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Good Morning :)
Good Mornings :)
Gm all @MayankPatel @AshishKakkad @BlackbirdSR-71
vgm @SunnyShah :)
@SunnyShah VGM....Bro...
@BlackbirdSR-71 see you at first time
@SunnyShah GM
@NitinGohel @Leena @TheTiger @DivineDesert @DhavalBhadania @ShobhakarTiwari @sanjeet @ChiragPatel @iCodeAtApple @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :) :)"
"Jai Shree Krishna, Radhe Radhe, Sat Shree Akaal, Jai Ram Jiki :) :)"
@iShwar Jai Shree Krishna
gm to all
@AshishKakkad @NitinGohel @Leena
good Morning @AshishKakkad @DevangGoswami @NitinGohel @Leena @ShobhakarTiwari @ALL
@AshishKakkad,@NitinGohel and all good morning friends
@Rinku Gm Bro
very good morning
gm brother
good morning @ShobhakarTiwari @AshishKakkad @Gati
Very good morning @ChiragPatel
Good Morning.
is it possible to empty all variables used in application from one Place.Like /*===CLEAR ALL NSUSERDEFAULTS====*/
let appDomain = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!
@JanakLN yes it is possible
how @ShobhakarTiwari
good morning :)
Very Good Morning :) @Leena
morning Kakkad
hello guys
is that possible?
I wanna get dynamic height of uiwebview
@JanakLN just like clearing cache from uiwebview . we can clear all userdefault too
I did leena but it is not working
So what you tried
show us that
@leena plz check this
i wanna set dynamic height to uiwebview... I have placed webview inside of uiscrollview and I increase the content size of uiscrollview
i have done for userdefaults now i need for all variable @ShobhakarTiwari
@VikramKThakor why scrollview
look u just need to put webview and set its delegate and from the attribute inspector u can set scales pages to fit
and just pass the url u want to populate
it will automatically scroll
@interface UIWebView : UIView <NSCoding, UIScrollViewDelegate>
look this code it already showing the features of scrollview
go with basic first
@JanakLN it depends wat u using if u using keychain then u need to delete it explictly . better to create a method which clears all your var either cache or something else .
@VikramKThakor which URL you are loading
@ShobhakarTiwari @Leena @AshishKakkad @NitinGohel help me on this question please see question thanks stackoverflow.com/questions/33493935/…
smooth swipe is the issue
or addition of random number is the issue
question is saying something and description is saying something
@MichaelDautermann hi.. after long time...
hello back at you Rinku!
how are you doing ??
I feel incredible.
incredible iOS
great.. :)
GA to All
I agree on both of your line
I concur with your agreement.
Hello Mike.
Hello Praveen.
So, What's up?
I'm awake, yes. But I'm not certain about @RajpalThakur
he might be sleeping on the job.
So, What's up?
What's up with you?
hi all
Need help with this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34202474/uitableview-not-updating-values-after-adding-observer/34202712?noredirect=1#comment56153198_34202712
Mike I want to send a chunk of text from ios to android with out internet. it should be compatible with android version 4.0 and above. I found some post BLE is not stable for BLE version 4.0 for android. Can you tell me any other way in which i can make my requirement
@MichaelDautermann can you give me some clue on this
where's the post about BLE ?
I have not saved that link which mention that BLE version 4.0 not stable in android. I found some other git hub project which works good with in ios device. also one link which mentioned a solution to this.
this one
Q: Communicating between iOS and Android with Bluetooth LE

afrederickI've got a working app using CoreBluetooth to communicate between an iPad (central) and iPhone (peripheral). I have one service that has two characteristics. I have a Nexus 7 running the latest Android 4.3 with BTLE support. Android is a bit late to jump on the BTLE bandwagon but it appears they ...

