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Good Morning @All
gm to all
gm to all
Gm Every1
Gm to all
gud mrng @Sport @sanjeet
VGM @pooja_1205
VGM @pooja_1205
very good morning ALL
Gud Morning
GM to all
@SKT yes what happen
@NitinGohel sir
m stuck with a problm
how to resize image keeping its quality intact
image quality not preserving
Hi friends
you need to maitain aspect retio
there is many library that use for resize image
in github
yes, email and sms can be possible
Invite by email or sms with a link for itunes store
i too need to invite by facebook and gmail and whats up
so i am asking is it possible
why not
facebook api's will make it possible
create a post with link while login with facebook
and, working yaar ... too much work .... haha
how are you ?
how can i achive this, how can i enter to friends profile page and send the link?
You dont need to do that it will make post on the wall of the user who sign in
everting can be achived on app side or we have to take the help of server?
we do need help from server
app alone cant make stuffs
I have created an app from which we can invite users
by email and sms in that
@DevGoswami i too have invited like through email and sms only
dont have more idea abou sharing on particular friends profile.
i am not genius but i can give you idea
show you example
could u pls give some link where i can get the idea "how can i achive this
help you
let me show you how invite users being achieved in my app
tell me for facebook and whatsup, google plus
not by email and sms. i can do this
whatsapp dont have api
i think
download the facebook api
you can not now get all frnd list
of facebook
facebook chagne its API
Q: How to post to a users wall using Facebook SDK

TiddlyI want to post some text to a users wall using the facebook sdk in an iOS app. Is posting an open graph story now the only way to do that? I've found with open graph stories they are really strange, you can only post things in the format "user x a y" where you preset x and y directly on faceboo...

you only get thouse frnd list of Facebook who use your app
so this is work less @DevGoswami
@NitinGohel yes sir i came to know 3 days before. stuked with the prob
from sept-2014 perhaps
but you can post this on your own wall and tag your frnd
that heps
so search how to tag frnd in post
thats what i am saying
and with your post you can add app url
all users in your friendlist will able to see the post
and you can Tagged your frnd
check the link to share post on logged in user
when you click on post button that app nativate to facebook ap
ther is + button to add your frnd
can i use default sharing to do this.
for email sms i have an example
check this video
on 3rd minute
@NitinGohel and @DevGoswami thanks to both..
happy to help
can anyone give me an idea
for what
how to connect multiple user in an app
which app
what is your task
where is connect
i spin a bottle and it should spin in all connected user
ow hard logic
i dont know
sorry :)
i have done with single user
dont have idea for multiple
Its fine thanks
if you have done
for one then from that you can develop multiple logic
Good Morning Friends
with check how much user are there
and for it you can developer logic
its fixed
like teen patti
i want to invite fb friends
and join in table
spin a bottle
good morning
@Nirav Gm sir
for the game you can get all frnd list i think but its
diffrent process for create facebook app
yaa , i can get the list
i know that
@NitinGohel I need your help for uploading app on itunes connect
but you also need to facebook appwith this game i think so
@Nirav humm say
have you check the video ?
any idea to improve UI
i dont like the UI much
@NitinGohel Do we require to do any setting to make app compatible with 64 bit ?
arm64 build project with architechture
@NitinGohel I'm using xcode 6.1.1 currently and going to upload buld with the same]
arm64 and armv7
in build settings ... architecture ... there should be arm64 armv7 armv7s
i Found that
got it
thanks buddy
if you're using ... external libraries
you need to compile that library with all those architecture
no need to thanks yaar
I have also uploaded concall
if you guys like that app then .. share review and give ratings
great dude.
you can check the video for app
not yet great
Bye guyzz
Enjoy the day
I have submitted the app and its rejected with the issue ::

Your app declares support for bluetooth-central, and bluetooth-peripheral, in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for applications that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework.
Hello Good afternoon all
any body have exp. of MapBox.. ?
Hello guys i'm facing problem while validating my build : install.diawi.com/HkxkPv
prev URL was wrong so please ignore it
we cant install
without our UDID
added in to your provisional profile
ther is image issue
you need to add
@NitinGohel I already added 568h image but giving me this error.
here is my two best answer about image:
A: 'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'

Nitin GohelUPDATE After apple Launched ios8, iPhone 6 and 6++ that appicon sizes and lunch image sizes change for please visit my post for new sizes: Image resolution for new iPhone 6 and 6+, @3x support added? Yes, you need to add a 120x120 high resolution icon. Now, if you want to target only iOS 7, ...

A: Image resolution for new iPhone 6 and 6+, @3x support added?

Nitin GohelYes it's True here it is Apple provide Official documentation regarding icon's or image size you have to set images for iPhone6 and iPhone6+ For iPhone 6: 750 x 1334 (@2x) for portrait 1334 x 750 (@2x) for landscape For iPhone 6 Plus: 1242 x 2208 (@3x) for portrait 2208 x 1242 (@3x) fo...

@NitinGohel Naming convention matters for these images?
use asset Catalog
for setting default images and icon
my answer for setting icons and splash using catalog and direct
A: How to integrate splash screen for all types of iPhones in XCode 6.1?

