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Gm all
Good Morning
gud mrng all
GM to All
hi plz check this code
in this i hv a image view on which i m drawing somethind
now on the click of done button i hv to save the image
good morning @NitinGohel :)
gud mrng @Leena
can u plz solv emy problm
@pooja_1205 good morning
yes i will try
in this i hv a image view on which i m drawing somethind
now on the click of done button i hv to save the image
hi gud morning all
hi all
hi @Leena
i have 5 textfields
how to check 5 textfields data if same with case sensitive?
any idea
i have strings comparision with casesensitive
but textfields?
@NitinGohel any idea about clocks change by one hour for daylight savings time
Good Morning All
any one idea?
@Anilkumar can you share you code?
i have 5 textfields
and when you want to compare the data?
while entering? or you have a button to submit?
while submitting the data
i want to check
you have to do something like this
Hi Gudmorning to all
do this in your if condition for lowercase comparison
if([[firstName lowercaseString] isEqualToString:[lastName lowercaseString]]){
Good Morning @AlbinJoseph
where can i check this?
on click event of your submit button
in IBAction
you added strings
but i need to check
in textfields
5 textfields
strings contains the text of textfields
do i need to validate 5 textfields
like textfield1.text lowercasestring?
well, it depends upon your requirement.
you can do it using array as well.
put the text of every textfield in array and then use a loop to compare
i already tried that way
its coming into that also
but its not returning false?
What was issue in that?
even i added
can you share your code
-(BOOL)validationSameInterests:(NSString*)firstString secondString:(NSString*)secondString
if( [firstString caseInsensitiveCompare:secondString] == NSOrderedSame )
[utilities showSimpleAlertViewWithTitle:@"Interester" stringForMessage:@"Input text should not be same, please insert another interest" stringForCancelButtonTitle:@"OK"];
return FALSE;
but its executing
even false
ok when you are calling this method
in ibaction?
or textfield's delegate?
well, according to this code, if they have same text then it will show alert and will return false.
now it depends that what you are doing with false output
You should show the alert in your IBAction if you receive false in result of validation method
Hello friend
How to know my iphone DST (daylight savings time) is ON or OFF
BOOL dst = [[[NSCalendar currentCalendar] timeZone] isDaylightSavingTime];
Q: How to get daylight saving settings programmatically in Xcode?

user3517855Some countries are observing daylight saving, so I want to know if daylight setting is currently turned on or off (TRUE or FALSE) on the iDevice then I could correct the date on my app. is that possible?

Q: Find DST (Daylight Savings Time) timestamp using Objective-C/C?

FilipIs there a way to get the specific date (way) when daylight davings begins and ends for each country using C or Objective-C? In the Mexico, summer time begins on the first Sunday in April at 2:00am, and ends on the last Sunday in October at 2:00am. In many POSIX systems this is written as M4.1....

posted on October 14, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Swift     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Swift Previsouyl I mentioned a nice tutorial on creating custom user interface components. Here’s a nice guide with example code showing how to modi

@iBug okay
sorry for late reply
hi, i am looking for a pdf reader someone help me.
@NitinGohel @Nitin
hi anyone there
hi bro i have issue with google map api can u help me
sorry brother
i never used google maps
its ok bro no problem
@NitinGohel Ya its good and working
as always
good morning everybody
good morning
how can i embed a viewcontroller programmatically to a containerView of a storyboard view?
1 message moved to VOID
welcome to chat room used pastie.org for past code
and past link of pastie.org here
setting collectionview backgoundcolor to black changed my collectionview cell's frame white to black but i want to show white between the gap of two cell in collectionview ??
@NitinGohel hi
@SKT hello
stuck in the collectionview sir
i dont working with collectionview sorry for that
@NitinGohel hello
Sir i m in troble please help me
for present : [self presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:^{}];
use above line with completion block
might be you are attempt two view controller dismiss and present at same time
ok i will try
hi @NitinGohel sir
url = [url
stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
_directionsURL = [NSURL URLWithString:url];
line im getting warning like
incompatible pointer types assigning to nsmutablestring from nsstring
they show same warning
@VARUNSINGHAL put some interval between two view controller present and dismiss with completion block
must use
this is not a string thsi is mutable string
Hello everyone
@NitinGohel sir, hello
i need a help!
@iDeveloper good morning sir
in mapview, i need to show the animated dotted line between two location as mapview overlay.
@Leena g @KiritModi
@iDeveloper sorry sir i was working with map 2 year ago
and afther that there is lots of changes so not much idea
Does anyone know, pls do help me
do google might be you get draw line
between two point easly
i got sir
but not able to make animated dotted like
put animation on brezire path
@NitinGohel sir pls check
@Leena @NitinGohel
how can i embed a viewcontroller programmatically to a containerView of a storyboard view?
sorry for empty ping, it was a mistake
if you have view controller object then what an issue
addchildviewcontroller ,didmovetoparent, addsubview
@Leena thumps up
@Leena i have tried that, but it should let the topBar there, and it looks like removed
have you set the frame
of its view?
@Leena yes
oh i see it now
full sized and placed on 0,0
@NitinGohel sir it does not work i m give u full code
@Leena @NitinGohel no, it is not working how i want it. i am adding childViewController to self, maybe this is the overriding point
@brush51 hello
and yes, this is the overriding point. so how can i add a viewcontroller then? when i am just adding the subview i am getting a crash with: UIStoryboardModalSegueTemplate retain
and yes, this is the overriding point. so how can i add a viewcontroller then? when i am just adding the subview i am getting a crash with: UIStoryboardModalSegueTemplate retain
@NitinGohel r u there
@rkmakwana hello
@all : uidocumentinteractioncontroller button is overlapped with status bar.how to solve this issue? can anybody help me?
@NitinGohel: nitin do u have any idea abt this?
Hello Every One
Hope you all are doing great
@Rajesh hello
@VARUNSINGHAL Have you worked on UIActivityController on iPad in iOS 8
@ rajesh pls can u check my code it give warning pastie.org/9646499
no i m working in iphone
@Rajesh they show They show warning Attempt to present <ABPersonViewController_Modern: 0x155b5500> on <ComposeMailView: 0x158dda00> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
@VARUNSINGHAL Are you opening Mail Composer also On same action
Hey ALL :
Have any One Worked on UIActivityController on iPad in iOS 8
Please help
no i m not open mail composer on same action. mail composer is my view i want mail composer to abpersonviewcontroller
@VARUNSINGHAL : No idea Varun, Your Code shows me that you are trying to open Device Contacts in their controller
Have any One Worked on opening UIActivityController on iPad in iOS 8?
@NitinGohel: Have any One Worked on opening UIActivityController on iPad in iOS 8?
Q: UITableView + UIPickerView

