Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[ResultsTableViewController viewControllers]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fd5125e6740'
when i tried into model segue it works fine but when i used push segue it crash becz in model segue i embeded navign controller in that view but in push segue i direct use that view not nav controller @SKT
Hello, I am confused with a functionality of NSDateFormatter when I ask for month it returns in proper english in my country like e.g "February" but in few European country mobiles it returns as "februari" is it just because of the phones locale ?
can it be fixed with below code: [dateFormatter setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"]];
@SKT I am using crashlytics - It has given that information - info is not very clear - crash happened 19 times and it always shows main file - It is not showing any other crash detail
I’ve mentioned a number of iBeacons resources most recently an example of a punch clock that uses geofencing to automatically tracker worker entries and exits. Here’s a library called Discovery allowing you to detect and discovery, and information transferring between nearby devices using bluetooth low energy from Ömer Faruk Gül. One of the issues with […]
@MayankPatel u have to access [0] index of navcontroller and then type cast it accordingly which u are actually doing within loop . just fetch [0] index viewcontrller of navcontrller and try to type cast it
sir i am using xib to show in all pages at bottom of view controller now i have a label in xib that containts counter of pushnotification i want to change that value runtime when push noti comes how can i?
i mean when app is in foreground at that time notification arrives and i need to change value of that label
If app is in forground notification will be received in didReceiveRemoteNotification so add a observer in any controller with Local notification @PremalKhetani
Earlier this month I mentioned an interesting pull-to-refresh component that allows the user to play breakout using pulls using SpriteKit called BreakoutToRefresh. Here’s an open source library called INSPullToRefresh submitted by Michal Zaborowski which provides a UIScrollView category for easily adding customizable pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling. With INSPullToRefresh you can ea…