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Good Mornings :)
good morning :)
Good Morning :)
Hello GOoD mOrNinG ...@all
gm to all
@Leena @NitinGohel @AshishKakkad
Shuprabhatam .. :)
gm all
@KiritModi av kita
@KiritModi kya khovai gyo to
job change kari
lagan karya?
No Change
goood morning
Kam bahu hatu...
Good Morning @NitinGohel @ShobhakarTiwari @Leena @iShwar @DevangGoswami @AshishKakkad @ALL
@iAsmi gm sis
GooD Morning Jerry
morning asmi
GM guys :)
good morning guys
good morning all
@NitinGohel how can we change the next UICollectionViewCell position
can u give any idea
Hi all .. i have one task..Can u please give some idea about this..
Workforce Tracking System

You need to come up with a Mobile Applications that could help us track a group of workforce.


The workforce would have a mobile phone. But you cannot access their GPS. They would just have a

Non-Data Plan based SIM Card.

What we would evaluate:

1. Your innovative approach for this Problem.

2. System Architecture and components identified to handle situations.

3. UX approach.


Working POC.
@NitinGohel U have any idea about this
@chandrika Smart Phone Guard design can help you
hi anyone implemented spotify sdk in ios app?
@JanakLN yah but 2 year ago
@chandrika i have no idea
@Retro sorry but i think you can do by flowLayout
can you please share code @NitinGohel
i have implemented soundCloud but facing issue in spotify.
@ChiragPatel can i use it to change next cell position too?
@Retro yes
okay, let me try, thanks buddy
Thank u @ShobhakarTiwari and @NitinGohel
One Quick Question iOS location significant change accuracy Using GPS or Not
@JanakLN sorry to day but that i did at previous company i dont have source code
@NitinGohel One Quick Question iOS location significant change accuracy Using GPS or Not
@chandrika means what
2 hours later…
posted on December 08, 2015 by Johann

I’ve mentioned a number of resources for creating chat apps, most recently an open source UICollectionView layout for quickly creating a chat interface. Here’s an open source framework called Chatto for creating user interfaces in Swift for chat apps from Badoo Development. Some of the features of Chatto include: Text bubbles Photo bubbles An auto […]

@ShobhakarTiwari @iAsmi hello
@AbhishekGupta hi
@ShobhakarTiwari i am storing image into photo library but its background is getting black when we viewing it into iPhone
@ShobhakarTiwari how to use our project file to cocoapod ?
@AbhishekGupta chck extension
Q: Application Will Enter Fore ground Notification calling method evenly in real device, why?

LionMy Application on real device calling the method (foregroundRefreshTask) evenly but when I put breakpoints in Xcode, it is calling properly. May I know, why its calling evenly. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(foregroundRefreshTask) ...

A: How to add custom project configurations to Xcode when using CocoaPods?

radexOK, so half-way through writing this question I figured it out myself (yay rubber ducking). Here's the solution for next generations: Essentially, you have to add an explicit dependency on the Pods target to your application scheme. The way you do it, is: edit your application scheme, go to the...

@ShobhakarTiwari ok
@ShobhakarTiwari its .PNG
@AbhishekGupta show me screenshot
@ShobhakarTiwari right now i changed extension PNG to JPG then its working fine
@ShobhakarTiwari i am converting PDF to image then storing it into photo library
@ShobhakarTiwari Thanks :)
how i can i add caching in my custom async imageclass?
@JanakLN use nscach
how can i implement NSCach @AbhishekGupta
Q: add caching to my custom asyncimage class

Janak LNhttps://github.com/JellyDevelopment/JDSwiftAvatarProgress i want to add caching to above classes how can i add caching to to this class. i had tried with various code but fails to achieve #import "MyClass.h" static NSCache *Cache; @implementation MyClass + (void)initialize { [super ini...

