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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00

posted on June 29, 2016 by Johann

Willow is an extensive Swift based logging library with a number of great features from Nike Inc. Some of the features included with Willow are: Simple to use syntax using closures Different log levels Color formatted long Multiple simultaneous writers Thread safe capabilities and shared locks and queues between multiple writers Custom formatters You can […]

2 hours later…
size classes can be used programatically ?
in iOS?
gud mrng everyone
Good morning...
Good Morning All
Good morning all :)
Good morning
Ram Ram bandhu ooo
Good Morning
@NitinGohel @Leena @DhavalBhadania @GurumoorthyArumugam @ShobhakarTiwari @Harshad @Anjan @Praveen @Sport @iApple @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)"
"Jai Shree Krishna :) :)"
"Jai Shree Ram :) :)"
Jai Mataji :)
Jai Modi Ji :)
@iShwar gm
Gm @NitinGohel
@Gamex gm
@PayalManiyar gm
@BoominadhaPrakashM haha
@NitinGohel VGM
Any swift 3 best tutorial
swift 3 b T?
Hello, what are accordian views called in swift ?
kind of expand and collapse views
gm to all @NitinGohel @iShwar @ShobhakarTiwari
@Sport gm
in swift almofire getting error = Code Sign error: No code signing identities found: No valid signing identities (i.e. certificate and private key pair) were found....any idea or suggetion ??
@DhavalBhadania it is not because of Alamofire.
@DhavalBhadania this is not almofire
its yoru codesing issue
@DhavalBhadania not from almofire ,bundle id is not in your provisional cer
open Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> select the account and click view details. Right click the provisioning profile and delete that. Download that again from your developer account.
it will solve your issue.
good mornig everyone
good mornig everyone
Good Morning everyone
@ShobhakarTiwari Please help me on this erro
push notification must be optional app rejected error
@TarunSachdeva whr u getting error from itune
or during upload
After uploading done , apple reject app @ShobhakarTiwari
apple gave the reason why your app getting rejected!!!
you have read that and fix the issue...
@TarunSachdeva in your app have push notificaiton
@TarunSachdeva it is because u have used push notificatino code bt not using i guess
so remove these register code from app delegate
he is sleeping
Good Noon
@ChiragHirpara gm sir
yo sir :D
@NitinGohel hi
@PayalManiyar he ho
Q: MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL returning nil

Sanchit PaurushI am working on a project where I need to play songs from iTunes Library in AVPlayer. For that, I am taking URL "ipod-library://item/item.mp3?id=1577682869916034242" of selected songs from ITunes Library and playing same in AVPlayer. Almost all songs get play, but for few songs MPMediaItemPropert...

there is one view having xib, h,m file
I want to use this view as subview of view of one viewcontroller(vc is in storyboard)
How can I do this?
add subview
@NitinGohel in storyboard how to do?
you can do programmatically
storyboard knows only that vc in side the storyboard
@in storyboard is there any way for achieve this?
there is no relationship between storyboard and xib
@NitinGohel hmm
you can do it programeticuly
xib one is UIView class?
if yes then in storyboard
add one viw
@NitinGohel yes
and set its custom class
as your customView
@NitinGohel thanks
in this you dont need to take nib
just .m and .h class is enough
posted on June 29, 2016 by Johann

FlightAnimator is an open source library from Anton Doudarev built upon CoreAnimation providing a feature rich natural animation engine with a clean Swift based syntax. FlightAnimator supports 31 different parametric curves, spring and decay animations, supports animation of a wide number of view properties, a chainable blocks based syntax, cached animations and more. This video […]

