This is screen shot from postman client .that api is working what is issue in my code how to set response and request .
i am making a post request in objective c using the AFNetworking 3.0 but request response bad request (400)
this is the errors
{ status code: 400, headers {
@snehalrokade I have one issue that I receive images from server,and now I have to display them on my imageview.what is the best way to keep propertion on images
EasyPeasy is an open source Swift library from Carlos Vidal providing a very concise, and readable syntax for working with auto layout. EasyPeasy provides position and dimension attributes that you can apply to your views, attribute classes for all the NSLayoutConstraint attributes, priorities, conditions, and restraints so you can control how the attributes are applied. […]
FoldingCell is an open source component from RAMotion providing a custom UITableViewCell that neatly expands to show another container view. FoldingCell cell’s expand with a neat unfolding animation, and the foreground cell view, and the container view are both set up within interface builder. This animation from the readme shows Folding Cell in action: You can […]
" For a resizable image with cap insets, those insets affect the final appearance of the image. Specifically, cap insets define which parts of the image may be scaled and in which directions. You can create a resizable image that stretches using the resizableImageWithCapInsets:resizingMode: method of UIImage. When using an image of this type, you typically set the image view’s content mode to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill so that the image stretches in the appropriate places and fills the image view’s bounds. "
@PallaviNikumbh that's fine, I guess, even if you wanna you Wiki's sample code...if the WTC file is integrated well.
The redirect URL points to a video?
I hope I have made you understand by now that this Border means that Wiki's SDK has recognised a Target (image/whatever).. Now if it has, it should redirect to the Redirect-URL instantly upon recognising it.!!
So, if it ain't redirecting you to the URL......then check the area you giving this URL....something's not right there..
Going for lunch BRB ;)
@MichaelDautermann Sir.......we need ur presence.!!
as i give u code on past bin. in that code when view is appear then i set the ExternalRenderer instance to wikitude's startRenderLoopWithRenderBlock method
and set the WTC file path to WTClientTracker which retrieve there image targets from a .wtc file .
which is configured for 2d tracking
and when it recognised the target image then it draws the border rectangle.
I used this function to disable the editingstyle for indexPath.row = 0 func tableView(tableView: UITableView, editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCellEditingStyle { }
@PallaviNikumbh I guess, the video should be available on a server. Pass the link, and it should run on the browser. 'cuz otherwise, I donno if Wikitude gives you option to store videos at their end..
I am working in XMPP Application.
When I terminate and kill My Application than,
1)User is Not Connected In XMPP Server. User is Offline. But I want User is Connected and Online. Like Whats App(Appliction).
2)I can't get Any Messages From XMPP Server Side at that time,
- (void)xmppStream:(XMP...
MPParallaxView is an open source example from DroidsOnRoids implementing the AppleTV parallax effect in Swift on iOS. MPParallaxView shows how to create a similar parallax effect with touch based control and accelerometer based control. You can also tweak some of the parameters within interface builder to see how they change the effect, and you can […]
Virtual Game Controller is an open source library from Rob Reuss that replaces Apple’s Game controller framework adding a wide variety of features while still supporting MFi profiles. Virtual Game Controller works on iOS Devices, Apple TV, and the Apple Watch. Some of the great things you can do with VirtualGameController: – Support large numbers […]