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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 18:00

gud mrng all
Good morning...
Good morning all
gm to all
are you there
Hello everyone - Please help me how to work with SSL in AFNETworking
@Sport @Dory @pooja_1205
@TarunSachdeva Is it about self-signed certificate or automated?
@Praveen self-signed certificate
Which version of AFNetworking you're using?
@Praveen 2.0
Hello,, I m trying to run app on ipad.. wen i run i m getting error App Installation Failed.
Unknown Error Occurred.
@Praveen Please see changes I made in code goo.gl/VsGvfD
good morning all
@Sport hi
@Dory delete previously installed app and then try to install
have u used open cv @Rinku
i have some issue
@TarunSachdeva Are you getting any error then?
yes , for OCR
is your issue related to accuracy
@ShobhakarTiwari but i m installing first time
A server with the specified hostname could not be found." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fa0fa555200 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1003 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found. @Praveen
ld: framework not found opencv2
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
@Dory have u added udid into provisiong
@TarunSachdeva first change provisiong to Dont sign then clean and build then after choose right provision
in your framework searchpath is it recurssive or non-recursive
it should be recursive
A: A server with the specified hostname could not be found in AFNetworking

MohitBasically it's a server side issue. This error occur when your server is not responding or your server looks like in sleep mode. I have also fetch this same issues many time. But, in my case when i switch to another WiFi network or Switch ON/OFF WiFi then it was automatically solved. Please try...

Okay Let me try @ShobhakarTiwari @Praveen
@TarunSachdeva 👍🏻
@TarunSachdeva did u try in restclient if u getting this response in webservice
once change to recursive , clean the project and then run.
i saw with out clean it shows same error
ld: framework not found opencv2
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
same error
one warning also
Check dependencies

warning: ignoring recursive header expansion for path '/**'
have changed some setting after integrating open cv, I could not remember the settings.
can you check pls
ok. I will update at evening
waiting for that
@ShobhakarTiwari nupe... I went to thru this apple.stackexchange.com/questions/206123/…
@ShobhakarTiwari, @PayalManiyar, @BhavinRamani, do you guys have paytm app for ios
@Ranjit nope
@Ranjit yes
great @PayalManiyar, can you go to movies section
@Ranjit yea i did
@Ranjit yes
great guys
in that go to select a show time
open "Select a ShowTime screen\
@Ranjit then
in this screen, you see image on top and date tabs below
@Ranjit yes
and as you scroll, the date tabs also scroll and they stick to top
@Ranjit yes
and image goes
@Ranjit now?
so how can we achieve this kind of behaviour is my question
i want to implement it
@PayalManiyar, @ShobhakarTiwari
@Ranjit that is called sticky header. custom layout of collectionview
in cocoa control you can find it
ok thanks, payal, i will find it
Good morning all :)
Hello All
i m not able to get user current lat long so any one please correct me if i have did anything wrong or missed out
follow google map doc
Q: adding opencv framework in Xcode 7 , getting issue framework not found opencv2

SportI am using opencv2 framework in iOS . i have build the opnecv framework using terminal and got opencv2.framework in my directory. now from Xcode i am adding the framework using addonther framework in Xcode . and framework added like this and in project navigation and this is my search...

ok, I will see, if i can help you
I am trying to call post with header but its not working using AFNetworking, can anyone please look?
Here is the code pastie.org/10910448
@Sport could not detect on the project what I have done to get out of from this issue..
it has been quite long time that i have worked on that .
Any one has an idea that why we use Copy property.... Practically wht does that mean?
b= 20;