PraveenI am trying to create a UITableView + UIPickerView But, unable to achieve this. I got some examples after my research on Google and stack overflow only integrating UITableView + UIDatePicker all the time. Can anyone suggest to this or anyone has a open source code for this? Many thanks

@Praveen: do u have any idea abt this (uidocumentinteractioncontroller button is overlapped with status bar.how to solve this issue)?
hello :)
anyone has additional tips to this question?
I am changing my phone language to dutch and getting CurrentLocationLatitude = "52,36996540";
CurrentLocationLongitude = "4,88186510";
this response from server
while in english language i get it like CurrentLocationLatitude = "52.36996540";
CurrentLocationLongitude = "4.88186510";
google api doesn't recognise this comma in decimal place
any one has idea about this?
how to add searchbar in collectionview .. ??
@SKT hello
i have one que regarding provisnig profile
@NitinGohel test flight asking me to install provisnig profile but when i click on it
you also have to upload provisiona in testfilight
i am getting message "there is no provisning profile installed "
so from where is get provisning profile for iphone 6 ?
are you add provisional profile
in to testfilight
can u tell me steps ?
some suggestions for this question ??

@NitinGohel hello sir
anybody can suggest me api for news feed in my android app for commercial purpose free @PiyushMishra @TopCat @anybody i searched a lot and find faroo api but not able to access apikey and second one is "the guradian" but it not give full content free. please suggest me..
thanks for this...i develop a android sample using this. but this api not provide images only text. @rkmakwana
faroo.com/hp/api/api.html#key i also try to use this api but i am not able to get apikey for that... @rkmakwana
have you tried Yahoo's api?
yes it is paid
Hi, just quick question, i wanna draw a separator (a line basically) but I want to use autolayout for that, what may be the best way ?
I used to use a CAShapeLayer but you cannot add constraint on it :/
new api is free but for non commercial purpose @rkmakwana
of yahoo
yeah I just saw that
well, I am out of options now :)
will get back if find anything of your use though.
@neerajkirola @rkmakwana @Loadex hello
@neerajkirola @rkmakwana @Loadex How to get real device udid ??
@Abhishek check this whatsmyudid.com
no idea about ios @AbhishekGupta
@rkmakwana programmatically ??
For what purpose do you want to use it?
because apple has banned the use of UDID in the code.
@rkmakwana to use as a unique id of a device during registration
than you can use the UUID
NSString *uuid = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString];
@rkmakwana its not getting actual udid
in ios 8
@AbhishekGupta It is not the actual UDID, it is just another valid approach to uniquely identify a device. Since we cannot use the actual UDID because it might lead your app to be rejected from app store, it is perfectly fine to use this approach. Further you can review this question to clear doubts stackoverflow.com/questions/6993325/…
can any one tell me that , how to get all my facebook friend list using facebook sdk?
6 hours later…
posted on October 14, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C Last week I mentioned a nice project from Kai Inui providing easy access to a selection of colors for creating great looking gradients called UIColor-uiGradients. Here’s another nice

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