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gud mrng @BhavinRamani
Good morning
can any one look at the above question (How to Upload Multipart data of image in base64 Using afnetworking)
Ram Ram 
Good Morning All
Hi gm
any one working on coredova related project..pls let me know
@NitinGohel...hi broo...i need ur help bro...
i have issue with my framework bro..that is working fine in native app...its not working in Partner comapny Hybrid coredova related Project
could you help me pls...this is my job issue...
if i solved that issue..my job will be safe ....
Hi All Good Morning
Good Morning all :)
@NitinGohel @TheTiger @ShobhakarTiwari @DhavalBhadania @Sport @Harshad @GurumoorthyArumugam @ALL "Good Morning Friends :), Jai Shree Krishna, Jai Shree Ram "
Aao Kapala Aao
@iShwar GM :)
@TheTiger GM bro :)
bro UI not showing in iPad same working fine in iPhone
any idea ?
What is not showing in iPad? Complete view or few controls?
llolzzz @TheTiger kapala hahaha
what does it mean kapala :P
wait wait brb.. bros
@iShwar gm
:) :) :)
@iShwar Oh You don't know Kapala? Strange!! What's your DOB?
vgm @iShwar
vgm to all
Can we access the NSUserDefaults value of main project from inside a framework in ios?
Have you tried?
If its a framework it will never let you write the code
@TheTiger complete view
@GurumoorthyArumugam Using storyboard? Please check if you referenced it correctly
@TheTiger yeah i'm using size class
its done by compact and regular
that might be the issue ?
hello guys , do you know how to display the area name, based on users location.
as zomato does
heres a screenshot
so as you can see , it displays on the top
@TheTiger I made a framework for analytics.I tried it.The framework can access userdefaults value from main project.
@Ranjit you get address based on lat long
cant we use google places API for that
yes @Ranjit
but I dont get area name there
i just get address of few places
which are in that location
anyone who has been to bangalore or mumbai , it will be like, indirangar, domlur, koramangala, or in case of mumbai, it can be bandra, andheri, etc.. I want to get it this way
@RajeshVekariya: Hello
hey @Rajesh, can you please explain this
@MonishKumar hi
I am having two arrays of type CGImageRef ..want to check both are Identical... can you guys suggest how can I check this
@Ranjit u want address right ?
area or locality name
Hey Everyone. Good afternoon
@Ranjit:you can fidn placemark.locality or placemark.sublocality property
check it whether is that u need
@Ranjit plz check with your lat long i think u get from formatted_address
@MonishKumar, where to check placemark
@Rajesh i will check
@Ranjit: Inside location did update.... pass the current location to reverseGeocodeLocation method like this
CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init];
[geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:locationManager.location
completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"reverseGeocodeLocation:completionHandler: Completion Handler called!");

if (error){
NSLog(@"Geocode failed with error: %@", error);

@Ranjit: Rajesh sent the same what I am telling... please follow that approach
ok guys
let me try and get back to you
thanks a lot
@RajeshVekariya: help me to my question
@RajeshVekariya: In Swift ....I am having two arrays of type CGImageRef ..want to check both are Identical... can you guys suggest how can I check this
@MonishKumar no idea bro
Hmm ok np
HI.Any one how to add attributed text with button and set on on label
in IOS
@Anshul Attributed label or button?
on label
wanna set attibted text with button
is IT possinle
@Anshul You want to set attributed text into label and some actions. Right?
yes bro
@Praveen yes
You can set attributed text into UIButton directly and give actions.
I'm here only. Don't mention my name ;)
i don't want to give action to whole text but some part of text
is it possible?
Q: Perform action by clicking on some word in Uitextview or UILabel

anasaitaliHow can I do to perform some specific action (like showing a modal or pushing a controller) when user click on some formated/specific word in Uitextview (or UIlabel) ? I've heard about NSAttributedString but I'm not sure how to make this with it. What I want to have is the same results as the fa...