If I declare a as (nonatomic, copy)

and I do like a=b

Is this mean

a will be having 20?
@SKT: Do you have an idea?
@VikramKThakor basically copy is used when u dont want any changes reflect to main property
@Gamex u should define corresponding delegate for getting lat long
i have assing delegete to map and CLLocationManager
Good noon
worst start of the day
wanted to share one thing with you all
dont change permission of Machintosh HD
wht happen
unfortunatly i do that and after that i won't able to start my mac
I receive this error NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication = -1012,
while using SSL in afnetworking @ShobhakarTiwari @NitinGohel
and now i need to reinstall mac osx
Ohhhhh 😱
never touch this
Sure we will never
poor apple
@NitinGohel su prabhu kemnu
lots of bugs comes in new updates no be habitual with that @NitinGohel
but the day gone for just update osx
and by some change parmissiong
that won't start
Anyone have idea to store the push notification messages in core data?
don't know about core data store
but while push notification come up you get its payload info at digressive method
so you can do anythings from that method
with push notificaiton
using google mapview and want to add textfield and button over the mapview but not able to do a
is there google provide any add overlay method
otherswise you need to add textviedl on your viewcontrolelr's view
they oppose all this with security reasons
i have drag and drop text box in my viewcontroller but not able to see
@NitinGohel 1 que.. does apple testflight need changes of ipv6 or its update with final version release to app-store..
so do they will reject the app if we are not changing to ipv6 because i test my app and it won't work with ipv6 network
@NitinGohel 2.5.5 We will be reviewing on an IPv6 network, so if your app isn’t compatible with the IPv6 addressing, it may fail during review.
@NitinGohel which version of OSX?
please check new review guidelines
@Anjan i know that
@PayalManiyar osx no issue nato permission na karne thayu
@NitinGohel okay
@NitinGohel issue solve thayo?
@all hi
@NitinGohel stackoverflow.com/questions/38395561/… can u look in to this
@PayalManiyar reinstall osx
@hacker if two time cl the function then only that happen
@NitinGohel means? i am using the same store object
@NitinGohel great!
its working fine on simulator but on device everything gets added on the same date
i need to call inside a loop since i need to store all the items on the corresponding date @NitinGohel
@hacker very long time ago i was working with eventKit
so not remember actually what happen
@NitinGohel first time i am working on this
you added event on calendar right
then on device check the add code with breack point is that fire two time
are you using localNotificaiton center to cl
method from one to another class
just use breack point and log to catch the issue
usually i was calling to store an array
array has corresponding dates as a key
Hi All
i need to add the image on uitableview cell 's delete button ......any one did this before ?
how we will remove all the events from calendar @NitinGohel
Thanks @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel hi
any idea ??
Q: How to add image to delete button when we swipe on tableview cell

Ganesh GuturiI have implemented code to get delete button when we swipe on tableview cell(see first image). I want to custom it means i want to add image in place of delete button(see second image). I googled it but i didn't get any methods or code. Every where showing normal delete button. How can i add imag...

@NitinGohel tried that
in willTransitionToState ...its not going under the condition
i found custom Cell class
that have custom action button why you are not use this
yeah i can but i dont want to go for the third party ....
and ..many of them syaing that its possible ///that y i m trying this
Q: How to delete old events from calendar in IOS

VidhyanandIn my app I am saving events to calendar.. But If the event is from 1 Feb, 2015 to 20 Feb, 2015. How can I delete the Events from 1 Feb, 2015 to 15 Feb, 2015 as those are completed events. I googled and found the answer using Settings option of iPhone http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/...

@AKSH i think possible with some trick only
problem is ..i get the all the subvioews of the content view ..but delete button is not showign as the subview of contentview ...its so strange
and this i suggest class is not thirdparty
its native iOS code
calendear ???
i dont need to delate the event
A: Custom Delete button On Editing in UITableView Cell

user1684899Implement this method in custom cell - (void)willTransitionToState:(UITableViewCellStateMask)state{ [super willTransitionToState:state]; if ((state & UITableViewCellStateShowingDeleteConfirmationMask) == UITableViewCellStateShowingDeleteConfirmationMask) { for (UIView *subview in...

