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posted on September 16, 2016 by Johann

Files is an open source iOS project from Steven Troughton-Smith providing a great interface for file browsing. Files-iOS provides system-wide file browsing using a document provider, and an excellent interface with sorting options, and multiple columns on the iPad. This image from the readme shows Files in action: You can find Files-iOS on Github here. […]

2 hours later…
gud mrng all
Hello Everyone,
Does ipod touch support augmented reality games. I mean it's hardware
Please let me know. Thanks
HI all
AWS sdk 2.4.0 AWSAbstractCognitoIdentityProvider is deprecated
is there any alternative solution?
Pls any one have, help me
Good morning all :)
gud mrng all
good morning all....
hey guys Gudmrng Every one :-)
hi all
anyone implemented SiriKit with VoiP app?
Good morning all
Anyone worked with Firebase?
hello all
Is there a github project to unit test common task in swift?
If not how about creating one?
coz newbies find it more easy to learn...
which is better sqlite or core data in ios ?
depends on requirements
how large data your database gonna hold ?
i would prefer going with coredata...As there are many features like: fetch results controller,concurrency management, Object Oriented concept and so on
heavy transaction
then go with core data
i personally suggest that
get a NSDate from string Fri Aug 19, 01:10 PM
with year
is it possible?
@Ranjit Have you done the firebase before?
i am doing it now
using it in one of my project
i am also new to it
@Praveen, @PayalManiyar, any idea
@Ranjit everything is possible
but how
my string doesnt contain year only
then what date formatter i should use?
i used EEE MM dd, HH:mm a
@Ranjit telling
refere above
if you can not do I will give forma
Fri Aug 19, 01:10 PM
is this string correct?
i read your articles
without year present in the string, how can we convert to date with year @PayalManiyar
Guyz anyone works with IPV6 for iOS ?
your format seems correct
add current year
with date date componenets
but when I convert to date, I get 2000
hmmm i got it
@Ranjit got solution or not?
@Ranjit What kind of doubt?
Hi. I have a problem with my iOS app. I can successfully build the app but when I run it in Simulator I get an green error related with the autoreleasepool. I have checked the previous discussions on stack overflow but nothing seems to work for me.. can anybody help?
can I share with someone the app and maybe you can figure out what is going on? I simply cannot see any way to fix this. I would really appreciate it :/
what error u are getting ?
hmm is not really an error.. it is in the main.h - @autoreleasepool
the inspector says also this: Thread1 Queue: com.apple.main-thread (serial)
and now I get this error: Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
yes @BhavinRamani, @Praveen
this is the entire error: CodeSign DerivedData/MusiconAppIOS/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MusiconAppIOS.app
cd "/Users/victormihaita/Desktop/Musicon project/IosApp/MusiconAppIOS"
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
export PATH="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
posted on September 16, 2016 by Johann

Tenclock is an open source component from Joseph Daniels providing a time of day picker with a beautiful interface. TenClock is inspired by iOS 10’s bedtime timer, and features both day and night colors and allows the user to pick start and end times. This image from the readme shows the TenClock day clock: You […]

guys I get an error that I am unable to import UIKit form ios10 > frameworks . any suggestions?
those are the errors: imgur.com/a/Nzari
@Ranjit Are you using Firebase from GoogleAnalytics pods pod 'Google/Analytics' or FireBaseAnalytics pods pod 'Firebase'
firebase @Praveen
Okay. Can we use both pod?
Is it possible to use or will it give any duplicate file issue?
Because, both includes FirebaseAnalytics.Framework
not sure
Okay. Thanks :)
@Ranjit got solution?
Hello Evry1
anybody know about openstreetmap-ios for offline map routing ?
anyone know great ios charts library with fully customization options excluding charts/
checking @kirtimali
2 hours later…
i hv to make my app which was developed in ios 8 to be compatible with ios 10
is there is major change that has to be done in that except for tose that were to be done with ios9
@BhavinRamani @BoominadhaPrakashM
2 hours later…
Anyone there?
2 hours later…
posted on September 16, 2016 by Johann

HoverConversion is an open source component Taiki Suzuki providing a great interface for switching between UITableViews. HoverConversion provides a UIViewController that allows paging between UITableViews based on contentOffset and transition between table views with a pan gesture on the navigation view. Here’s an animation from the readme showing HoverConversion in action: You can find H

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