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good morning
2 hours later…
Good Mornings :)
Hi @MichaelDautermann how are you doing ?
Good Morning :)
GM Family @AshishKakkad @iAsmi
@NitinGohel @Leena @DivineDesert @TheTiger @iCodeAtApple @DevangGoswami @ShobhakarTiwari @sanjeet @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)"
"Jai Shree Krishna, Radhe Radhe, Jai Ram Ji Ki :) :)"
GM @DevangGoswami
@iShwar Jai Shree Krishna
@iShwar @NitinGohel @ShobhakarTiwari @DivineDesert @Leena @iCodeAtApple @sanjeet @AshishKakkad All my brothers and Friends VERY GOOD MORNING
Hey guys I released an app under my dev account which has my name on it. Is it possible to change the app on the appstore to have it say by company name? Do I have to transfer it or what is the procedure?
very good morning Everyone
@FredLoh you can write an email to change the individual to company but it totally depends on them
@iShwar Jai Shree Radhe Krishna
Good Morning @ShobhakarTiwari @DevangGoswami @AshishKakkad @NitinGohel @Leena @iShwar @aLL
@iAsmi very goood morning
@iAsmi GM
I want to do scrollview custom setting button or image. When I use scrollview then it's not scrolling for IOS using swift. plz help me
Good morning all
@AshishKakkad thandi suru ho gayee :P
@Rinku Yes :)
i am navigating from product list view controller to product detail view controller,in 2nd vc 's didload method calling api . want to show progress bar in between them
use view life cycle
@snehalrokade how u calling api if u using GCD then before caling api put [activity startanimating] and when completed just stopanimating .
@RavindraPawar VGM
Good Morning @all
I have an issue that My Socket Server accept only 1 connection at a time. When I connect other device , the previous one break the connection.@ShobhakarTiwari
@TarunSachdeva If you want to handle more than one client at a time you must ensure that a call to Accept is pending at all times so that new clients can be accepted
Okay Thanks @ShobhakarTiwari , I will try and then let you know
morning :)
Good Morning :) @Leena
Good ka G bhul gaye :P :D @Leena
I am getting problem while connecting multiple devices with bonjour and socket .. at one time it only connects one device and if i try to connect another device, it stops communication with first device. Can anybody help me?
25 mins ago, by Tarun Sachdeva
I have an issue that My Socket Server accept only 1 connection at a time. When I connect other device , the previous one break the connection.@ShobhakarTiwari
@Leena Secret hat kaha se mili ? :P
dnt know
@ShobhakarTiwari Please elaborate it, how i applied this in my code or give some sample code.
mat bata @Leena @AshishKakkad kese aai hat
help nai karata vo so @AshishKakkad
@Leena Ye mujpe jutha ilzam laga rahi :D
@iAsmi winterbash2015.stackexchange.com yaha se dhundho apni hat
kese but @AshishKakkad
login karo
kya kaise
Anyone knows a good example for chat bubble Tableview ?
for autolayout ?
@ShobhakarTiwar Please elaborate it, how i applied this in my code or give some sample code.
@SKT Can u tell me bro
How to send invitation by writing app url in facebook msnger
@Leena : Do u know that wanna open fb msgner by writing url which is predefined text
Hello Devs
@TheTiger there
How are you ?
I m good
Thats great
Do you know about any crash reporter sdk in iOS ?
I have implemented Plausible CrashReporter
But it is sending the crash report like .crash file of xcode
I need something human readable like --->ClassName--> FunctionName---> Reason of crash
I use crashalytics
which i found the best tool for tracking crashes
So can send the crash to our own server by using this ?
@Leena Do u know that
No i dnt know anything about that
Helllo, any one knows how to make ipa for apple watch?
Crashanalytics or Flurry or other crash report tool, just collects crash logs from app and upload to server
they are not symbolicated - i guess
yes they do @Mrunal
they tell you the exact line where crash occurred
cool @Leena - i have used Flurry but it doesn't... it contains memory addresses which are tough to judge the crash spot
is it possible to override the default app launch animation on ios?
like a push animation?
means @fadedreamz ?
@Mrunal If you lunch an app
it shows you a default animation
don't use default launch image and use your own viewcontroller
then we can right code whatever we want in that
is it possible to show an animation which is specified by me
only thing is, it should be faster... if app takes much more time in launching, app gets rejected....
this is what i know
but isn't the lanuchstoryboard acts as splash screen
will it override the system's app launch animation?
Need help for parsing secure web services
Q: How to send CommonCrypto webservices request in Objective c?

Nitin GohelI just try to send secure request from iOS app to php platform web services in objective c. I trying since 2 days but i did not find the logic or anything how to achieve this: Following is a Swift Code that using CryptoSwift Framework func HTTPPostJSON(url: String, jsonData: Dictionary<String, ...

@NitinGohel +1
answer to nahi pata but +1 jarur kar sakte hai
@Leena kisi ko puch na
tare group me
how to do swfit me kisi ne kiya he
using some framwork
how to do in obj c
@ShobhakarTiwari you also ask in your group if some one know
@NitinGohel ya sure . already shared
@NitinGohel can't we call methods from Swift methods from objective-c
why need conversion
i did
already but that framwork class does not covenrt in to -swift.h file
@NitinGohel have you worked and document based database ?
Hello Friends good evening
In my app I am using goole maps, I am now ready to release the app to appstore. Do I have to change any API key or Server key for production or current one is enough ?
hi all anybody can help me?
@YSRfan no need for that
hiii @Leena
hello @sanjeet
hello @Leena
@Leena how to call two api at the same time in using restkit
create operation queue
and execute them simultaneosly
@Leena hi
i am Splash Screen.xib there i want to add some code as can i add
how to create class there
Hi All,
I have added Splash screen in LaunchScreen.xib and added the images (1x,2x,3x) in assets. When i'm trying to run in iPad the image is stretched.
how can i resolve this issue?
@iApple have you added iPad launch images ?
No @Narayana. The latest Xcode has only launch screen.xib
Hi all
I have one question
i want to encript and decript a string in swift
i have search for that but i can't get anything
please help me for that how can i encript and decript a string in swift?
Please help me for that...
what kind of encryption r u looking into?
HI all, is it possible to animate the uiimage drawing with easein /ease out or fadein/fadeout in drawInRect ?
@Mr.T i want to encript and decript the user password in my app
how r u storing the password ?
r u using user defaults or r u using dattabse?
I am using couchbase lite database
2 hours later…
@PallaviNikumbh Why do you need decryption? Doesn't cryptographic hashes suffice for you?
Q: Distinct when local notification was tapped and when received

DudiI have app that send local notifications. So I have two scenarios. Application is in foreground, notification center is dragged out. Notification is recived. Notification center is being hidden. Application is in foreground, notification center is dragged out. Notification is recived. Notifica...

anyone has exeriance with localnotifiacions?

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