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Hi Guys. Just want to hear some opinion. What naming convention do you usually follow in naming your helper class?
I need a swift/objective C delevoper for a project(money involved)
2 hours later…
good morning every one :)
Good Morning @all
good morning all
i have problem in ipa file
Q: Xcode 6 App Store submission fails with "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"

HalI'm using the latest XCode (6.1) and I need to submit the app as soon as possible, but I can't seem to get around the "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate" error. I have the client's provisioning profile and I have his distribution certificate (which is valid) and his p...

aap logo ko nhi pta kya
Wanna change few buttons in iPad landscape? Anyone have idea about he same
I am making use of size classes and autolayout
and my application is universal
u can create different views, declare different constraints for different size classes
Gm Everyone
@sanjeet Gm
@NightFury , you mean to hide and show views on rotation, right?
yes approp view will be presented depending upon orientation
Gm @Lion
@NightFury let me try
Thanks for the suggestion
Hello Guys
I am not be able to reply on any twitter feed
hi everyone
i have problem about album..
GM @Dosto
when i select photo from camera roll then selected photo rotate in landscape mode
display in my app
good morning
@Leena good morning! Have you worked with FBSDKShareLinkContent ?
Hey guys... How to scroll tableview cell if the keyboard hides that cell?
@AugustinJose set ContentOffset
@Yohan Thanks. But How do we check whether that particular cell is hided by keyboard?
@Yohan Do you have any code or something?
@AugustinJose when keyboard appears you set the contentoffset , when keyboard appears the textfield delegates will be called
so you can set there
@AugustinJose refer this link github.com/michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoiding
a library manages textfiled inside tableview scrollview and collectionview
have a look
@Yohan My textfield is outside the UITableView .. Its like facebook commenting or whatsapp. So I have to check a comment is hidden by the keyboard or not!
@Leena My textfield is outside the UITableView .. Its like facebook commenting or whatsapp. So I have to check a comment is hidden by the keyboard or not!
Hi all
under which option we can find the Number of users in Google analytics , i am using in my ios app
i integrated for my ios app.
Q: Add animated overlay image to video

Vivek GoswamiI want to add image overlay on video. For that I followed this tutorial. Now I want to add fade in for 1 second and fade out after 5 second for 1 second. For that I written following code. CALayer *overlayLayer1 = [CALayer layer]; [overlayLayer1 setContents:(id)[overlayImage CGImage]]; overlayLa...

please help on this
@Leena, @NightFury,@NitinGohel, @Sport, @sanjeet
posted on June 23, 2015 by Johann

I’ve mentioned a number of calendar components, and here’s an open source component library called MGC Graphical Calendars submitted by Julien Martin that provides a nice set of customizable calendar components with many nice features. MGC graphical calendars provides day, monthly, and yearly calendars allows users to create calendar events by dragging and holding, allows […]

I know its irrelevant to our room. But anyone have knowledge on Amazon web service ssh login using mac?
@MrugeshTank no idea
no idea bro @MrugeshTank
hi all
i need ur help
pls help me
i guess you wont be able to
@Leena me?
@Leena @ShobhakarTiwari HEY
@MrugeshTank not for you
@Leena k...
@Leena i need to schedule the daily notification for download my new data
any idea how we can achieve it
i need to set it for daily
in iOS 7 there is a feature of background download
there is a option of setting time interval for calling webservice
@Leena yes but time interval is too long nd i need to repeat it everyday
is it work
you can do with local notification
how ?
with timeer
sorry for the non tech question! Has any one uploaded your works in cocoacontrols ?
pahle kuch dhang ka kare toh sahi :)
@Anjan you can maintain last update time. when user open app or come from background you can check the current time and last update time and update new data...
if you want to alert the user for the new data you should use notification otherwise not
@SidShah no sid i need to pop up if its running on background also
@sanjeet dont underestimate the power of @Yohan
i was telling about me @SidShah
can anyone help me how to set constraint for image to resize properly on all devices..It's my first time using auto layout and I'm kinda confused
you can use local notification but you also need to manage login of time stamp for the new data
i cn handle the time stamp
but local notification with 24 hrs of time i m confuse over there
arey yaar
local notification ka repeat interval set kar de na
every 24 gours call hogi
and ask user if he /she wants to update date if yes background main method call karva de
@SidShah first of all i don know what @sanjeet said :/ i don understand hindi :/
@Yohan he wants to say he hvnt done something extraordinary to keep on cocoacontrols
Hi friends ... any one had done ios googleplus login integration?
@Leena @Yohan @Anjan
any idea
dnt do it apple will reject your app
@Anjan otherwise store time stamp in userdefault and check everytime user comes to the app check and call local notification
@Anjaneyulu nope
@Leena oh ok!! but i tried it was in the queue, now cant able to see and they didnt mail me too :/
have you uploaded on github ?
apple will reject your app for googleplus login integration.. @Leena
your app rejected..?
really ?
one of my colleague's app got rejected
as google redirects to web page for login
Hey one quick question
can create a viewcontroller in Swift which inherit from Objective C ?
Like SwiftViewController:ObjectiveCViewController ?
Can someone please help me stackoverflow.com/questions/31000975/…
looking good in portrait view , but not in landscape, anyone have idea @Leena @SidShah
6 hours later…
Hey! I have a custom view which I would like to have the same width as my superview either in portrait or landscape mode. I am trying to do this using constraints but I haven't been able to do so for iOS 7.. I know the view geometry (frame) doesn't get updated when you go to landscape mode in iOS 7 so, there most be a way/workaround or different constraint rather than the width to do this.. any ideas?
posted on June 23, 2015

Xcode 7 beta 2 Now Available

posted on June 23, 2015

iOS 9 beta 2 Now Available

posted on June 23, 2015

OS X El Capitan 10.11 beta 2 Now Available

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