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posted on April 12, 2016 by Johann

Arranged from Alexander Grebenyuk is an open source library for easily collection view layout created as a replacement for UIStackView with support for iOS 8+ and for tvOS. Arranged supports all UIStackView layouts with alignment, distributions, spacing and other UIStackView parameters for easily laying out your views. Arranged also supports animation and generates the same […]

3 hours later…
Good morning
Good Mornings :)
very good morning everyone
Good Morning :)
Good Morning :)
Morning all
Hello everyone, I have a problem. If you could check my post I would be appreciated. Thank you! stackoverflow.com/q/36573325/2622013
@GöktuğAral First change the greenview and logout button alpha value to 0.0 in viewwillappear function.
after some delay call some function. In that function change the alpha value of greenview and logout button alpha value to 1.0
@AshishKakkad @NitinGohel @Leena lets prepare for it facebook.com/DanzilThomasPhotography/videos/1126448980740197
hello everyone
wen i import .p12 file
in keychain
i get invalid certificate issuer
i tried deleting n adding it again
and bcz of this i m not able to create the build
Delete the apple account from Xcode -> preferences -> Accounts and add that again.
also download the particular developer/distribution certificate from your apple developer account and install it again.
then try it.
hey @skt
hey @SKT
no it didnt worked
in keychain it is showing
invalid issuer
i hv resetted the keychain items
now i m not able to add any certificate to it
do you have backup .p12 file with the secret keys.?
Could you import that..
Can you tell me the exact error you are getting?
Hello All
I Need Some Help....How Can I Drag Annotation (Map Pin) From One Point To another in MKmapView
The Adding Process Is All Good After Pin Drop Down On The Map....I want To Drag That and Change That Place Just like Google Map Anyone....???? Thx in Advc
good noon bro
i have small doubt
have u any idea plz tell me
Q: How do i write Blood Type in Health kit in iOS

satyai have a health kit object with all the proper setup, however i am trying to write a Blood type data. i.e Date of Birth, sex, Blood Type and Fitzpatrick Skin Type.. area of Health kit, however, i can’t find that type in HKQuantityTypeForIdentifier. How do i write Blood type to health kit in objec...

posted on April 13, 2016 by Johann

IQAudioRecorderController from Mohd Iftekhar Qurashi providing an open source iOS user interface component for recording audio, playing back recordings and cropping audio. IQAudioRecorderController supports .m4a audio, and supports easy color theming. The interface supports easy audio selection similar to iMovie style movie cropping and wave form audio visualization. You can control the length

posted on April 13, 2016 by Johann

Keith Elliot is an in-depth tutorials on understanding the 3 Swift Collection Types Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries. In the tutorials Keith provides a nice guide on how you can create and use the different types, and how you can use them to help improve your current classes. You can find the tutorial in 3 different […]

Hi guys!
Push notifications are not coming in iOS 9 device while working fine in below version.
Anybody has done the pushnotifications in iOS 9?
the certificate is from invalid issuer @BoominadhaPrakashM
@pooja_1205 can please go to developer account and check the certificate is valid or not
yes it is valid
i hv exported the p12 to other mac
there in key chain it is showing from invalid issuer
@pooja_1205 Check this link

You have download the latest WWDR certificate and remove the existing expired certificate from keychain access.
i hv latest WWDR
Because once upon a time I too faced this problem. I followed that steps, that solved my problem.
Try that steps once again anyway.
Q: Receiving duplicate push notification ios9

iPhoneI am receiving the same push notification twice in iOS9, although it is working fine in iOS8. I have used the following code to register with push notifications: #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 80000 if ([application respondsToSelector:@selector(registerUserNotificationSettings:)]) { ...

This solved my issue
solved ?
@Leena have u any idea about health kit app?
Q: How do i write Blood Type in Health kit in iOS

satyai have a health kit object with all the proper setup, however i am trying to write a Blood type data. i.e Date of Birth, sex, Blood Type and Fitzpatrick Skin Type.. area of Health kit, however, i can’t find that type in HKQuantityTypeForIdentifier. How do i write Blood type to health kit in objec...