i will add bounty of 50 points after 2 days that will be given to implementer.
@TheTiger hello !
after a long long time :)
@JanakLN why not using sdimage class
@JanakLN in obj c
@JanakLN what happen with your last Stackoverflow ID?
do yo have two id?
@NitinGohel when we scroll the cell in collectionView, how to setup next cell behind the current cell? I am basically trying to achieve like this effect with collectionView stackoverflow.com/questions/32795971/…
@Retro are you sure this is collectonview?
i guess thsi is tableveiw
I am trying to implement this effect with collectionVIew
@NitinGohel need a help
once might be you get an idea
i never did this animation befor
okay, thanks
have you ever used IQKeyboardManager
@Leena bolo ne ben
it is blocked.
yes @Leena
@Leena nope
@JanakLN i knew it based on your question
@NitinGohel Thanks.
@JanakThakkar block thia gyu tu ne
@NitinGohel Ask Question Blocked
@Retro in this question's answer have an example
did you try this
yes but it's with iCarousel but i want to make it with collectionView
ab jid chhodo dost
i able to replicate the most effect except the cell
actually all app is implemented with collectionView so can not switch it easily
last shared
link used collectionview
one question, when we scroll the cell, the next cell is also scroll and move up, is there any way to make it non scroll
@NitinGohel I was thinking to create one gist where we maintain a list of library that are useful
what say
@Leena yes
kari sakai
@Leena Good
@NitinGohel Humm
here the next cell is also scrolling thats my issue
@Retro this is small
cell so
might be that happen
I am unable to find the right way to implement it, what do u suggest?
anyone can add caching to my class ?
@NitinGohel than hint how can i add ?
Retro there is a accepted answer in your question
but this is not using collectionview
that the main point
any help Regarding caching ?
Really Stucked
@Leena Hua solution?
@JanakLN wat u want ?
u want to cache image url or you want to cache all images @JanakLN
i dint get htere
there tell me here
i want to add caching in above classes like sdweb @ShobhakarTiwari
@ShobhakarTiwari - Hi, Yup ... Busy days
github.com/JellyDevelopment/JDSwiftAvatarProgress its swift version @ShobhakarTiwari
any hint that i can add caching in above classes @ShobhakarTiwari @NitinGohel
i am not able to add in above class @ShobhakarTiwari
@JanakLN dont use this better to create a custom class and save data to sqlite or use FMDB to manage caching
its better to handle
client need circular progress thats why else sdweb is good @ShobhakarTiwari
I think SDWebImage gives you progress too
but not circular progress @TheTiger
You can use any circle progress bar and pass that value to it
Once finish the downloading then show that image
And it will take hardly 15-30 minutes
can you help me add this type of progress in sdweb @TheTiger
Actually I will but I'm about to leaving the office
Ok thanks let i try to night to recreate classes @TheTiger
Just take a circular progress view and an imageView above that view. Download the image by progress value method of sdwebimage and once download hide the progressView and set the image to imageView
Ok Thanks @TheTiger
now i got exact logic @TheTiger
@JanakLN Thats good if you got the logic
@TheTiger welcome back bro
nice to see you
@NitinGohel Thanks :)
How are you ?
wadiya bhai
u say
kaha gum ho gaye the?
Gum kahan yar busy days chal rahe hai
Sher e punjab ???@TheTiger
@TheTiger How are you?
@JanakLN - Currently in PB
@AshishKakkad I'm good
hows you ?
any one worked couchbase lite here ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam ask from @DevangGoswami
Okay Guys
Ram Ram 
anybody worked with coreData
@Ranjit I have some experience, What's ur problem ? ;)
Hey - i need help, has anybody experienced issues with auto layout not correctly placing views on the iPhone 6 plus? (all the auto layouts are created programmatically)
@KAN issue ??
I have an imageview that when places on the view has extra padding
I have tried setting the layout margins to 0
that didn't help
Guys, Can anyone take a look at this please ?
Q: Upgrading XMPPFramework - Classes Are Not Detected

Unkn0wn.BitI'm trying to upgrade XMPPFramework on an old project (many versions has been released since I first used framework). I have replaced files and changed required settings, but some classes are not detected during compile procedure. I get weird Expected a type, Unknown type name and No type or pro...

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