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Gud Morning...
gud mrng
gm to all
GM all @Sport GM bro
Good Morning Every1
Good morning 
gud mrng @Sport
 @pooja_1205
GM TO all
good morning
Gm @Leena
gm @sanjeet
hi @NitinGohel
Hello All
wanna a snippets of auto scrolling of images
in scroll view ..!
can anyone help mw with link on snippets ?
@Leena hiiii
Hi @NitinGohel
hello all gud mrng..
please please please help me for this
Hi All
@Leena hi
Any idea about it
Q: How can I retrieve my own iOS app battery consumption programmatically?

craigzourIs there a public API that I can use to retrieve my own app battery consumption directly in the code like iOS is giving in settings app ? Example of what Apple can provide through settings : http://img.wonderhowto.com/img/63/90/63537324981100/0/view-battery-usage-stats-for-individual-apps-your-...

please please please help me for this

May i give you a better option
@Nik's no idea about swift
you can make use of AFNetworking library with swift
using piep
objective -c code with swift
what @NitinGohel
wanna a snippets of auto scrolling of images
in scroll view ..!
can anyone help mw with link on snippets ?
@NitinGohel : do help me on this
Q: How to call Objective C code from Swift

David MulderIn the new Swift language from Apple, how does one call Objective-C code? Apple mentioned that they could co-exist in one application, but does this mean that one could technically re-use old classes made in Objective-C whilst building new classes in swift? The Reasoning Objective-C is a platf...

@satish_881 u mean slide show?
@Coder hi
yes @NitinGohel
yes like that only auto scroll @NitinGohel
recently integrated swift with SDwebimage
@satish_881 wait
@NitinGohel: how so i share the image here ?
@Leena pass me the demo
i can't :(
@NitinGohel: okay
dekh liya dost dost na raha
@Nik's you have directly assing the imagedata to the body..
check this use this
@Coder any idea bro
@NitinGohel its simple just add the header file and you can access any file of SDWEbimage in swift code
i know
i impliment paging library
@SAHIL no sorry
@NitinGohel : thanks :) and was looking to this sugartin.info/2012/01/21/…
this also usefull
i used this as well
go ahead
@Coder okay no problem
@Leena any suggestion on this
hmm , but the complexity i'm using flip screen for English and arabic in my project when it's switched byw the screen the images are scrolling very fast even if i increase the timer. @NitinGohel
Q: How can I retrieve my own iOS app battery consumption programmatically?

craigzourIs there a public API that I can use to retrieve my own app battery consumption directly in the code like iOS is giving in settings app ? Example of what Apple can provide through settings : http://img.wonderhowto.com/img/63/90/63537324981100/0/view-battery-usage-stats-for-individual-apps-your-...

Q: Watching memory usage in iOS

RonIs there any way to find out how much memory is available in iOS? I know that the system will pass low memory warnings when available memory gets low. However, my App has some points where a single thread will perform a complex task and sometimes that task uses up enough memory that it is just te...

Q: iOS - Get CPU usage from application

ivanzoidDoes anyone know how to obtain CPU usage for an application? It's definitely possible, because there are application in app store (Activity Monitor Touch) which can show it.

I need to find out the battery consumption
Is there any one know how to do Search in Tableview like Spotlight Search in Iphone
when it darg then searchbox appears
there is searchbarController
please google it
Hi @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel i have used Facebook Sdk and Paypal library.. when i make ipa file its size is 32 MB is there any way to decrease size
decrease your images size
i dont think that an issue
as @Leena said might be that image size big
I suggest you to check the size of folder one by one of the project.. you will get idea where it is too much
@NitinGohel and @Leena okey images are around 208
ok thanks @NitinGohel
Hi @NitinGohel want 10min of yours , em struck with some issues need solutions for that
@NitinGohel @Leena @SidShah screencast.com/t/4aev50shFZH size of libpaypalmobile.a is 28 mb reason can be this??
@NitinGohel HI
@satish_881 sure
its third party library you can do with this @Nisha
@NitinGohel bro any idea about battery consumption by user app
@SAHIL sorry bro i seen but no idea
@all any idea on Tapku Library getting error in the class files
yes getting some type errors
in the api class files
@NitinGohel : provide me u mail id or Skype Id pls
@satish_881 skype nitin.gohel10
i am recording audio and saving , when i am playing that file sound is coming only in top speaker and very slow. how to play in both speaker . i am using AVAudioSession , @NitinGohel
after sending images n videos the scroll of chat becomes very slow
tell me any solution for this
i hv done async downloading n then showing images in view
@Sport set audiosession property AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
i have added
still same
@pooja_1205 need cellforrow code
take the audio file and test in mac and check its giving the proper audio @Sport
@SidShah i mean it can be a reason because of libpaypalmobile.a size of ipa file become more? any way to reduce size of ipa file.. i will reduce image size
Good afternoon everyone!
@Sport UInt32 doChangeDefault = 1;
AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryDefaultToSpeaker, sizeof(doChangeDefault), &doChangeDefault);
try at recording time
before startrecording
@Nisha no dont think so.. you can add issue to that library.. ,might be that can help
@SidShah ok
look at this my code
that fine..
just add
UInt32 doChangeDefault = 1;
AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryDefaultToSpeaker, sizeof(doChangeDefault), &doChangeDefault);
at startAudioSession..
AudioSessionSetProperty deprcated
@Sport try this : success = [session overrideOutputAudioPort:AVAudioSessionPortOverrideSpeaker
look at my code
your song is playing to mic you need to move on to the speker..
i think that might be issue
ok i am checking
in this code i m doodling image on a image view
hello friends
but it is taking just the initial touch
posted on November 19, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,News     Featured iPhone Development Resources,News Today Apple released the first version of WatchKit adding many new APIs to the iOS SDK for interacting with the upcoming Apple watch. Some things to note: - As expected Glances and Notifications APIs are included for quickly adding basic Apple Watch support

