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posted on June 28, 2016 by Johann

Swift link preview is an open source component from Leonardo Cardoso that allows you to very easily display URL previews. Swift link preview will grab the title, text, and images from a link, and layout everything neatly in the preview and place the results in a dictionary. An example is included. This image shows Swift […]

1 hour later…
gud mrng all
Good morning...
Hi @All Good Morning Anybody have idea related to this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/38052896/…
Good Morning All
good morning
Good morning all :)
@NitinGohel @Leena @DhavalBhadania @TheTiger @ShobhakarTiwari @Sport @Praveen @Anjan @Harshad @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)"
"Jai Shree Krishna :) :) , Jai Shree Ram :) :)"
Good morning
Gm @all
Good Morning All
@iShwar :)
is this your account
now a days i notice that your account use by some one else
Good morning...
hello, @Ranjit, yes
posted on June 28, 2016 by Johann

NSJSONSerialization allows you to easily convert an NSArray or NSDictionary to JSON, but does not work directly with Swift structs. Emil Loer has written a nice tutorial about how you can quickly convert a Swift struct to JSON by using a protocol and the Swift Reflections compatible with NSJSONSerialization , and also how you can […]

Anybody worked with paypal mobile sdk
Yes.. I have once upon a time...
is it ios or android? @AugustinJose
How to execute ping command for ios.?
ping -c 1 to check internet connection.
2 hours later…
any one is using AWS Api
What is the problem you are facing? @Mohit
Hi @BoominadhaPrakashM
i am using lambda method
i want to use Call Lambda function from SDK (authentification will be made with cognito SDK)
@BoominadhaPrakashM I am facing an issue in iOS side
okay in that what problem you are facing? @Mohit
what is the issue? @AugustinJose
@Mohit have you read the document given by AWS
also, try to create one support ticket in AWS regarding your technical issue. They can assist better..
@BoominadhaPrakashM NSLocalizedFailureReason=AccessDeniedException, responseStatusCode=403, responseDataSize=247, Message=User: arn:aws:sts::170670752151:assumed-role/Cognito_Klaptest_PoolUnauth_Role/CognitoI‌​dentityCredentials is not authorized to perform: lambda:InvokeFunction on resource
this is error
i have create a pool ID
In that link they are saying like

The credentials provider communicates with Amazon Cognito, retrieving a unique identifier for the user as well as temporary, limited privilege AWS credentials for the AWS Mobile SDK. The retrieved credentials are valid for one hour.
you can find my issue there
I think the futurepayments will not work in Sandbox mode
check that with production mode
check this link...
@BoominadhaPrakashM on fire :D
go green
in that, they are telling like "please make sure you have enabled future payments in APP CAPABILITIES section in applications tab at developer.paypal.com" Please check this..
Thank you @NitinGohel
Q: cordova iOS app on device is not running

SmithaI have an iOS app cordova and AJS, with grunt. But, its not running in simulator or device as its showing up blank screen <content src="index.html" /> It says: Finished load of: file:///Users/echo/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/app/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/15.....

@Smitha...r u using coredovsa
Q: MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL returning nil

Sanchit PaurushI am working on a project where I need to play songs from iTunes Library in AVPlayer. For that, I am taking URL "ipod-library://item/item.mp3?id=1577682869916034242" of selected songs from ITunes Library and playing same in AVPlayer. Almost all songs get play, but for few songs MPMediaItemPropert...

yes @Priya
@Smitha....previously i also got same issue...but it was resplved
Q: iOS Cordova app doesn't load correctly on device

blalumaHaving a problem starting my Cordova app on an iPad. The build works fine (after adding some missing Frameworks and removing the arm64 from the Valid Architecture in the Build Settings). When the app starts everything seems to work fine. Splash screen is shown and I get the console output in Xco...

check that link @Smitha
@Smitha..check the above links
@Priya In my case I am using Angular too. And it says - ile:///Users/echo/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/app/data/Containers/Bu‌​ndle/Application/15...../index.html#/ instead of just index.html
@BoominadhaPrakashM I think future payment is working for me. Profile sharing is the thing that I have problem with.
u have to check it in angular.js files
I have a view, which has some subviews labels in row.. i want if any row is hidden height of view should be decreased according to rows . Please guide me how can i achieve this.
you can achieve this in heightforrowatindexpath function @Dory
its not a table view
lemme explain
i have simpe ViewController, which has UIView as main view in which i have labels in row one after another..
so if any of label value is null
then main UIView height should be adjusted accordingly
labels are static or dynamic?
label value is dynamic.. if their value is null.. i m setting .hidden = true
no no... I am asking about number of labels ?
not values!!!
number of label is fixed 5 labels one beneath other
Then use viewDidLayoutSubviews() this function
but there can be one label value available at time.. so all other 4 label .hidden is true n height of UIView is not decreasing
there set the height for the view = sum of all labels height...
if you are setting label.hidden = true for that particular label set height = 0
how ? to set height
you are creating label programmatically?
create it as public label...
then you can use CGRectGetHeight(label1.frame) + CGRectGetHeight(label12.frame)
like this..
Hi guys
I need a little help
Q: How to populate data from class model to tableview

