
what is the best way to do this
Hey guys! May I ask for help?
When I call
Oh crap sorry
is not called
@Rinku may i know, where did you add that Pangesture ?
on that lable
that is created dynamically
on touch
@Rinku ok, according to me you should put that Pangesture on UIView not on UILabel .. what do u say.? have you tried...
nop, not tried that
will try today
@Rinku i'm eager to know the result..
ok , will notify once done
not working on that now ,
@Rinku No Prob... :)

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