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Good Morning @all
Good morning @NitinGohel @AshishKakkad @ShobhakarTiwari @Sport
@DevangGoswami @Leena @ALL
Good Morning @iAsmi
gm all
who has bitcoins?
I want to buy 5$ to try
gm to all
@iAsmi @NitinGohel
very good morning Everyone
Good morning @ShobhakarTiwari bro
@ShobhakarTiwari GM! Brother
Hii Ashish howz doing?
doing great
@NitinGohel walekum salam Mahasay !
Shreeman Apko bhi salam ala
1 hour later…
good morning :)
@Leena gm
@ShobhakarTiwari you stay in delhi na ?
@Leena good morning
how is odd even going in delhi
morning Kakkad
yesterday in rajeev chowk its overflowing
but today somehow it is manged by providing school busses for transportation
but traffic jam come down 70%
good move i think
@Leena You are asking about traffic!! in delhi !
nope she is asking about #oddeven
Ashish babu
ok this is situation of odd to even :)
@ShobhakarTiwari will see after 1_2 month
how much car raised in delhi
bcz reach poeple goign to by new car
and if they have odd number then for buy even number they give extra rs
to corporation
so that make a new way to raise income to police and gov
ya but i think most of the people supporting this scheme . If this scheme is stopped somehow then we should have to buy mask thats for sure because evrybody feeling pollution now here
Hello everyone
how are you
I am good. Im new to chat. Nice to meet you all.
you are most welcome
Thank you.
Are you allowed to ask questions here, or is this just a place to "chat"?
yah you can ask your query and issue
but make sure do not past code here you can use pastie.org and other tool to show your implement code
if any of here know the solution then i am sure they will give you proper solution asap
here are @Leena @AshishKakkad @ShobhakarTiwari and many ios dev
available mostly
Im having a hard time understanding how you get a program to constantly repeat something. Like for example, if i wanted to countdown from today to tomorrow at 5:00, how would i get it to repeat to display like hour:minutes:seconds until that time
first be a good developer we need to try searech in google like
you can see its possible result
so as a biggener finding the ready made soltution need to creaet an demo and try to impliment diffrent - diff way to achive it
See i found the NSTImer, but it appeared that people said that is not the function i was looking for.
scratch "function"
This was my question, this may help
Q: Repeating a call to a function to produce current time difference in Swift playground

DallasIn a swift playground, why does this code not update. I am trying to get this to output the exact time (in the future to have a countdown) but I can't get the current time to update, it just repeats the same time difference several times. // initialize the date formatter and set the style let fo...

I did do a lot of research and came across some good answers on stackexchnage, and i do want you to know I'm not here for a quick answer or something like that i truly want to understand this.
probably i suggest to use nstimer
is the way
that i know as of now
but i have not much idea about swift
@AshishKakkad can help you on this
Ah i understand, Thank you
Do you have an idea on why my function when called only prints the same result? I know you said you don't know much about swift but this may be the same as C++, Do variables live and die with functions in swift? i.e like if i call a function should the variables within that function be reset to initial value everytime i call it?
let me check
I know this is the way in C, but obviously object oriented programming can be very different.
GM guys...!!
@Dallas: Hi
@Dallas can you try to add timeDifference in timer
@NitinGohel You mean to create a timer instance and try to use timeDifference as the timer time?
@NitinGohel Certainly. This may take a minute as I have to lookup how to use NSTimer.
learn it that cool thing
Cool I'm looking into it now
al the best
The problem i run into is the posts i keep coming across seem to get the numbers broken down into components, as i have done, but none of the answers show how they are repeating them to update there labels.
Q: Swift countdown timer labels for Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds

Chris ByattI'm creating a countdown timer that counts down to an NSDate set in a UIDatePicker. I have a label that shows the date we're counting down to and that works fine. What I'm also trying to add is labels for the number of whole days left and number of hours/minutes/seconds left in the current day (...

I don't know about the playground in swift.
That was also my concern
What is your need? What you are finding actually?
Q: Declare a function in Swift before defining it

TalkingCodeIf I run this code in the Swift playground it works fine. The function is defined before it is called. import Cocoa func addValues(valueA:Double, valueB:Double) { let result = valueB + valueB println("Result \(result)") } addValues(23.83, 87.12) If I try to call the function before i...

Basically i want a countdown timer between two times. For example right now = tomorrow at 5 pm, and I've found where swift will do this for me (Code in link above, repeating a call to a function... I asked that question on Stackoverflow), but i don't know how to loop through the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, to write them out to a text label
Unfortunately I'm not seeing in that what pertains to my issue. (I'm not saying it wasn't useful I may just be missing which part you thought would help)
Actually I didn't getting your question.
Oh I'm sorry, i think the easiest way to understand my question is to look at the one i asked on StackOverflow
Q: Repeating a call to a function to produce current time difference in Swift playground

DallasIn a swift playground, why does this code not update. I am trying to get this to output the exact time (in the future to have a countdown) but I can't get the current time to update, it just repeats the same time difference several times. // initialize the date formatter and set the style let fo...