@AKSH thats for me
@AKSH there is not UIButton object
you just need to find UIImageObject
@NitinGohel yes i know ...but look at the code sir ,, to add that image i ned to passs that condition
if ([NSStringFromClass([subview class]) isEqualToString:@"UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl"])
for that ..therse shud be a delete button
but i ma not getting the delete button as subview
of content view
may be i m doign something wrong
but ..i m not getting that delet button in the loop
the code is right that answer suggest compare with you code
that have to work
bcd there are lots of up vote
that have to work
unfoortunately its not working now :(
do you have a demo
then send me let me check
wait i m putting my code into a demo code .then sending it to tu
where i need to send
@NitinGohel any idea how to put textfield and button over the google map
like uber
think how do you add google map on your view controller
like by add subview right
then same thing you need to add textviled and button
or overlay view
self.view = mapView;
thats wrong
you add self.view addsuview;maview
add map view as a subview
then you can perform your task
ok and button ?
same bro
use overlayview
and add button textviled in to that view
make your view tranpereant and userentera true
otherwise you don't need
to add view you can direct add button and textf
i have added as subview
like you add map
map is not visible
make you map size equal your self.view
@NitinGohel i have shared adrop box link to ur mail id
plz check ....and let me wat i am doing wrong
and thns in advance
still having same issue
not visible
@NitinGohel u can directly download that one
ok checking
@NitinGohel any update ??
mi doing something wrong ?
i need to display three level of json data into single tableview. how to do this. Please anyone give idea geeks
@AKSH your use method is not support after ios67
@AKSH what is the min deplyment target/
just put this method
in your view controller
thats all
@AKSH are you there
@NitinGohel yes
check above code
just add this code in to your vc
you can able to change name text
add image
what ever
i have tried this too ..in this approach we need to use the image as same as the size of the apple delete image
above iOS 7 only that way
bcz other code won't work above ios7
check this
means ...in ur code you use pattern image ....for using pattern image ..i shud take the iimage of exactly same size like delete buton ..other wise it will strech the image or repate the pattern of image
well ..it for sure that ...previous approch we can use only upto ..ios 7 ?
yes i check its log
as well we did not get blast string
that we check with if condtion
ohkk ..we can check this in log ? that this code can use only upto iOS 7 ?
that not said like that
let me give you sample
hmm ok
Hello Guys
A: Change the color of default red color delete button in UITableViewCell when swiping rows or click on edit button

timothykc iOS 8 and 9 (props to this post) Note: If you are working with an existing iOS 7 project, you'll need to update the target to iOS 8 to get this functionality. Also remember to set the UITableviewDelegate. All the magic now happens here (as many buttons as you want too!!!!): -(NSArray *)ta...

I have one issue

I want to load HTML Which contains the hyperlink in UITextView
@NitinGohel also plz suggest ..is there any way so that i can find the exact Rect of the DELETE button of apple ? so that i can go for the pattern image approach ?
but i really suggest to use custom class
that save time
and work like charm
@NitinGohel hmm ok ..any sugestion for custom library ?
any link or somethign esl e?
one more thing is confusing ...why its not showing Apple's delet button as subview of the cell's content view ? i mean kahin na kahin to lagarya gaya hoga ye button cell me
@NitinGohel thnks
@AKSH might be image view me gesture use kiya honga
log per 2 hi atehe ak label or imageview
hmm ok ...well thnks ..i 'll try these library now ...dont have any option rather using this : 0
thnks u very much @NitinGohel
I have one issue

I want to load HTML Which contains the hyperlink in UITextView
@NitinGohel did u ever tried excel sheet like structure with tableview?
@RonakAdeshara why textview
why not web view/
@hacker nope
i am trying to add 6 views as a divider to a cell but auto layout making issues
can u help me
How to install tvos app on appletv for development testing? Any idea?
do you have tv os/
i mean tv
to test?
Q: Can I test tvOS apps on the AppleTV?

