hey everyone , i have a scrollview and i have ten imagesview which i added programmatically to create horizontal image filiper and also m adding imageview.useriinteractionenabled along with added tapgesture but only first imageview with tapgesture selector working not all .
Before downvote have a look following consideration :
Scenario is i have imageview which i have added inside a scrollview and then tapgesture added on each imageview but only first one imageview firing event .
Have tried following :
1. Created Extension of imageview
extension UIIm...
I have requirement is video should play Portrait inline , full screen , landscape. My problem here is how to identify the video is playing full-screen landscape or Portrait. I have implemented viewWillTransitionToSize method. But AVPlayer has full-screen arrow button. How i can identified user cl...
Last week I mentioned KZLinkConsole an Xcode plugin adding clickable links within the debug console allowing you to jump to the corresponding line in your source code. Here’s an Xcode plugin called Crayons that allows you to share palettes from your source code files and use them in Color Picker from Fabio Ritrovato. Colors are […]
I try to get authorization to save samples of type HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBodyMass: and HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth
i am writing like this:
NSArray *readTypes = @[[HKObjectType characteristicTypeForIdentifier:HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth]];
NSArray *writeTypes = @[...
@Leena If we are downloading a file using AFNetworking in case if internet get lost. Will the process gets suspend automatically. Or we need to implement ???
myAnnotation.image=[UIImage imageNamed:[imageNameArray objectAtIndex:(index)]]; here my inedx values are 0,2,4,6 but it is always taking image at index 6
Then put this line outside of for loop and try to replace the index with index1 myAnnotation.image=[UIImage imageNamed:[imageNameArray objectAtIndex:(index)]];
I have an application with a process reading a .m3u8 file located in server and parse it. Then, later download chunk .ts files using AFNetworking 3.x
- (void)downloadChunks:(NSMutableArray *)streamingChunks directoryPath:(NSURL *)path{
for (NSInteger i=0; i<streamingChunks.count; i++) {
I have an application with a process reading a .m3u8 file located in server and parse it. Then, later download chunk .ts files using AFNetworking 3.x
- (void)downloadChunks:(NSMutableArray *)streamingChunks directoryPath:(NSURL *)path{
for (NSInteger i=0; i<streamingChunks.count; i++) {