if u have any idea plz tell me
check this link
nope I don't have idea about healthkit
ok thank u
@Surya I didn't work on Health kit before :(
ok bro thank u
can any one help me - How to deep link from Facebook AppPage ''Use_App" to application?
@Leena Yes
Don't know why apple make so many changes
i think this group is only for certain people i think. because i asked here,lot of times. but people are not even responding.
@DeeprajChowrasia ya say
The issue is not with Group. Issue with me. Sorry hereafter i won't Enter in this Group.Maybe if i put my Name is Some Girl name. people may respond here.
@TheTiger ya i did
Any one having any experience with video playback and getting video dimensiond from url?stackoverflow.com/questions/36590883/…
Q: How to get video dimensions from a video url iOS?

abhi1992I am creating custom video player using AVPlayer in ios (OBJECTIVE-C).I have a settings button which on clicking will display the available video dimensions and audio formats. Below is the design: so,I want to know: 1).How to get the available dimensions from a video url(not a local video)? ...

@iTag @SKT @TheTiger @Surya Hi. I have problem to define macro in swift.

func CPrint(message: String, function: Any = #function) -> Void {


print("\(message): \(function)")


But this is crash in production build.
@Leena any idea?
@abhi1992 Hi.
Hi @Dips.
@abhi1992 can you saw my Above problem?
@Dips You have any crash message?
No. Its only happen in production build.
There should be an error message right?
Production build should not be an issue here.
May be iOS version of device
@Dips use function to create macro
and use default parameter for values
@Dips You can simply change this log function with working code.
I check with my device log pastie.org/private/ow8jlcxi8rnvyzeu3wfxtw
posted on April 13, 2016 by Johann

Pulsator is an open source Swift based UI component from Shuichi Tsutsumi that provides a customize pulsing animation great for map annotations, and also for illustrating signals for bluetooth or beacons. With Pulsator you can customize the number of pulses to repeat the size of the pulse, the speed of the pulse, and the pulse […]

Hello how can i upload my IPA to testflight.. I had build IPA with archive
@NitinGohel @TheTiger @AshishKakkad @Dips @SKT
@SunnyShah upload ipa to itune and have a look this link stackoverflow.com/a/28826267/3400991
@TheTiger @SKT - pastie.org/10796005 Check
@all any one experience in Quickblox chating feature?
@Dips A better way to avoid this headache you can use objective-C DLog function in Objective-C-BridgingHeader
@Dips and one important thing is that you are using macors in swift. swift language doesn't support macros.
@SunnyShah jsut upload app on itunesconnect
with adhoc or distribution
and then after its processing in testFlight tab
@TheTiger ya. U r right. But Sorry I use this word for understanding
yuo can add this version as a test
let a = 2
let a = 3
@Dips Have a test ..... just print a static msg in both condition
vah kya bat he
@TheTiger Did you fix that Push Notification issue?
@Praveen Yup
Apple is mad sometimes
i have solved that issue which i was asking u yesterday @skt
about navigation bar
Q: How to get the available video dimensions/quality from a video url iOS?

abhi1992I am creating custom video player using AVPlayer in ios (OBJECTIVE-C).I have a settings button which on clicking will display the available video dimensions and audio formats. Below is the design: so,I want to know: 1).How to get the available dimensions from a video url(not a local video)? ...

Can anyone help me with this?
Any hint?
@TheTiger How did you solve that?
Even, i'd the same.
Just change the code to register the remote notification
I posted the link above
Please check it... Just use the same code what is in question
PEM file and server code is fine..... It took my lots of time.
Hi Guys,
Here is an interesting question.
Can we remotely control iOS device from PC / Browser ?
Hello Guys,
Can anyone try a short demo on Augment reality ?
I have search on it and try to do short/simple demo but it can't works...
Please help me out how can i do this?
@NitinGohel @Leena @AshishKakkad @MichaelDautermann
Hi Pallavi!
I have worked on an AR based PoC
Hi @Pushpinder
please help on that
We were using Wikitude SDK (wikitude.com)
ahh... i have checked this wikitude SDK
What's your application/use-case like?
We were using it to market some of our Enterprise products. We'd submit Posters of the products in the Target Manager of Wikitude and provide a URL to which it will be redirected to, once the Poster is scanned..
I want a simple application that image recognization
or location based
for poster scanning can you used wikitude app?
Yes, that's what I'm saying I used it for....
So, scanning posters is kind of image recognition only, right..
Did you try their demo? (wikitude.com/try)
by using their wikitude app I was also created a short demo
but for image recognition it is necessary to use wikitude app
But I want my separate app for image recognition
Yes, I have try their Demo
Arey nahi nahi..
Try this:
Go create your account
Get 30 day trial/free access
(to their limited functionality)
- Image Recognition being one of it
Create your app
Integrate their SDK in to your project using the Wikitude app credentials (key, secret, etc.)
Add 2-3 posters in the Target Manager and provide the necessary details
Run your app and scan the same posters/images
and you've an (interesting) demo!
Buzz me if you face any issues.. -[ although its been months I used it ;) ]-
actually i have registered on it
and they mail me the Wikitude SDK Trial License key
@PallaviNikumbh sorry i have no idea about :(
and i used this License key in their sample projects.
It's ok nitin. @NitinGohel
Yeah, so try that like I said
@Pushpinder Need your help on
how can i get Wikitude app credentials (key, secret, etc.)
I have only License key
Hello @Pushpinder
Yeah, hi...
How did you get the License key?
After logging in to the Wikitude website, right?
hi everyone
can i post a technical question here?
@Pushpinder Yeah, right
I got License key
2 hours later…
@TheBird ya sure
Hello @Pushpinder
Anyone here? I have a strange issue.NSLog is not printing anything in the debug area after appdelegate.any idea?
good evening
i have small doubt
Q: Displaying Menstruation Details in Health Kit App in iOS