Hi All,
Q: Disable confirmation on delete request in PHPhotoLibrary delete Assets?

MusthafaMy question is how can I disable confirmation on delete request on [PHAssetChangeRequest deleteAssets:assets], if my application created that assets , so my app should able to delete assets without confirmation? [[PHPhotoLibrary sharedPhotoLibrary] performChanges:^{ [PHAssetChangeRequest de...

@Dallas I already read the question !
Gud noon to all :)
Good Noon :) @PallaviNikumbh
Hi all..
I need help.. in UITableView insertion concept.....
Q: Swift: Scrolling issue while inserting new row in tableview

McDonal_11I am doing chat app. I am having doubt in Unable to set cell size according to label's text size in objective-c .I have solved that issue. Here, If I send new message, I have to insert new row as last row in tableview. I have tried with following code. But, tableview getting reload again while ...

@DevangGoswami ....
@AshishKakkad can help you out , he is very good in swift
even @ShobhakarTiwari @PallaviNikumbh @MayankPatel
@McDonal_11 I have done this but, in objective c
you can guide him logic @PallaviNikumbh
Good Morning Everyone :)
Hi .. @PallaviNikumbh .. Can u understood wat I need??? I need cell to be add in last...
@NitinGohel how to make a constrain which increase the size based on text
@NitinGohel bhai there
@GurumoorthyArumugam If its a UILabel
Q: iOS: Multi-line UILabel in Auto Layout

James HarpeI'm having trouble trying to achieve some very basic layout behavior with Auto Layout. My view controller looks like this in IB: The top label is the title label, I don't know how many lines it will be. I need the title label to display all lines of text. I also need the other two labels and t...

thank you @TheTiger
Q: Dynamic UILabel with proportional width and text-driven height

lencharestI'm trying to programmatically create a container view with two UILabel subviews which behave as follows: The container width is pinned to its superview; its height is constrained to fit the labels The labels are laid out horizontally, with standard spacing between them (8pts) The left label wi...