2 hours later…
fatal error: init(coder:) has not been implemented:
2 hours later…
can we add svg images to ios xcode?
Any idea anyone?
Hi, guys. I am stuck in stackoverflow.com/questions/38096417/…. Can anyone help me out?
@Dari already lot of answwers posted
none work in ur case !
@abhi1992 is there any special reason to add svg instead of png?
@Gamex sometimes it is required depend wat exactly ur code looks like
show me ur code
yeah none worked. I think we can't infer type to generics from return type of function. If you guys know any idea to infer type from return type of function. please do mention there. :) Thanks
Hello developer
Hey folks, I'm trying to "move" the project PhotoScroller from Apple in Swift. At a certain point the have the following function :                                                         - (void)setContentScaleFactor:(CGFloat)contentScaleFactor
    [super setContentScaleFactor:1.f];
}                                                                                                                                   I tried to change it in the following way :                                                            func setContentScaleFactor(contentScaleFactor: CGFloat) {
guys. I want to make a guitar learning app like this itunes.apple.com/us/app/uberchord-learn-guitar-chords/…
@ilesh i dont think any one do this app
Y ? any resone ?
for that app need a deep knowlage to Audio Toolbox, Audio Unit, AV Foundation, and Core Audio
all the framwork
its algoridhams
and its bit complex
instead of i want to make a guiter leanring app first you need to find out
how that recognized node
that you play from gitar and that frequency match in range
i think that logic is
first in app there is setting the all the 6 node's
parfect range frequency
and first you need to find this
someone provide me some audio data (means frequency range , etc ..) then possible to make it ..?
then you will get next idea how to chaive this
thats good
then you need to setup
the range of frequency
for example
first E A D G B E
and then you can get the voice
from its microphone
and match the frequency
greate thats the parfect matching for yoru requrement @RajeshVekariya is a macho man
so as of now just think about setting rnage
and get input from voice and match with your pre-setting range
Thanks @NitinGohel and @RajeshVekariya.
@ilesh how r u bro
after that you dont need to find anything you will get idea automatically
know me aur not @ilesh
ato sagavala nikda
then @RajeshVekariya plz add him to Slack lol
fine @RajeshVekariya
Omni Right ??
thnx nitinbhai
Great. How r u ??
@ilesh and u ?
How can I override the setter for UIView contentScaleFactor in swift? I see that Objective-C has setContentScaleFactor but I have no clue how to do it in swift
Thanks @NitinGohel . Great explanation :)
@ilesh never ask this type of que you will always get - vote
@user1640736 use extension of UIView class
okay i will take care
@NitinGohel What do you mean ? I'm new to swift. I have a class that inherits from UIView
@ilesh you have to show them some effort otherwise you give get punishment lol
ye @U
i am also new for the swift :P
@NitinGohel h r u sir ji.. ?
@rameshbhuja i am moj ma
hmm good good
Q: How does initializing UIView subclass properties affect superview's center?

egracerI'm having a problem with the graphOrigin property in my UIView subclass. When I defined graphOrigin as a computed variable, it convert's the superview's center point to this view's center point and displays the graph in the center of the screen. This does not happen when the variable isn't compu...

somethng like this
I saw that one
That one only helps with the initialisation, I wanted to change the whole setter
A: Extended UIView class using Swift

MundiSeems really simple. Cannot imagine what the problem is. Just following the code completion. class MyView : UIView { var image = UIImage() required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder) } override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: fr...

@NitinGohel hi
@NitinGohel I can't seem to find an override for the setter of contentScaleFactor, I've managed to do what I want by simply setting it over and over again but not sure how good of an idea that is
@user1640736 sorry have not much idea about
@PayalManiyar helloo
@NitinGohel need one help
@NitinGohel want to implement parallex stickview with moving tab
@NitinGohel any idea?
here are many might something help
@NitinGohel as per above images
@NitinGohel I searched over this. I think if any time you use and you know the best . That's why ask
@NitinGohel okay got the best sample code
@NitinGohel thanks for the help
hi guys
I am stuck some where in expandable tableview
i am trying to expand the tableview cell after clicking on it . and the height should be dynamic according to inner data in each cell
@PRADIPKUMAR where you stuck?
i added a custom table view in which one label is there. and i have defined there the default height and expanded height as constant value
class var expandedHeight:CGFloat{
return 300

class var defaultHeight:CGFloat{
return 55
like this @PayalManiyar
@PRADIPKUMAR where you stuck?
i want to expand it dynamically
it should not be fixed
CGSize maximumLabelSize = CGSizeMake(296, FLT_MAX);

CGSize expectedLabelSize = [yourString sizeWithFont:yourLabel.font constrainedToSize:maximumLabelSize lineBreakMode:yourLabel.lineBreakMode];

//adjust the label the the new height.
CGRect newFrame = yourLabel.frame;
newFrame.size.height = expectedLabelSize.height;
yourLabel.frame = newFrame;
A: Adjust UILabel height depending on the text

PyjamaSamsizeWithFont constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: is the method to use. An example of how to use it is below: //Calculate the expected size based on the font and linebreak mode of your label // FLT_MAX here simply means no constraint in height CGSize maximumLabelSize = CGSizeMake(296, FLT_MAX); CGS...

