This entry in the Cocoanetics blogs has sample code to access the system log on iOS using the ASL (Apple System Logger) API (man page):
aslmsg q, m;
int i;
const char *key, *val;
q = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_QUERY);
aslresponse r = asl_search(NULL, q);
while (NULL != (m = aslresponse_next(r)))
But that's not the question :) The point is that it's already done and was working all fine, then yesterday I had to reinstall Xcode and then the problem began. I think I'll have to add its path or something but I am clueless here.
As @Leo Natan said, - [NSDate description] always gives date in GMT timezone. If you want to convert into local timezone then use following code.
NSString *dateStr = @"2013-12-20 12:10:40";
// Convert string to date object
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
I have problem with AVAudioPlayer in iphone when ever the my ipod is lock(sleep) the song is stop.What I have do in coding for making music is continueslu start even the ipod is lock(sleep) .
please help me
I am totally new in this .
Late last year I mentioned a handy Ruby gem for communicating with the apple developer center so you can perform many useful functions such as downloading and updating provisioning profiles called Sigh. Here’s a handy Ruby gem that makes it easy to work with the apple developer center supporting all operations you can do with […]
I do think this is how we can truly achieve singleton behavior :
@interface SampleSingletonClass : NSObject
+ sharedSampleSingletonClass;
@implementation SampleSingletonClass
static SampleSingletonClass *singletonObject = nil;
+ (id) sharedSampleSingletonClass
if (! singletonObje...
I'm displaying one uicollectionviewcell per screen...The scrolling is not that smooth...there is no android viewpager's offscreen loading concept in uicollectionview?
i would like to preload previous and next offscreen cells in uicollectionview
i tried but it not fired than i want it check every 24 hrs and if i got positive flow from server than i need to show popup if its in background than notification
once it comes to specified time it request to server and if i got motive value than i will fire notification if its in background and if its foreground than i will show alert