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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

@NitinGohel Hi all, how to set help overlay in iOS I don't know how to apply help overlay in app please help me ?
@Birendra using the nsuserdeafult
you can watch is that first time app insatll or not
based on it you can add a view
on window object
with 0.5 black color transperet
@NitinGohel ok you have any code related that ?
@ShobhakarTiwari sir fixed now , new issue popup is required for 20 button on screen , now what is good concept to use one PopVC for all or each has its own
@ShobhakarTiwari every popup options are same just title/heading different
u can decide it dynamicaaly in it to show heading differently
yeah have to save info from every popup and send back to server , also has to show in TextView , which will better and convinient
Good Evening Every one
Please go through my question
Q: How to achive pagination for array of array in ios?

i_LooserI am sure this is not duplicate question, please read completely and share your ideas. I am getting data from server,on calling API(example API1) first time , I am getting 20 records , based on “events” count. In Jan 5 events, in Feb 6 events, March 5 events ,Apr 8 events But API not returning...

anyone please help me I have posted one question stackoverflow.com/questions/34178947/…
@Apple_Ajay why u making this so complex
rather customize cell and reload
simple thing it is
@ShobhakarTiwari [self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.customView setAlpha:0.5];
alpha set nahi ho raha
any other idea?
@ChiragPatel set its tint color
rightBarButtonItem.tintColor = alpha color;
ok there i can set alpha ?
ok let me try
@ShobhakarTiwari could you please give me some examples?
@Apple_Ajay create a single table
and use custom cell
and use it
m answering your question
give me 5 min
Ok but what about child cells process?
thank you @ShobhakarTiwari
please check this code
i tried tint color but not working
A: How to create separate UI objects for separate accordion tableview parent and child cell?

Shobhakar TiwariHere is simple way to achieve the same : 1.) create custom Parent cell (say MenuParentCell) 2.) create custom Child cell (say MenuChildCell) 3.) create a viewcontroller (say Menu) and drag and drop Tableview in it 4) set delegate and datasource now : in cellForRowAtIndexPath write co...

chck my answer
and dont foreget to upvote if it solves your problems
u only have to understand the concept and implemnet it accordingly
ok thank you i will try and let u know byuddy
hey guys i have a question regarding itunesconnect - I've been a registered apple developer with paid membership and 4-5 apps on the store. This year I decided to not renew the program. Now I switched to a new bank 3 weeks ago so apple couldn't pay out the 100€ they owe me last week. I just tried to change my bank information but it doesnt seem possible
iTC just tells me "Our records indicate that your program membership(s) have expired. To re-enter into the iOS and OS X programs, please access the relevant Developer Member Center." – no way to change. the main page tells me "Your payment was returned by your bank. Your bank account has been closed. You can review your banking information, and make any necessary changes, in the Contracts, Tax, & Banking Information module for: xxx"
whom do i have do contact now?
and where?
the first sentence is copied from the bank & contracts module
@defense2000x your accout is expired now
initial bank related info is maintained and if u changed it then u must have to write an email to the apple from ur registered account .
yes, expired a month ago
@defense2000x then write mail directly
@iShwar still u too in office
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

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