As usual works are going on. New concept. Streaming apps
I love new concepts.
Like Pizza Crust made with soy beans.
Gud afternoon guys.... :)
Good evening to you too
@Praveen streaming apps?
@SKT I want to set scalePagesToFit = No
and I want to get the text height which is in uiwebview
hi all I have play live streaming in my iOS app so anybody can help me?
@Birendra ya say ?
@SunnyShah wake up!
I am awake @MichaelDautermann..
what do they have you working on today?
But really want to sleep
are you working on live streaming in your iOS app?
are you working on BLE ?
don't tell @rinku
I think the last 3 to 4 project worked on BLE.. heheheh
any reason.?
you seems to be a free today..?
no, I"m actually very expensive.
but I am glad I can spend a little time here.
heheh.. Yes you are the diamond of IOS developer.. :) We are glad that you spent your time with us
nawwwwww... @Sport is my role model.
Michel any reson?
both of you are working on BLE
role model thats good.. I am working on iBeacons and she seems to be a working on bluetooth
so what?
so no conenction
better to stay away...
I have a few BLE connections right now
but not to any Droid phone. Yuck!
Michel.....you tell
@ShobhakarTiwari hello sir ji
No rinku
@iDeepak hi
what this code is doing pastie.org/10624687
@SunnyShah is it true that when you say "no", you really mean "yes"?
No not for me at least..
so your answer is yes!
My answer is yes for your question
Yes you can answer Rinku's issue?
that's awesome!
youare trying to be smart.. huhhh..?
nooo, I'm not as wise as @ChiragPatel
hi Michael
hello shantha
hw r u ?
great you involve another person..
@iDeepak it creating a file in document folder and returning its path
i m fine shantha how b u ?
why its doing so
@iDeepak is google blocked in your company
hey everyone
i need to create a single pdf doc from multiple images ... i have this link but this does not seem to work...if anyone could look into and tell me what mi missing
@Leena nope
then please find it on google
nice words..
@Leena what should i type
this is the method i am using.... pastebin.com/iG9gBYSN
@Leena : Hi...hows you ?
heheh. search b i n g on google..
free to check in my prob ?
@iDeepak wats funny in it . you have written code then u asking me why its doing so ??
@ShobhakarTiwari : free to check into my prob ?
@ShobhakarTiwari i know whats it doing but don't know what its usage , don't know why @leena angry on that question
@iCodeAtApple wat u getting pdf with black images or nothing?
actually white pdf that says 1 page
how do i locate my pdf
did you check the code ?
i am not understanding where it is making it a pdf file and where it is storing it
@iCodeAtApple wait
Hi can u plz anybody tel how to change multiplier into constraints
@iCodeAtApple first understand the code then copy paste it
it is storing in Documents Directory
with name Demo.pdf
and the code to me seems ok
@iDeepak we are here to help you out conceptually and if possible will help you out in code but not here to spoon feed everyone
@Leena most of time noobs ask foolish questions
Thanks @Leena... I happened to NSLOG the path and check the Demo.pdf.....its a single page blank pdf...
so is it like its not making the images into pdf.... ?
@iCodeAtApple change image name to .jpg
@Apple_Ajay is your ORANGE VIEW fix height constraint..?
both view half half bro
semi half both views for eg: 320/2 = 160 then 160 red 160 orange
just now I added multiple set full width and height
and reduced multipler value 0.5
yes I mean for landscape you need to attach first view to bottom
second view should go 0 height
for all devices
ipone and pad
first bottom View: leading , traling , bottom , fix height(or use multipier)
@ShobhakarTiwari why creating a document folder , in code i provided ??
then organge view : vertical space to bottom view , leading , traling and fix height(or use multipier)
then first view : vertical space to organge view , leading , traling and fix height(or use multipier).
Now connect bottom view fix height(or use multipier) to iboutlet
sorry bro Cant understand your trying to say red view leading , traling , bottom , fix height(or use multipier)?
then orange :: vertical space to bottom view , leading , traling and fix height(or use multipier)
Yes.. your red view is first view..?
I cant fix any height bcz developing all devices so I used multipler now I cant change the multiplire value into code
bcz Its read only right
@ShobhakarTiwari : nah still the same
also now it says pdf cannot be opened but its empty
then you need to change multiper ar run time
see how i had done
okies @ShobhakarTiwari
Ok bro thank you @Sunny
A: Converting UIImage into PDF File

user440071Hello there I've found that this works, hope it helps! -(void)createPDFfromUIView:(UIView*)aView saveToDocumentsWithFileName:(NSString*)aFilename { // Creates a mutable data object for updating with binary data, like a byte array NSMutableData *pdfData = [NSMutableData data]...

