I am new to iOS. I wanted to set global URL so that i can anywhere in iOS but don't know how to access in other files.
good morning
I've set extern NSString* const loginWS in AppDelegate.h and NSString* const loginURL = @"http://www.google.com"; in didFinishLaunchingOptions in AppDelegate.m
I want to do this way stackoverflow.com/a/7081703/1226882 but i want to set global value in app delegate.m on didfinishLaunching option so that i can use whenever required
Define the variable in AppDelegate.h file. Create a property in .h file
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *str;
Then synthesize in AppDelegate.m file;
@synthesize str;
Later define a variable in you project prefix.pch file
#define DELEGATE ((AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplica...
@droid_dev this will help you to set in app delegate
@ShobhakarTiwari i c it. bt still get error like this =>[UINavigationController setOAuthToken:oauthVerifier:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fcc32e850f0
Your HomeViewController not look like a "rootViewController", as @nst mentioned.
One possible solution is use delegate to call setOAuthToken method.
For this particular example you files will change as
Declare a delegate of HomeViewController in AppDelegate.h after @interface
i have one requirement that, I am using the PanGesture to change the view background to green when user dragging the view and once user stop dragging i have to change the view background color to red. How to Do that, I know we can use the dragging state UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded. This is calling once user lift his finger from the view but i want to know when user stop dragging on the view with out lifting the finger.
Add the following code in the info.plist, below the first tag
Can any one help me out with UITableView animating issue.
By default we have animation for deleting cell and reordering cells in UITableView.
Can we have animated adding cell, if so how to do it.
I have checked out Three20, did not not get how twitter has done the table expand animation under ...
Some tricks that I use frequently:
Control + drag from one view to other to set constraint:
Command + Option + Equal to update frame
Double click on constraint in size inspector to show detail of constraint and its ...