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gm to all
gm to all
hey guys
gm all
when i 0-9 then output is not -9 in my calculator
any solution
my calculator work fine only problem is 0-9
Hello GM 2 ALL
@Leena @NitinGohel @TheTiger @IronManGill GM
i mean i am adding a view programatically so for that should i have to give frames according to all sreens? means i have to put static frames for all views?
does anybody know how to deal with ipohne device screen resolutions?
[ [ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ].size.height
= 568
@MaulikShah yes i know this stuff
iphone 4
but my point is not that.
look my point is that should i have to give frames according to all sreens? means i have to put static frames for all views?
this is very hard stuff to do that is there any other idea? @MaulikShah
you mean to say design only one screen & compatible with all screen?
use autoresize or autolayout
otherwise give frame like this

view.frame= cgrectmake(0,0,self.view.frame.size.width,self.view.frame.height);
it's set automatically
yes but view.frame= cgrectmake(0,0,self.view.frame.size.width,self.view.frame.height); is not working for all the times
it's works all the time for me.
i have tried with this but its not working properly
give me your code
in pastie
where did you call this stuff? @MaulikShah
give me your cofde
i give you solution
@MaulikShah wait for 5 min please.
ok bosss
@MaulikShah please find and let me know once u open link. i need to clear message
you want to check this ? if ([ApplicationData checkDeviceType] == iPhone4)
no i have putted temp code.
@MaulikShah because it was not working for all resolution thats why.
@MaulikShah Hi,Need help in seraching part (how to serach accordong to first name and last name )
which view you want to adjust ?
all views you can see i have added all frames from xib based
i m using xcode 6.1 .
I have mutable array in this i have the dictionary I want search the dat from dic
you r using xib
why not used auto resize
i have used xib based auto resize inferred frame 600 * 600
Q: iOS: Using auto resize mask to keep UIView at bottom of phone, no matter the screen size

bobber205 I've attached a screenshot of a color view I would like to have positioned at the bottom of the screen using the auto resize mask. I've tried every combination of resize masks I can think of, but when I change the simulated metric's Size to 3.5 or 4 inch, it doesn't move. :( What am I doing w...

see this
ok let me check
gm to all
@NitinGohel hi
how are you?
having issue .How to search data according to first name ,last name in table view
@NitinGohel, @harish, @MaulikShah vai afternoon ho gaya he
gud afternoon all
r you seen my issue or not
1 hour later…
posted on February 03, 2015 by Johann

I’ve mentioned a few custom calendar components, most recently this scrolling Calendar app style day picker. Here’s an open source component submitted by Jonathan Tribouharet providing a nice component for creating customizable weekly and monthly calendars called JTCalendar. JTCalendar provides both weekly and monthly calendars, date selection, and has support for events. With JTCal

hi, all can anyone provide me solution for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/28215500/…
any mac osx developer here?
u there
Hey @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel hello sir
tame mail joyelo??
@BandishDave jo baka
for loop ne responce get in ander nakh
jyare responce male pachi forloop chalu thia
@SidShah yah
'bhai kaisan ho
@NitinGohel sirji u mean search_read method ma for loop ne java dav??
sir nahi samjatu...
good morning
Hi can anyone tell pls
my ipad app quits with low memory warnin
when i do my app profile instruments it shows low memory warning and quits
but when i check the instruments which allocations i should check all (or) ananoymous (or) heap?
@NitinGohel it is possible to make hightlight image programatically
I have the images coming from the server.. i want to make the touch hover effect
Imageview . highlighted or . highlightedImage @SidShah ?
But i have only image not the highlightedImage
can we convert the image to highlightedImage
one funny way also there UIButton hightlighed
Can i prevent swipe delete for table footerview? Coz when I swipe my table row, the footer also gets swiped
@NitinGohel Hi Sir
Im there
Just arrived ... what is the issue?
@IronManGill got project of mac app:)
so now learning mac
with statusbar app
a added tab view controller
but that appear only two how to add more then 2 tab on mac app
@SidShah i think you need to set shadow on imageview
i think tap gesture helps
on tap
@BandishDave je method
tare fari cll thai jai che
so a method
responce ave pachi j call karav
do not run any code till you did not get responce
responce pehla
very simple
got it thx
me ek column me float value store karna chahta hu
usia type nsnumber liya hu
par jab wo float no -ve me aata he
to use 0 me convert kar deta he
how can i solve this?
for positive no it works good
@NitinGohel how can i solve this
use text
and set flow as a string and when get convert strin to flot
else use flot var
instead of number
nsnumber not contain desimal
is there anyway to recognize if the app is buyed from app store or is installed in other illegal way? @NitinGohel
પેટ્રોલ 2.42 અને ડીઝલ 2.25 રૂપિયા થયું સસ્તું
hello all
what is best way to create landscape and portrait screen?
@brush51 i dont think any buddy can install from other
that app are live on appstore
did you found anything ?
posted on February 03, 2015 by Johann

About year ago I mentioned a handy set of objective-c tools called objc-codegenutils which automatically generates code for accessing elements within asset catalogs so you don’t have to go through the error prone process of entering string identifiers. Here’s a tool from Indragie Karunaratne inspired by objc-codegenutils that allows you to automatically generate code for […]

9 hours later…
I really need help here guys!
Q: MPMoviePlayerController stop/freezes video when beginSeekingForward is pressed only on iOS 8+

NorthBlastI am using the MPMoviePlayerController to play some streaming videos of type .m3u from a url. They video player launches perfectly and the video starts playing perfectly as well, but as soon as I press the Seek Forward or Next or beginSeekingForward button the video complete stops/freezes. After ...

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