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@Praveen no
Good morning...
gud mrng everyone
@PayalManiyar hi
@MonikaPatel hello
U face issue like this screenshot?
when share link on FB @PayalManiyar
@MonikaPatel sorry no idea
good morning all
@MonikaPatel Okay.
Good morning
Hi Guys Good Morning
Q: An existing connection was forcefully closed by remote host

Code Worrior An existing connection was forcefully closed by remote host Hi Guys, Im working with nsurlconnecitons. When ever map is moved im updating the details to server using nsurlconnection. when ever im making a new request im actually canceling the existing connection by performing [Conneciton c...

please help me in finding solution to this question
you can also help by upgrading the raking :) thanks in advance
Hello everyone :)
I m facing an issue in xmpp. Please help me to get out of this.
Q: How to set Invitation Request Connection Timeout in XMPP Framework - IOS (Objective C)

RahulMishraHow can I set timeout in XMPP. As far as I searched I found there are two timeouts. timeout which is configurable : time during in which App tries to make connection with Server. [_xmppStream connectWithTimeout:kTimeOutForChat error:&error] Another Timeout: Timeout at whic...

Hello everyone
I m facing an issue app is taking very much time to load data from server, If I am using same webservice in other app it loads in 2-3 secs in my app it is taking 20-30 secs average any idea how to debug this
I have created a simple deeplink for my app. Will it work through fb too??
@KartikeyKumarSrivastava how are you handling the deeplink ? handeling via a web page or from within the app ?
@NitinGohel hello sir
@iShwar hello bro.
Hello everyone
Anyone worked on xmpp for chat in ios app
I need some help.
@TarunSachdeva yes. what issue are you facing ?
Good morning :)
@BoominadhaPrakashM idea about certification ? from developer account
@RahulMishra I just started working on xmpp.I just need idea how to do this. I do R&D and saw that we need to setup server first.
@RahulMishra Can you please give me some overview that how can I start on xmpp. I will be highly thankful to you.
@rameshbhuja what is the problem?
you can test without any server. see this link code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/…
after this you need to download spark to make one to one or group chat @TarunSachdeva
@BoominadhaPrakashM not getting pushnotification
Okay Let me check, Thank You @RahulMishra
in developer account i create App store/Adhoc certificate for .pem file and push
Have you tested push notification using APNS tool?
@BoominadhaPrakashM my confusion is that which option i select 1)App Store and Ad Hoc 2)Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production) ?
@BoominadhaPrakashM which option i select ?
Production for distribution certificate.
for development cert means choose sandbox.
means i select Apple Push Notification service SSL ?
@BoominadhaPrakashM ?
Are you going to create new development certificate?
i have appsotre/adhoc certificate
Hey choose AppStore/Adhoc option
After that you can configure push notification for that certificate.
i have alredy that
for appstrore rght for live app ?
not this Apple Push Notification service SSL ? rght ?
So, you have created the certificate?
yes i have
okay.. If you want to configure push notification click the App Id and edit the App Id which you are using for that production certificate
in that select push notification configurable.
Click create certificate under production SSL certificate.
It will ask the CSR certificate. Create one from keychains and upload it there.
@BoominadhaPrakashM is it ok?
Yes.. correct.
Then edit and update your production certificate again.
Now, it will enable the push notification in your production certificate.
@BoominadhaPrakashM than recreate .pem file ?
see the 2 step
i select 1 or 2 ? @BoominadhaPrakashM
You select one only..
after you have added the certificate in app id, it will generate the same certificate.
so, no problem.
yes yahi kiya he bhai...
Now, what is the problem?
you didn't receive notification?
Show me the screenshot of your production certificate.
in the certificate you should have push notification enabled.
Anyone did hold to record audio and slide to cancel functionality ?
Also, have you enabled push notification in your xcode project under Capabilities section?
Test you certificate using APNS tool @rameshbhuja
So, that you can get to know whether you have configured the certificate in right way or not.
No Idea @DarshanKunjadiya
@rameshbhuja give me gmail id.. I will share you one docs. It has the details about configuration.
Can anyone provide me good tutorial about XMPP based chat ?
@sanjeet check xmpp github
@Ranjit hello u there ?
I m trying to add subview using IBDesignable - but when i add class file in view controller gettinng error swift IBdesignable failed to update auto layout status agent crashed
@ShobhakarTiwari yeh i did checked
it is crashing on required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder) }
@Dory u need to write
override public init(frame: CGRect)
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
posted on July 12, 2016 by Johann