PRADIP KUMARMy data is coming in modal class named Menu by creating its object menus. Now How can i send the menu names to tableview to show in particular cell var menus = [Menu]() for (_, content) in json { let menu = Menu(id: Int(content["id"].stringValue), ...

you shouldn't call like this @PRADIPKUMAR
cell.Ordermenu.text = (" (menus[indexPath.row])") --> This statement you should use for loop
@BoominadhaPrakashM label are added in storyboard.. not programatically
I know here I am doing mistake
but how to sort it out.
like this
var count = 0
for menu in menus
if count != indexPath.row
//call cell.OrderMenu.text = menu.name
ok let me try. will get u in touch soon
okay @Dory
I will think and tell you @Dory
@BoominadhaPrakashM Okay...
please do help me.. I m not getting how to do in ios
hmm... sure :)
correct me if I am wrong. you have set 5 labels in storyboard. But at a time you will set only one value in one label. you will hide the remaining labels. Based on that one label you have to set the height of uiview...
@BoominadhaPrakashM at a time not necessarily one one.. depends on data i get.. it can be one, two all five or none..
@BoominadhaPrakashM Actually using your code i got only the last data in all cell
@BoominadhaPrakashM I have tried this one like let menu : Menu = menus[indexPath.row]
cell.Ordermenu.text = (" \(menu.name )")
its working but the data is in optional form. like optional(value)
then put cell.Ordermenu.text = ("(menu.name!)")
@PRADIPKUMAR add the ! symbol at the last of menu.name
it will unwrap the optional form
or you just use cell.Ordermenu.text = menu.name as! String
then can you try programmatically to add the label based on the data you get...
inside that uiview
using for loop
@BoominadhaPrakashM hie
Memory allocation increasing in instruments xcode how to solve that problem
@Dory then can you try programmatically to add the label based on the data you get inside that uiview using for loop
@BoominadhaPrakashM ooo... i need to do some rework...
@Sandeep no idea :(
but i have some specific view...with two labels with equal widht in single row.. n horizontal line beneath each row..
programmatically means set the label publicly and use that in for loop and add it as a subview of uiview
I am not much aware on how to add view programaticallly.. never done
yeah that could be one solution.. but i m nt sure on it.. havnt done
okay there is way to do this using storyboard also..
ohh woow
you can display the value randomly in any label right?
@BoominadhaPrakashM thanks its working .
@PRADIPKUMAR You are welcome :)
lets discuss tomorrow.. @BoominadhaPrakashM
I mean first value in first label, second value in second label.. like this
yeah... first arrayindex value in first label row.. second in second like wise
Yeah... then it is easy only...
I don't know why you are struggling :(
because i dont how to do
okay.. We will discuss tomorrow @Dory
in ios..
don't worry @Dory
@BoominadhaPrakashM okay.. please tell me solution.. tomorrow..
sorry :(
@BoominadhaPrakashM bbye..
Bye bye @Dory
@BoominadhaPrakashM I have used the expandable tableview . after clicking the cell it should expand. here i have define the default value and expanded value as some constant value
i have taken another tableview inside the cell
another tableview!!!
for expanding?
because inside it another data is coming in table view
Q: How to populate data into expandable tableview using storyboard in swift

PRADIP KUMARI want to add a expandable tableview . After clicking the cell it should expand an other tableview inside it. I am sharing the screen shots. Now i want after clicking the cell it should expand till the height of all data. and the view should be like this. my code is func ParseJSON...

@PRADIPKUMAR you have to just change number of rows. No need to take table in cell of table
can you please refer this one . here i have added the screens
Actually i want it will expand until the whole data from another tableview
office time overs
I will check and tell you @PRADIPKUMAR
okey @BoominadhaPrakashM
@BoominadhaPrakashM Here i have given the constant value . so its expanding but till that height only
@BoominadhaPrakashM class var expandedHeight:CGFloat{
return 200

class var defaultHeight:CGFloat{
return 55
3 hours later…
hi I have following question
I am interested in uploading our Mac cleaning utility to Apple Store.
The question I have is that if we wnt to make it an annual subscription model. Say $5.99 every year. New Apple store policy now allows you to do this.
anybody can reply me for above?
3 hours later…
posted on June 28, 2016 by Johann

LayoutKit is an open source interface layout library from LinkedIn that was created to provide increased performance over the iOS SDK’s auto layout for complex layouts in scrollable views. LayoutKit is as fast as manually laying out code, and considerably faster than auto layout, provides caching for increased performance, and layouts can be created within background […]

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