@PayalManiyar yah that one i was checking befor
@PRADIPKUMAR you have to return newFrame.height in expandable height
@NitinGohel hmm
lots of sample check the logic and go ahead
use self.size
that will be manage automaticully anduse autolayout
@NitinGohel ok thanks . let me check . will be touch soon
on more thing I want after clicking the data will come like a table view@NitinGohel
I have no idea how to do this. @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel do you know how to disable paste option for only one textfield in a view ?
i am not able to sent the screen shots. please first tell how to sent screen shots
then only i can make my question clearer
here you have to atleast 100 repo to send image
else you need to up on somewhere else and past link
@abhi1992 let me check
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender

if (action == @selector(paste:))
return NO;
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];

okey my bad
@PayalManiyar how can I specify a particular TF?
that cell you are talking about tap
it is not a cell its a section
so logic is
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender

if (action == @selector(paste:))
if((UITExtFeild)sener == <tag you want>){
return NO; }
return yes
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];
if all cell is not expand that listed section that look like cell
on tap on it that expand its cells
that look like tablview
@PayalManiyar let me check.
@PayalManiyar bravo
any one has knowledge about parralex header view.? how it works?
@PayalManiyar le haji su thyu
@NitinGohel you know?
ama scrollview 6e.
I beleive that scrollview only use if we want to zoom otherwise not. In past I suffered because of scrollview.
stackoverflow.com/questions/37939952 please refer the link and anyone tell how to implement this kind of view
@PRADIPKUMAR long logic
as i said
there only my screen shots are there
use that
@NitinGohel I want to use parallex header of collectionview (this collection will also have one collectionview ) so my goal will be achived
@NitinGohel let me check
bt atleast give me the idea
i already explain sir
read above some lines befor
@PayalManiyar this one is parfect
that use collectionview
@NitinGohel okay chekcing
still i am not getting any idea
@PayalManiyar use Pastie
@ShobhakarTiwari sure next time I will
actually before using expandable table view . i have some other issues
@PRADIPKUMAR see what do you pass in table row
you have to just return dynamic height

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath`

for now just leave about the height
my issue is in which container i should take all the rest data
pizza , garlic break that all make as an array and return number of section
i have taken all of it as rows
i said not asking
ok i will just change into the sections
first undastand the
logic dont be hurrying
as i said the logic is
you need to set number of section that you want to expand it's subitem,s
and in to subimage load the row
okey i am trying . thanks@NitinGohel
@NitinGohel I fetch all the pizza, garlic bread ..... values into the class model. how can i fetch it into into the "titleForHeaderSection "
var menus = [Menu]()
@NitinGohel i am fetching the value thru this . i have set the number of sections as menus.count . The exact number of sections is populating according to the value
@PRADIPKUMAR then u just need to fetch title by passing section from ur datasource
i.e- indexpath.section or section
u r storing data in array rit . just fetch data from that array in headertitle delegate
and set it
what should i return as string so that i can get the title for header section
oviously title is string
look just do one thing , just use print() method to print wat value ur geting from ur array inside delegate methdo
and then decide accordingly how to return
see i am fetching the value in menus object
@PRADIPKUMAR first of delete this code and use pastie.org
otherwise noone gona help here
i have no idea to use pastie.org. i am new to this stack flow
pastie.org open it and then paste code there and then share url here so that any1 can go through ur code easily . Got my point !
i am trying to open but it says webpage blocked .
The requested url is blocked, based on the blocking Instruction order received from the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India.
u can try other too like Pastebin etc
this one also blocked
why is it so
why not u search for it , these things u can search man on
Google , all yours
give some time
my problem has saved @ShobhakarTiwari
by using this one/// let menu: Menu = menus[section]
return menu.name
how can i make some attractive looks for section
thats y @NitinGohel told u to first try urself . if u give some time then you can solve it man . Great
26 mins ago, by Shobhakar Tiwari
@PRADIPKUMAR then u just need to fetch title by passing section from ur datasource
26 mins ago, by Shobhakar Tiwari
i.e- indexpath.section or section
@PRADIPKUMAR u have design ready or you want to design
i want to make my section view like a cell @ShobhakarTiwari
@PRADIPKUMAR then use prototype cell so that u can design it accordingly
do i need to add any custom section like custom tableviewcell@ShobhakarTiwari
no just use prototype cell
if u have no idea then go through basic tutorial of Appcoda
But i think prototype cell is used with table view cells not the sections
i want to design the section not the cell
hello @ShobhakarTiwari
has anyone worked here with custom flowlayouts?
@Ranjit hi
in collectionview u r talking about ?
yea i did in swift
say whr u stuck ?
actually i have created a project, I want to show tags for it.
I can send you the project
m in office so cant download code
oh okay
so when can we do it
u can share design and code if u wnt
through pastie
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00

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