HDNTextField is an open source Swift component submitted by Hugo Doria providing text fields with greater customization options than UITextField. With HDNTextField you can customize the colors of the field and text, the border colors, and more whether the field is active or inactive. This makes it very easy to match the look of your […]

I have written both @ShobhakarTiwari
hello .. I have done my app (XIB based application) in Xcode 6.2 and kept the auto-layout unchecked. Now I want to open the application in Xcode 7.2 but it showing black bars on top and bottom while running. So I added a launch XIB. But all of the alignment goes wrong after adding the launcher XIB .
Have any idea for fixing this issue?
@iOS u need to add launch images for this
Yes. I added a launch image but problem occurring while running on iphone 6s plus simulator
@ShobhakarTiwari what might be any other issue
any idea.
@iOS its becasuse u dint provide launch iamges for this 6s+
chck its dimension and provide
it fix this issue
@Dory did u add any other thing in attribute inspector for @ibdesignble
@ShobhakarTiwari no i ddint
@ShobhakarTiwari this is the issue I am facing in iphone 6s plus
while I debug it is not debuging line by line
Build configuration is build still this is happening
any idea?
@iOS this is scrollview problem
@PayalManiyar have you made any changes in Build Configuration?
@BhavinRamani I think no
@PayalManiyar check in other project or make new one and check.
@ShobhakarTiwari Yes. scrollview issue. Is there any way to fix the screen as it on xcode 6? because this issue occured after exported to Xcode 7
@BhavinRamani okay
@iOS in viewdidload use self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
@ShobhakarTiwari Still issue is there :(
@iOS then its autolayout issuye
set top bottom left and right constraint
@ShobhakarTiwari mm.. but in my app autolayout was disabled.
I need to pass value in ws
"birth_year" = "Optional(\"2000\")";
breed = test;
gender = 1;
name = 2323;
but Optional is aslo going
how can i remove
@user3772344 use ! to remove optional
this way
@iOS show me scrollview frame x and y and also autoresize setting
@PayalManiyar ?
@BhavinRamani light jati rahi ti have check karu 6u
vaah su nasib chhe
@BhavinRamani I checked in other projects. Working perfect.
In my working project only not working proper. It works like release mode is set but I have set debug mode for build
compare setting of both project
@BhavinRamani okay
@BhavinRamani settings are same
@BhavinRamani done
I found solution at above link
@BhavinRamani Hi
@PayalManiyar 👍
hi @DarshanKunjadiya
@BhavinRamani thanks
@PayalManiyar you have find answer yourself so, why are you saying thanks to me?
@BhavinRamani for giving suggestion to check settings
@BhavinRamani Are you working in Swift or Objective-C ?
Objective C @DarshanKunjadiya
@BhavinRamani Bhai WhatApp ma Tap to record audio thay che evu kai karelu che ?
@DarshanKunjadiya want that effect of tap record?
Yes @PayalManiyar
@PayalManiyar I have to implement that for my chat application
delete animation
@PayalManiyar thank you so much.
@DarshanKunjadiya welcome
@PayalManiyar If you have same kind of demo for Audio recording so please give me that demo link .
no I have no @DarshanKunjadiya
@PayalManiyar@BhavinRamani Anyone know how to set button zoom while user longpress on it ?
yes with animation increase scale
@DarshanKunjadiya self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
11 hours later…
posted on July 12, 2016 by Johann

ISHHoverBar is an open source iOS component for creating hovering toolbars that can float above a UIVIew from iosphere. Floating toolbars can be seen within apps such as the iOS maps app, and with ISHHoverBar floating toolbars can be created similar to a toolbar with UIBarButtonItem’s. Toolbars an be layed out either vertically orizontally, and […]

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