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Anyone who could help me with a base64 image string from php to a UIImageView?
3 hours later…
@MichaelDautermann yea i had . thanks
1 message moved to VOID
good morning Eveyone
Good Morning @ShobhakarTiwari @iAsmi @AshishKakkad @Rinku @NitinGohel @PallaviNikumbh @MayankPatel bhai @all
Good Mornings :)
Good Morning
Hi.. @DevangGoswami ..
GM all...
@ShobhakarTiwari @AshishKakkad GM Bro.....
@BlackbirdSR-71 VGM
@NitinGohel @Leena @DivineDesert @TheTiger @ShobhakarTiwari @DhavalBhadania @sanjeet @iApple @DevangGoswami @BlackbirdSR-71 @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)" Jai Shree Krishna, Radhe Radhe, Jai Shree Ram, Sat Shree Akaal :) :), Good Day Ahead!!
@iShwar GM JSK...:D
@iShwar vgm .
@ShobhakarTiwari : kese ho babuva :)
bus ISHWAR ki kirpa hai
hahahahaa lolzzz :P
@ShobhakarTiwari bus ham par nahi hai "iShwar" ki kripa :D :P
GM @iShwar
@iShwar aap to khud ishwar ho
Gm @ShobhakarTiwari
@iShwar Ram Ram bhai 
@TheTiger "Jai Shree Ram bro :)"
gm to all
Hi.. I am facin this error,, while using SEARCH BAR function,, in SWIFT 2.0,,
Samcode working in 6.4,,,
can any one help me on this?
@iMinion mrning
@NitinGohel mrng sir
@TheTiger namaskar sir jee . bde dino baad
@TheTiger Gud morning
@ShobhakarTiwari Haan bhai .... busy time chal raha hai
@McDonal_11 show me normaltuple data
@iMinion Good Morning
long time @TheTiger
var normalTuple: [(name: String, code: String, image: UIImage)] = []
@McDonal_11 under filter the clousure u defined is wrong
how to do in sw_2???
@McDonal_11 probably u r fetching specific data from tuple using clousure so better to look tupple filtering in swift2.0 post first
ok thanks.. i ll..
@McDonal_11 otherwise u can go with structure also in swift struct is very powerful
very good morning @ShobhakarTiwari @NitinGohel @AshishKakkad @iShwar @DevangGoswami @Sport @ALL
@iAsmi gm
kese ho bhai ji
@iAsmi ek dam wadiya
are waa
ok ..
@iAsmi :)
@iAsmi gm
waa waa waaa jii
@iMinion Yup :)
Good Morning Everyone....
i was successfully able to create an overlay view (UIImage) to be shown on Camera - and set the image to it through camera controls.... after the image is set to my image view, the camera should open as earlier but its not...something silly is being missed out by me.... i even tried to initialise the picker in the didFinishPicking delegate but it didn't worked....
heres my code : http://pastie.org/10677124
@TheTiger : Hey...if you could give you substantial input the way you did the other day would be really helpful...m sure missing something silly....
@iCodeAtApple Sorry but not getting you properly
@iCodeAtApple pastie.org not working try other
friends i need information
if anyone free please help me
I wanted to add an ImageView to the camera overlay... thats done...now when i take the picture through camera and click on user photo button, i am able to add the clicked picture to the image view in the didFinishPicking delegate...but after that the camera should open in the background and the my image should be on the camera overlay... but its not happening @TheTiger
@ShobhakarTiwari ok i am going to google it ,if anyproblem i will come here :) ,done bro
@ShobhakarTiwari : this is fine ?
GM to @all
@Imran VGM
@iCodeAtApple yup
@iCodeAtApple - Got it. This requirement doesn't seem to fit with UIImagePickerController camera, You need to make a CustomCamera using AVFoundation Framework and just stop and start the camera while capturing the image.
This is the tutorial from where I learnt my first custom camera.
@ShobhakarTiwari GM sir
Gm to ALL
@TheTiger : Ohh...is it so... :O
will go through the tut right away ... . Thanks a ton !!!
Good Luck
Thanks :)
i created nsmutablestring ,appending other string on particular condition , but if this condition won't fullfil then returns (null ) and im unable to check when it's null , tried all workaround available @ShobhakarTiwari @TheTiger
Show Code @iDeepak
@TheTiger pastie not working , another option ?
Ha Ha
Nothing is working for you... Your destiny is not with you
If you google there so many options to share the code.
@iDeepak vgm . use pastebin
if (![tfMRD1OD.text isEqualToString:@""] || ![tfMRD1OD.text isEqual:nil])
Wrong way
just check tfMRD1OD.text.length > 0
and BTW it should be && operator instead of ||
It should be neither the text should be empty nor nil
same mistake here if (![btnMRD1.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:@""] || ![btnMRD1.titleLabel.text isEqual:nil])
@TheTiger let me try your suggestion , yes i want this "It should be neither the text should be empty nor nil"
@TheTiger main issue it always appends "MRD 1"
For Array it is enough to check array.count > 0 and for String it is enough to check text.length
I don't know your condition but make sure you need if, if, if or if ,else if and else if
condition is just when upperMRD1OD is empty or null it won't append MRD1 but it always does this
upperMRD1OD.length > 0 append it else don't append
Q: PayPal integration with wrong information then also get approved payment using card