plz check this
i am using latest Facebook sdk in my app , and i want to get Facebook friendlist of user but according new changes in Facebook sdk which returns list of friends who also uses app is there any alternative way to get full Facebook friendliest
@SidShah its working thanks
@Leena how to set priority to objects in array.
u hav any idea abt it
@Anilkumar @shantha.kumar @Yohan
@SachinPatil no other soluction
@akk add at particular index.. or add dict with priority key and value
@pooja_1205 yes
plz check this code
its not working properly
i want to draw lines as the user touches the screen
means there is no way to get Facebook friends list who does not uses the app
@akk sorry was not on desk for priority use NSDictionary
instead of array
@NitinGohel : thanks a lot
@pooja_1205 onTouchmove dont change the CurrentPoint
and right now comment on the touchend.. now check what happen @pooja_1205
ok @SidShah
now from (0,0) straight lines r being drawn @SidShah
also exchange the order..
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, CurrentPoint.x, CurrentPoint.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, previousPoint.x, previousPoint.y);
move point will be currentpoint and endpoint will be lastpoint (previousPoint1)
now it is not taking any touch
have you assign CurrentPoint on the touchbegan?
yes i hv @SidShah
comment this line..
no @SidShah
it is now just taking on epoint
nslog both the point
make sure current point will not change
make sure current point will not change
Printing description of self->PreviousPoint:
(CGPoint) PreviousPoint = (x=161.5, y=132.5)
Printing description of self->CurrentPoint:
(CGPoint) CurrentPoint = (x=159, y=139.5)
its fine
but it is just taking such small small points
not proper sketching is working in it
hi nitin
hi guru
@pooja_1205 i didnt find any isssue i have checked with code working fine
you need to debug
there is library you can also use this : github.com/acerbetti/ACEDrawingView
hai all
good evening
i want to know how to set tableview scroll with in its frame
u know at bottom i have uiview
and tableview scrolls under that tableview
but i want tableview to stop scrolling before the uiview and within its frame
hai anyone respond me please
@NarasimhaiahKolli hello
@SidShah GE
can u solve my problem
tableview scrolls beyond its frame content
gud evening..
send image @NarasimhaiahKolli
when your contect becomes largern then tablevie frame it will scroll
what you want what exectly the issue?
see tableview scrolls under tabbar in my view
i wanted tableview scroll in its content insets
move tableview 45 px up
decrese height 45
@SaadChaudhry are u here
have u solved yst issue
@SidShah 45 45 pixels doesnt work
i want offset or a property
HI @Sport
i need ur help
on click a cell of tableview that state become selected. if we click again for second time what will be its state ?
selected or normal?
in same it selected
i did not call deselectrowatindexpath
but state will change u call or not
pls conform if i click second time will this method call "didDeselectRowAtIndexPath"
i am using a third party class
check in ur code add breckpoint
there didDeselectRowAtIndexPath method was getting called
but in mine not
i am going for tea , after 15 mint
i will check in my cod
in the thirdparty only this method didDeselectRowAtIndexPath is implementted
but no where called
ok pls go
hi pals
just completed a proj in arabic and in that form submission is there if the text is entered in arabic it's coming in special char in DB
hi can anyone telll me how to make tableview scroll with in its frame
how to handle that issue ?
u know now table view simply scrolls under tabbar and uiview at bottm
oo sorry i did not see ..
method call
or not
Hello ALL
Can anyone help me with Custome keyboard extension app
Q: iOS 8 Custom keyboard NSUserDefaults not working on real device

MACAppDelegate.m method didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() NSUserDefaults *mySharedDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@"group.com.bundlename"]; // Use the shared user defaults object to update the user's account. [mySharedDefaults setObject:foofile forKey:@"bhavin"]; // foofile is a ...

anybody there
7 hours later…
posted on November 19, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools,Swift     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools,Swift Earlier this year I mentioned the SwiftyJSON library for working with JSON data in Swift. Here’s an open s

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