I found another 500 megs of files to delete, bringing my free space to 40.5 GB. Upon attempting to open the ~4.5 GB Xcode_8_beta_2.xip after freeing it up the extra space, I was able to uncompress the archive.
I'm leaving here in case someone else encounters the same problem. This version seems ...
I want to add an image background, to my navigation bar like this :
What is the code ?
Thank you
Is it right ?
//set custom background image
UIImageView *backgroundView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"NavigationBackground.png"]];
[self.navigationBar insertSubv...
@NitinGohel it should be 320 x 44 i guess wat say nititn since 20 is status bar (and take image as @2x @3x only resolution changes ) rest work fine in my app
I am using JSQMessagesViewController for sending and receiving messages.It works well for text Messages. Is it possible to send Text Message with attached Image File using JSQMessagesViewController Framework.
The attached image file should be shown, when it is clicked on. Something like this.
@Dipang its beacuse u r using Swift3 and in this version most of unnecessary code removed like NS from NSUrlsession , tableviewdelegate mthod and so on
and ALAmofire u r using not written in Swift 3 so thats y it showing conflict error
so better to stay back to < swift 3 unless all library updates itself into swift 3
else u need to create ur own custom webservice handler
the slide menu button on tabbar button is working at the time of loading . but when i am trying to sent back to this tabbarcontroller from any other viewcontroller by clicking on button, then the reveal menu button not working@ShobhakarTiwari