cardiganI'm aware the deadline for the developer kit for AppleTV has now passed some time ago. What I'm confused by is, is it not possible to test tvOS apps on the actual AppleTV itself? Is it possible to say hook up your mac with the tv device via HDMI and test it that way, like the way you do with ot...

not a webview because the I want to set it in Table View
@RonakAdeshara you are not edit taxied then bentter to use webview
there is no any issue with add in tableview
Q: Display html text in uitextview

milanjansariHow can I display HTML text in textview? For example, string &lt;h1&gt;Krupal testing &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;Customer WYWO&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h1&gt; Suppose text is bold so it display in textview as bold string but I want display normal text. Is this possible in the iPhone SDK?

other then you also do some google for getting better and best answer
I have gone through by your given link but all link are in blue
I want it in red and also blue link
see the screen shot
the html code is like

<p><a href="http://islamawakened.com/quran/16/98/default.htm" target="_blank" style="color:#c00000; text-decoration: none; outline: none; ">As commanded by God in the Qur&#39;an, I take refuge from the Devil, the accursed</a><br>
And I begin with the name of God the Merciful, Compassionate One, <a href="http://islamawakened.com/quran/16/98/default.htm" target="_blank" style="color:#c0504d; text-decoration: none; outline: none; ">in this verse.</a>
that color setting from html side
check in your html
I have share the screenshot in that I have wrong output
HTML Side is perfect , I check output in chrome
i have no idea sorry
@NitinGohel sir IOS me current location ka temperature nikal sakte he
with out third party
i am working on measuring heart rate and oxygen levels, i am finding solution for Heart rate but i failed to find the solution for oxygen levels.
please help me any one
i need solution in ios
@Rinku Have you searched anything ?
yes i searched in Google but i not yet find any source for it
Yes i could see some third party provide this, but bit worry if they will stop in the middle. and i dont know which one is the trustable
have you used this?
i mean how can we get the oxygen levels through code??
please any one respond to my question
No, but i can tell you, you can do this only with third party api
let me know the trustable one, even it is paid
may i know the third party api name?
please help me any one to my question
there is no any public api to find oxygen level
how are you sir
good evening sir
@Rinku sorry i don't know, you have to do some R&D
i am sandar zabardast zindabad
Q: Getting the weather in current location from Latitude and Longitude in iPhone

user2082055I have current location Latitude[17.382042000000000000] and Longitude[78.481727299999990000]. Is there any way find out the weather based on these Latitude and Longitude? Is there any third party free APIs for finding the weather based on these values? Can any one provide me some guidelines or U...

@Rinku you can trust on weather.com api, because google also use this.
@ChiragHirpara su kye slack lol
ya Nitin sir I was looking that on yesterday. I will look at google weather api also
thanks Sanjeet
i think yahoo also provide weather forecast api
@NitinGohel i have added map view as a subview and drag and drop textfield and button on viewcontroler but when user search for any city and click on search after that again drawing polyline on map but that time my textfield and button gone away again
something flow mismatch
Nitin sir is there any calss name "Collectionmanager" in ios
one dev told, this provides the current location temp, but i could not find it any reference on google.
why you insert subview
you must be add subview
or you can directly add from storyboard
i have added as subview but not showing map
so i have implemented with this
i was done with add subview but unfortunately my mac not working
pela slack ma puch
@NitinGohel no reply
Hi How can I set customTabBar to rootView Controller. I m using NMBottomTabBarController library github.com/priankaliz/NMBottomTabBarController
add subview karyu but pachi jyare search karu chu to map par draw nathi thatu
@user2206598 how can you set normal vc as a rootvc
same thing for tabbar
so what I need to do...?
1 message moved to Trash
don't past long line of code
use pastie or some other site for show your code
@user2206598 you need to do Google
@Gamex create strong variable for the map and use the that var for the drag line again
ok let me try if you have any demo example pls share with me
@Nitin Sorry for that can you please guide. I google but didn't find appropriate solution
first you need to check how demo is working
debug it
and then compare with your existing code how your code is setup
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 18:00

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