Nitin GohelIn Xcode6 for all devices splash screen you need to make splash image for each device size retina and non retina. Best way of done this thng use asset Catalog from target-->general like following screenshot: when you tap the right small arrow near of launchImage (->) you can see the following...

can you help me ?
I have submitted the app and its rejected with the issue ::

Your app declares support for bluetooth-central, and bluetooth-peripheral, in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for applications that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework.
Common yaar .. any of you .. please . i need help
in to youar app suporting bluetooth
for connect other devices
in backgroud mode
when on call we can connect bluetooth
when you app is in bg
then better to ask
ituens dev team resolve center
and tel them brif about your funtionality with screenshot
might be something mis understood
Tired of apple
Its VoIP app
and enables bluetooth to connect when in call
1 hour later…
any one from nagpur here ?
@Leena ma'am
Hey, what would cause an iPhone app to open as 3.5 inch on a real iPhone 5 but to have correct resolution on the emulator?
@Leena hi
hi @SKT
wats going on
is it possible to resize image keeping its image quality intact
witout using third party
i did
but image quality lacking
maintain aspect ratio
but still
same case
you going to lose quality
if you are resizing it
so wat solution
go for third party library
@SKT if you dont want the same image quality you need to resize from the center as the apple iPhone photo app do
any reference
resizing any image in square is very easy
but to resize image of any size is lacking quality
any size is not possible you have to resize in aspect ration of image
ya i know it
so problm is if u having image of size 320 width and 200 height and u want to resize it 320 width to 100 this creates problm
defentily it will create problem there.. you are chaging the aspect ratio
UIImagePickerControllerMediaType = ALAssetTypePhoto;
UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage = "<UIImage: 0x17029d70> size {1136, 1136} orientation 0 scale 1.000000";
UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL = "assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=10DBBC76-544B-424B-8407-4EEF1A51F145&ext=JPG";
plz help
how to display image
this is my nslog
UIImagePickerControllerMediaType = ALAssetTypePhoto;
UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage = "<UIImage: 0x17029d70> size {1136, 1136} orientation 0 scale 1.000000";
UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL = "assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=10DBBC76-544B-424B-8407-4EEF1A51F145&ext=JPG";
Dec 24 '14 at 9:26, by Leena
Make use of http://dpaste.com/ or http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pasting your code
that's not code
it's my nslog
for better know
plz help
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[dict objectForKey:@"UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL"]]; @MaulikShah
imageview.image = [UIImage imageWithData:data];
Please upvote this question guyz so that this problm could be solved stackoverflow.com/q/29364341/3400991 @all IOSDEVELOPERFAMILY MEMBERS
not workig
@SKT your ques is wrong... you can't change image size in a way
otherwise image will not keep the quality
so u mean that if a large image is there we can't change it in smaller size with image quality intact rit ... i dint agree
we can and m on way to find solution wait for some time
use that
@MaulikShah it will take time to load image
@DevGoswami m talking about resize of an image
resize to what ?
in pixels ?
Q: Image Resize of any size keeping quality intact in iOS

SKTHow to resize image in iOS ? lots of answer exists but it is working fine for resizing image of square type .Here suppose we have an image of size 320 width and 200 height (320 x 200) so wat should be the way for resizing image of any size . say if anyone want to resize it to 320 x 100 . or How ...

you wanna resize to 1:1
@Leena ma'am
how r u??
what ??
@DevGoswami use pastie dear
7 messages moved to VOID
sorry ?
its ok
next time from nowonwards use pastie
yes @iDeveloper
what is pastie ?
related to jabber chatting i hvnt started yet
well not square type of image i need . i already did this @DevGoswami
ohhh .. ok
@Leena @SKT @iDeveloper

I have submitted the app and its rejected with the issue ::

Your app declares support for bluetooth-central, and bluetooth-peripheral, in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for applications that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework.

Help me in this
very nice link for create screenshot of app
use this
your project--->target--->Capabilities
@DevGoswami check over there
I did uncheck the bluetooth LE things there
in background modes
but i do wanna use bluetooth in bg mode
When the call is in progress i do wanna use bluetooth in bg mode
what you are doing with bluettoth in background?
Is anybody know how to set content-type for application/soap+xml in AFNetworking. I have searched but not exact solution
@Leena Its voice calling app , when call is in progress do i need this two things in bg mode to handle not interupt call in bg
Hi to all
i am trying to calculate the acceleration of running boat from ipad...
if any one have done this type of functionality please suggest me...Thanks in advance
2 hours later…
posted on March 31, 2015 by Johann

I’ve mentioned a number of libraries for creating different types of charts, and here’s an open source library called ios-charts from Daniel Cohen Gindi providing a port of Philipp Jahoda’s MPAndroidChart to iOS written in Swift. What’s nice about this library is the wide variety of chart types you can create. You can create line […]

7 hours later…
posted on March 31, 2015

It’s time. Apple Watch will be in the hands of customers on April 24. Get your WatchKit apps ready and submit them for review now. To learn more, read Preparing Your App Submission for Apple Watch.

3 hours later…
posted on March 31, 2015 by Johann

Earlier this month I mentioned a component called iOS-multi-back-button providing a popover allowing users to navigate through their view history. Here’s a component submitted by Taiki Suzuki that similarly adds navigation through previously seen views called SAHistoryNavigationViewController. Like iOS-multi-back-button users can navigate through views with a long press, but rather than b

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