see this
@SunnyShah bro
one doubt
where I want to merge that code
On willRotateToInterfaceOrientation
ok bro
thank you I will try
@ShobhakarTiwari : My problem is i have multiple images and need them in a Single pdf doc....
@iCodeAtApple first of all try to convert it one image to pdf if it working then procced to next
bro what is widthConstraint
how can I get that one
its by default constraint from the xib
the one I have given in xib
how to get that one
connect as you are connecting to label
@ShobhakarTiwari, @Leena : hey guys i was playing around with the size and discovered that it should be issue as i can see one image which is a bit cut of and not the second image...how do i decide on the sizes ?
IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *widthConstraint;
ok bro got it
for that red view or superview ?
@iCodeAtApple great ! now where u showing ur pdf use webview
the one you want to change dynamic
how do i show it in the web view i traced the pdf through the path in the Document directory
yes bro. Brother I am confused bcz I dont know how to get width constraitns which view I want to app where
first see bottom bar set multiper and other constrait
bottom bar and top bard I did
now I came for orange view and red view
@iCodeAtApple put a webview and set its delegate and in the viewdidload set webview [mWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:@"pdfurl"]]
Ok fine.. Now orange view give fix constrait we will change at tun time and connect with constraint
1. navigation bar , 2. topbar, 3. redview 4.orange view 5. bottombar for topbar and bottom bar I create constraints Its showing beautyfull
Ok I will go orange view
@ShobhakarTiwari got answer , thanks for support , you are really kind
just give fix widht constraint and connect.. we will change it runtime
and make sure you will give vertical space to bottom bar for oranage view
@ShobhakarTiwari : okies....doing now
wait bro STEP 1: For orange view right 0 left 0 bottom 0 and add bottom bar vertical connection
i can say @MichaelDautermann is sleeping ?
ho ho! you wish.
Is correct ?
Is not correct .
done bro then
@MichaelDautermann your role model @Sport
i am not agree Michael
Nope sorry I cant anything other way to help me?
I agree with myself
@Apple_Ajay and widht constraint
send me your source code
I will try
give me ur ID bro
can you put it on github.. I m on office
bro can we do one just make it simple storyboard and send screen shoot I will do here
scrren shoot if u post it anywhere I can get If u dont mind
Michael can you see this Features of ” AJBook”:-
any one have seen this article
This data can be transferred wireless without internet and that also to device which is around 3Km Away for free
what's an AJBook ?
i don't know just i saw this article
searching "AJBook" but not getting '
@ShobhakarTiwari : able to display it in the web view but only half portion of 1st image
not complete both the images
how do i manage the size
I found it, Sport!
@sunny bro are u there
yes bro
anything possbile to post into stack question of mine
just post screen shoot bro It will be helping for all
Q: How to change UIView constraints based on device orientation using Objective C?

Apple_AjayI am trying to create iOS storyboard with multiple view for portrait and landscape. Everything I have created storyboard constraints and autolayout. Now my problem is for portrait I need to show like below portrait Image. Thats I have done by using storyboard constraints. For landscape Need to ...

@iCodeAtApple select webview and scale to fit from xib attrib inspector
@ShobhakarTiwari, @Leena : there is actually some size issues and i think i need to play around a bit....il do that.... THANKS A TON guys ;) :)
@sunny bro u got it ?
No man.. I will let you know if I will
ok dude
2 hours later…
Anyone got experience with VIPER? Struggling with the best way to implement a dataManager - (stackoverflow.com/questions/34211646/…)
@Ríomhaire is your application very large ??
Somewhat large yes
@Ríomhaire okey
why you want use VIPER architecture any special @Ríomhaire
you can try MVP
@ShobhakarTiwari - the application is large, and I want to improve the testability of the app.

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