Also, this one
A: iOS UITextView or UILabel with clickable links to actions

Erik van der NeutI needed to solve this exact same problem: very similar text with those two links in it, over multiple lines, and needing it to be able to be translated in any language (including different word orders, etc). I just solved it, so let me share how I did it. Initially I was thinking that I should...

ok thanx
@PayalManiyar hi
@NitinGohel hello
bolo bolo
Nitin Bhai. One question
yes bro
Did you work with Expandable TableViewCell? If yes, can you suggest me one best solution.
i used thirdparty code
found from cocoacontrols
Which one?
anybody know about ios libraries using in coredova related project
@Priya You mean like ionic
hmm yers
As far as i know, ionic is best for hybrid development
i have one demo app from custmer..in that tone is not receiving from sender app....that was working fine in native application...
Sorry, didn't work with hybrid dev that much
customer demo app is related to the hybrid app....they are integrating my framework for receiving data by playing tone in sender app
If anything related hybrid, i don't know yaar :0
@please give idea anyone...
@Priya join other room for phonegap development, here most of the people work on ios sdk
hiya \o
@Praveen wait give yo link
@NitinGohel hii
yes sir
@NitinGohel how to set this position in tabbar
Seems like people ask you their home work or office tasks :P @NitinGohel
Don't help unnecessarily!!
if i said like this then i got respoce like you are rud n proudy
Ignore everything what hurts you, Life is about chilling.
you have 36k repo so you have ego
Only person himself knows what he is. Nobody can judge him.
Yes! In that case you should say them "Gain your own, Its mine".
@NitinGohel....bro give sol pls
If We don't proud what we got by hard working. We would not do our best next time. Its proud which encourage us to get more. Like we do in Gym.
anybody give the solution pls
@TheTiger yes agreed
@Priya no idea
@Priya You don't need to say please... If you are not getting response that doesn't means we haven't read your msg or ignored you, It means we are not capable to help you with this question. We're just like you, Know something but not everything.
@TheTiger i told her many time abuut
hmmm thanks @NitinGohel and @TheTiger
but as i said
i got very unexpected reply
Well, I personally don't like crying people.
one of reply : You might be really good technically (I'm assuming for the sake of it), but have noticed quite a few times that your comments are confronting, rude and/or unprofessional.
And a brotherly suggestion to change that attitude please.
Even GOD would not help if we'll not put our efforts. So you don't need to worry about what they think about you. :)
i loving it
Who was that guy?
Arrange a meeting with me ;) 
he koi jane do kaha fir se chalu karna sab kuchh
he kidding with one of chat name
i tel him we are not your servent
and i got this reply
Ha Ha
Truth is bitter.
Me also going for kLunch
Dhuan Dhuan
@BhavinRamani Thanks. I was away from my desk
:31074402 Thanks bhai
@GurumoorthyArumugam Hi. How are you?
@Praveen Good thanks
how about you ?
Yeah fine bro
Hello, I have implemented Reveal View controller for navigation drawer. i want to open a popup dialog on click to a menu option. Can anyone guide me how to do it
popup dialog ? where you want to open ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam hello, i have logout menu in navigation drawer.. on click to "Logout" i want to open a popup dialog for logout confirmation.
i am not having idea on how to do that..
Like this popup?
@NitinGohel hi
@Dory looks like your android developer ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam yeah... true that... android dev... recently trying hands-on ios
@Praveen yeah something like that
@PayalManiyar yo
@Dory but android dev can't trying hands on google how to show alert
@NitinGohel i knw there is alertviewcontroller to show alert dialog.. my ques is logical
@NitinGohel pod use karia to app no load vadhe?
@Dory how does it logical
when you click on left menu option
that is a tableview
you have its delegate method
on click to menu there is navigation to other view controller done in storyboard
that fire on you click of cell
i dont know how to do that in which view controller
in menuview controller
@NitinGohel if we use pod, will it increase load on App?
then how do you chagne centerviewcontroler by selecteing manu itmes from left menu
@PayalManiyar nope
@NitinGohel okay
@PayalManiyar its good to manage thirdparty libarary
@NitinGohel have you used?
@Dory alright, where is your logout button its in Menu view controller or your front view controller
and create model.
I am thinking about whather it will create load on app or not?
@PayalManiyar nope i didn't
okay.. on click to table cell, i can get its delegate in menuview controller and show alertview controller there right???
@GurumoorthyArumugam logout is in menuview controller.. as table cell.
@Dory yes you can show in menuviewcontroller
Q: UIAlertView first deprecated IOS 9

BuxI have tried several ways to use UIAlertController,instead of UIAlertView. I tried several ways but I cannot make the alert action work. Here is my code that works fine in IOS 8 and IOS 9 but is showing up with deprecated flags. I tried the elegant suggestion below but I can't make it function ...

use UIAlertController
@GurumoorthyArumugam yaayy its done..
UIALertView is not necceray to implement.. for backward compatbility
2 hours later…
@DevangGoswami wow great
Ram Ram 
See you on monday!!
any one has done both billdesk and google analytics in a single project
i am getting linker error..
@NitinGohel once you free please poing me. i want to know one concept
Guys , any way to get the font size set by the user in his/her device.

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