i need a tuition for auto layout can you take it @TheTiger :)
I'm not Master in Autolayout ..... I know for passing marks ;)
@TheTiger I have query
related to autolayout
@Leena :o
I will if I can
I have tableview
in that tableview i have dynamic cell height
now i have collectionview inside tableviewcell
Hey Everyone,
I am trying to add a TextField or Button on top of Camera... (Camera Overlay).... though this seems to be a simple yet straightforward job I am not sure why its not happening...
Heres my code in VDA... http://pastebin.com/4De8nvtU
and that collection height is also dynamic
hey Leena ...
so i want to that based on my collectionviewheight i resize tableviewcell height
TableView Height ?
I think you want tableView content size height
sorry mistaken
You need to add top bottom constraints b/w CollectionView and CellContentView and return correct row height for that cell.
BTW how are you doing with CollectionView height ?
@iCodeAtApple Where are you initialising the textField ?
its width can vary and height is constant
BUT based on content I am not sure what will be the height of my collectionview
after all the cells are displayed then only i can calculate
@TheTiger : Initialising the textfield did the work.... Also i was required to set the BG color to it.... Thanks a ton !!
@Leena CollectionView can work only in two ways. 1. Horizontally scrolling 2. Vertically scrolling. In your case you need vertically scrolling. So set its scrolling vertically. After reloading your collectionView you can easily get its content size height and what is content size height should be CollectionView and that cell height.
In Autolayout you can not decrease/height by setting the frame. So just take an IBOutlet of collectionView height and update it every time when you reload the collectionView.
@McDonal_11 sry for late. I am in meeting thats y
I had set the line break mode and numbeof Lines to the cell label. then set its font and its size. and set its new frame with its increase height. the code i have paste in pastebin you can see this it in pastebin.com/4yRi0hDg
Cn u give ur mail ID? I ll send one program....... I am havin doubt on that.. @PallaviNikumbh
@McDonal_11 also set cell height by calculating characters respected to font
i ll chk...... Cn I get ur mail ID?????
ok thanks a lot...... kindly check ur mail..... I have sent Two Similar proj.. Just RUN and PRESS ADDROW button. pls run two projects...
ok wait
@McDonal_11 i have run it
its work. i didnt understand what was the problem?
PART 1 .. Did u run??
There,, If we press ADD ROW button,,
tableview gettin reload again... and fallin down..
Got It????
thats the problem
in PART 2,, If we press ADD ROW button,, tableview working fine
ok what i understand, u want to stay on last cell
yes.. pls.. I dont know how to do??
means when you click on add row you can see last cell ri8
ya in part 2 its working fine
s right.. PART 2 workin..... but, I want to PART 1 to be RUN like PART 2,, with PART 1 code?
Got It??
I dnt know about UITableViewAutomaticDimension ??
ok got your point
let me check it. i will try to solve it. just try , i am not sure about that
UITableViewAutomaticDimension.. its is working fine,, I dont mind about STRING size and cell SIZE.. So, PART 1 Code should run as PART 2..
ok @PallaviNikumbh .. i ll wait...
@TheTiger bhai there ?
@McDonal_11 Hello
I ll check it
in part1 you have mension return UITableViewAutomaticDimension in height for rowAt Inndex path
its Requests that UITableView use the default value for a given dimension.
@GurumoorthyArumugam Yes
S.. Right.. But,, that only working,,, fine,, watever STRING height.... So I go for that,,, but SCROLLING issue alone there,,,
pasteboard.co/zaHESf3. check this both images
can you see the header
that header will height will change based on the text size
so i get the string size i expand that header height
@PallaviNikumbh Any idea??
problem is the cell of the collection view in same position
how can over come this issue ? @TheTiger
ok wait I am searching on it
@McDonal_11 Hello
I have search the one link in that they said that, Apple has addressed most of these bugs as of the iOS 9.0 SDK. All of the issues are fixed as of iOS 9 beta 2, including scrolling to the top & bottom of the table view without animation, and calling reloadData while scrolled in the middle of the table view.
@McDonal_11 hope its help you. or Otherwise you can try to put data on last indexPath of Row
means getting Last Index using NSIndexPath after every insertion. and add next to the last and use the following method if numberOfRows > 0 {
let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: numberOfRows-1, inSection: (numberOfSections-1))
self.myTblView.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPosition.Bottom, animated: false)
Oh my god.. Any way to solve this?
I mailed u one video,, Cn u tell wats the error there???
aaaa.... dont know I am not using UITableViewAutomaticDimension. I had done this by calculation. Apple has bug to UITableViewAutomaticDimension. so i dont know how to fix this bug
ok.. while installin IPA file,, i am facin an issue....... That Video i have mailed u..... Possible,, tell wat error???
@McDonal_11 I am not getting u r mail
on the way..
ok @McDonal_11
i sent.......
1 message moved to VOID
@GurumoorthyArumugam Its dangerous
@McDonal_11 I was chechk u rmail
can u tell me that u have added the UDID of that device on Profile?
No...... I just add my UDID on developer account... alone..
iPAD is in CLient side….
havin UDID
havin iPA
not havin CODE
V have to run in that iPAD
How?? @PallaviNikumbh
@McDonal_11 If client uses different device then it is necessary to add that device UDID (the device of client side)
then ipa is run on it
wr v have to add UDID???
On Developer account @McDonal_11
Unless you can add those client as internal tester in testflight
where you add u r device UDID
in itunes and you can invite 1000 of testers for testing without UDID
sry I cant getting ur point
in developer account.... i have added... UDID
You can upload your build on itunes and invite your client for testing it
ohh its beta testing?
How to do that??? @ParvezBelim
You have to register your client id as internal tester
having ipa alone..
yes having ipa alone can work
You can upload it using application loader
and what every you upload on itunes can be used for beta testing
ipa upload to itunes using application loader....
@PallaviNikumbh why you notuse tesflight
no need to UDID
@NitinGohel ahh still I am not using it
@NitinGohel I am not use it coz lack of knowledge :(
Okey once you try this out, you will forget all other
but i will try to build up it. :)
@PallaviNikumbh testflight is the easiest and simplest way
hold on do you have client credential now
@McDonal_11 ask client to use jail broken device
you can login to apple.developer.com and go on editing some provision profile
ohh @DevangGoswami I dont know about it.
you will find all the UDID there
TestFlight was individual app for testing before and now its merged with apple
you can upload your binary and invite users to test directly by their apple id's
@McDonal_11 sry for that.
Sorry for what ? @PallaviNikumbh
for i cant help him to solve his testflight problem.
thats y sry
lol usme aapka kya fault
@PallaviNikumbh .. its ok.... i ll try to satisfy client.. by doing somethin..
@DevangGoswami plz suggest me testflight documents for learning it
ask them to jail break
@DevangGoswami Are.... then i ll be in JAIL..
lol no
You wont be @McDonal_11
@ParvezBelim Can u guide?? for test flight??
@PallaviNikumbh just archieve the build and upload it to itunes connect
@DevangGoswami but fir bhi help nahi kar saki na
ohh its easy @DevangGoswami
in itunesconnect.apple.com
in apps
@DevangGoswami u can guid me for testflight.
select your app
But not ri8 now I am going to meeting talk later bye
bye @McDonal_11
Ask me tomorrow
will help you
ok i will ask you
'@PallaviNikumbh bye bye,,,,,
@TheTiger what to do if i want to increase the header size based on text?

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