satyaI have a health kit object with all the proper setup; however, I am trying to retrieve the menstruation data of health kit. However, I cannot be able to find out the corresponding type in HKQuantityTypeIdentifier (i.e. HKCategoryValueMenstrualFlow). The HKCategoryValueMenstrualFlow is having...

if u have any idea plz tell me
Hey, got stuck @PallaviNikumbh :)
So you got the License Key after logging in to the Wikitude account.
yes i got it
There should a "Projects" tab/section.. Go there and create a new application.. You'd get API Secret or SLT (something like that)..
Rest, you'd need to create (viz. Session ID n ol)
It's simple....There's a button tapping on which a Session ID's created at that moment..
Hey wait wait
first tell me where is the "Projects" tab/section
Gimme ur credentials quickly
posted on April 13, 2016 by Johann

There has been a lot of talk lately about Swift support being added to Android, and a Pull Request has been merged into the main Swift branch adding and Android target. Late last year Zhuowei Z mentioned on the Swift mailing list that he was working on a port, and posted his code to Github […]

Quickly dear... Gotta go for a meeting... :)
See on this pastebin
1. I donno how you got to that page
hey need help
3. Login w/ these creds
4. You'd land in the "Target Manager"
5. Tap the "Add Project" button and proceed
In the Trial version, you can probably create only two projects
I've created one for you.....you may edit that only
As I mentioned earlier, you'd need to add images you want Recognition and/or Tracking for..
These are "Targets" in Wikitude's vocab
Simply tap "Add Target" and add images.. give details as mentioned earlier
6. You'd then need to generate a WTC file - which is like a moderator between Wikitude and your App.
Does anyone know where to buy App Icons for little money?
@Pushpinder, thanks I will try now
Also, iconfinder.com - but that's probably only what you see there.......but on Fiverr you can request particularly what you want
@Pushpinder ok i will do it now
WTC part is a bit tricky...lemme know if you need help..
yah @Pushpinder
thanks bro
@Surya dude, not in to HealthKit as of now :)
Anytime @JVS :)
@PallaviNikumbh Added two targets, FYI
@Pushpinder two targets?
ok got a point
1 hour later…
Earthquake!! :O
Yes, two targets @PallaviNikumbh
Hello @Pushpinder
I have create the two targets
and also genetate WTC file
then what is the next step?
r u there @Pushpinder
hi i am getting error
Q: status code: 400, headers in afnetworking3.0 in ios

jace This is screen shot from postman client .that api is working what is issue in my code how to set response and request . i am making a post request in objective c using the AFNetworking 3.0 but request response bad request (400) this is the errors { status code: 400, headers { "Cache-Cont...

any one can help me
posted on April 13, 2016 by Johann

DynamicButton is an open source Swift component From Yannick Loriot providing a number of toolbar buttons with neat transition effects like the hamburger button animation. DynamicButton currently includes 24 different buttons, and the animations are seen between each button.  You can customize the width of each button stroke, and the colors. Here is an image […]

5 hours later…
posted on April 13, 2016 by Johann

For this year’s F8 conference Facebook has decided to open source write a series of tutorials on how they used the React Native framework to create and open source the F8 conference guide app. The tutorials provide insights into how the app was designed, how they integrated data into the app using Parse server, how […]

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