JAGATI am working on PayPal integration with Objective C. I have done the integration of PayPal iOS SDK 2.12.9. My app is working fine with payment using Email, But i face the problem while i am using payment with credit card. I am insert current card number and incorrect expire date and security code...

pastebin.com/cvtxkbAu app is crashing at this point due its still contains null
if ([upperMRD1OD isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && upperMRD1OD.length > 0) {
// it has value
else {
// It doesn't have value
I think this is enough to understand
it still won't work i found issue
if (!btnMRD1.titleLabel.text.length > 0 && ![btnMRD1.titleLabel.text isEqual:nil]) {
NSLog(@"DS T%@ ",upperMRD1OD);
[upperMRD1OD appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@",btnMRD1.titleLabel.text]];
this button contains titile by default ,
now added this line [btnMRD1.titleLabel.text isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] fixed now thanks alot
@NitinGohel sir ji GM and kaise ho
Gm too sir
good morning :)
@Leena Namaste Madam Ji
Hi Any one working with swift 2.0
gud afternoon to all :) :)
I have "var store : [String:AnyObject] = jsonData.valueForKeyPath("storesCompleteResponse.storesComplete") as!NSDictionary as! [String : AnyObject];"
can any one help here to get data from store
i am unable to fatch data from store
posted on January 08, 2016 by Johann

I’ve mentioned a number of components for displaying and manipulating video such as the ICGTrimmer video trimming component mentioned early last year inspired by Instagram. Here’s an open source Swift component submitted by Danil Gontovnik allowing the user to easily drag to rewind in a video inspired by the periscope app called Periscope-VideoViewController. With the […]

How to get height and width of images from image url before download?
because i want to display images in collection like pintrest in iOS.
Please help me...
@iOSGuru you have to download sure to get the height and width of the images
@Ron ya
you need to check and downcast before getting data
@Ron use this way pastebin.com/WWVWBJgS
no need to force unwrapping
@ShobhakarTiwari i need one help
@Yohan ya say
Am adding viewController's view as subview in UIwindow
but event is not triggering form the controller
any idea how to handle
@iOSGuru download image and then you can adjust content using autofil and fit etc using xib or programmatically
@Yohan as first screen in appdelegate
Nope already i added floating button in window
when i press am doing this pastie.org/10677243
@Yohan [[((AppDelegate*)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate) window] addSubview:subview]
this way add
I tried that view is getting added but when i press buton action not triggering :/
@Yohan where u have added selector
ControlsViewController is a xib and selector added there
Am just adding that ControlsViewController's view as subview in UIWindow
@ShobhakarTiwari i want to look like pinterst .
@Yohan lots of answer available regarding this stackoverflow.com/q/29335779/3400991
@iOSGuru not getting . wat u want
@Yohan hii bro.. h r u ??
@BlackbirdSR-71 Fine bro
@Yohan after so long time ??
same to you
yeaah been busy with work
i want to look of collectionview like pintrest.
In pintrest set size of cell before download image.
@iOSGuru you need to talk to ur designer for this .
@Yohan hm hm.. keep it up... bro...
@ShobhakarTiwari already design is ready.
@iOSGuru then u should follow the size proposed by designer
@ShobhakarTiwari but dynamically get images from server. and my collection cell height depend on images(comes from server not in standard size)
@iOSGuru then u should ask ur serside guy to send image size with image info
so that u can use adaptive layout to show dynamicaly
@ShobhakarTiwari Okay thanx
@NitinGohel there?
Hey Guys!
@Leena yes
have you added pods in your internal libraries
one time i do
I have done no reasearch as of now
going through all the links
did you check my article
so if you have some tutorial link or something that will work
I have checked how to add other libraries with pods
I want to integrate pods in my current librayr
you mean create your own pod
ohh not i never did this befor
let me try then
@NitinGohel Great Tutorial.
Hey @AshishKakkad! long time brother.
Did any of you used FireBase/PubNub?
yeah i am going through that
Thanks @anishparajuli
hi any one can help me setting span in Mkmapview programmatically in objective-c
@JAGAT dont forget to accept the answer :)
1 hour later…
I want make like that
i want make application just i want to do 2 Dies rotate randomly
display dies values
1 hour later…
Hello, I am setting the snooze in local notification. it's done but have problem start time and end time of snooze.
@AshishKakkad @DevangGoswami @NitinGohel @Leena @ShobhakarTiwari
Please help me for that
If i have set start time is 7:00am and End time is 7:15am. my alarm is ringing and showing me banner with 'Snooze" and 'Ok' button.
And problem ?
I was set the snooze time 1min means the ringer will be ringging up to 1min
but how can i stop the snooze at my end time
Bye Bye All
matlab agar user snooze ko 7:00 am se 7:15am tak snooze karta raha. or usane 7:15am ke bad bhi snooze kiya to wo set hona nahi chahiye
@AshishKakkad bye bye
please any one help me on that :(
Can I please check your query on Monday ? @PallaviNikumbh
Sorry for that :(
Hi Friends
can we have multiple IAPs in single app
@DevangGoswami ok, but tomorrow is my submission :( .
ok i will try to solve this
3 hours later…
hey mates anyone knows how to solve this?
Q: PFQuery categorizing results into multilevel arrays

JVSI am trying to do a multiple PFQuery and storing the data properly. My plan is to query for group members in my Group I am looking for the key member. It gives me an array of objectIds. Then I want to query in my _User class for their picture with key firstImage. Displaying the data is not the p...

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