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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 20:00

because I am giving version number on top of navigation
@pooja_1205 :(
you have to find this in GOogle
@Joge strange
before launch I have given one update to client that running perfect here but my client send me video of crashing in his iPad
Q: Remove sections with no rows from UITableView

BotI would like to remove section headers from a UITableView if there are no rows for that section. I'm using UILocalizedIndexedCollation for my section headers. So when I create the headers, I don't necessarily know what sections will have content. - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITabl...

Q: Assertion failure in -[UITableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:]

jim_mcFor some reason my app is failing when trying to load up the cells into the tableview. All of my tableviews throughout the app are exactly the same and i have no issues with them. Could it possible have to do with initializing the Controller from another viewController? I wouldn't think so. ...

that same issue
Q: Trying to debug error: *** Assertion failure in -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:withIndexPath:]

philI have a simple UITableviewController that used to work fine and now something has broken it.. It presents a simple form that allows me to add a simple 3-field record to a core-data managed object. When I add a record, it should return to the table and display the contents. I can see that it i...

Q: i fail to understand these 2 crash reports

SebastianSince i received comments of crashes but the app never crashes for me, I now use critterism to hunt down crashes. I received one report that pointed to me to an error by me. It was easy, since the method name was given and i could look in my code what might crash. So far, so good. But i also ...

hi guys getting this error when trying to install pods [!] Unable to locate the executable git
Q: CocoaPods: Unable to locate the executable `git`

user944351I've already installed a pod successfully (SDWebImage) and now trying to add a Library called "MFSideMenu". My Podfile looks the following: platform :ios, '6.0' pod 'SDWebImage', '3.2' pod 'MFSideMenu' When i do a "pod install", i get the following (error-) output: Analyzing dependencies Dow...

@Leena my completion block jumps everytime to NO
already tried but unable to install git
git-2.0.1-intel-universal-snow-leopard.dmg i have downloaded this and trying to install but getting some error
did you install command line tool from xcode?
no, trying to install through terminal
but you have to install firs command line tool
that install git
follow my above link post
I want to create a stock price chart similar to what iOS has in the default chart app - what do you think I should use as a library?
for chart i think core-plot
nice library
@BenjaminGruenbaum few chart lib: code4app.net/category/chart
hi everyone, have an UIView animation problem: when I call [self layoutIfNeeded] inside the animation block the methods in the completion block (inside the if (finished) braces) are executed before the end of layoutSubviews animation. This drives me crazy and I hope someone can help
somehow it works in between... thanks to everyone anyways
Q: Considering options for drawing "Nucleus", "Orbit path" and "electrons"

Vijayakumar N LI have to draw NxM Grid and also I need to draw Nucleus, Orbit path and electron with rotation animation in each grid. Which is the best way to do achieve this by using CCSprite or CCDrawNode or ccDrawCircle? I tried CCDrawCircle() method the circle line are anti aliased. For CCDrawNode I can ...

can anyone help on this..
please i am beginner for cocos2D
@Yohan oh really
@NitinGohel have you worked on cocos2D?
@NitinGohel s bro we pushing viewcontroller using navigation controoler na ? if so is the view deafultlly will have slide to go back to previous view ratherb than pressing back button?
no boss dont know about cocos2d
ok yaar thank you.. @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel any idea?
sorry not getting your issue
yes ios7 provide this
@NitinGohel its not working some time do i have to enable any setting or code?
or its default?
no need to setting anything but do google if there is any need but i thik by default that enable in ios7
@NitinGohel thanks bro for ur valuable time for the small question :)
no laugh bro i said seriously :)
i have mac os x 10.8.5 , when i am searching xcode6 in appstore it is displaying xcode 5.1 ?
you can run xcode 6 after 10.9.4
you can't use xcode6 in lion
bbye @NitinGohel
@pooja_1205 ok ba bye sister
that mean after installing mavericks , it will show xcode6 download option ?
xcode 6 in not fully release yet you can download from ios dev center
.dmg file
2.67 gb
thanks nitin bye GN
i want to integrate a payment gateway which can be used in india,, recently i had words with zooz but they told their services are not in india
this was their reply "Thanks for the email and interest in Zooz. I'm afraid we currently cannot take on companies located in India. Do you have a US or EU entity?"
Q: payment gateway for IOS and android

rahulI am developing an app in which users have to pay via app(android/ios) in Australian restaurants. There are two optioins to pay via PayPal or via credit/debit/atm card. Is there any payment api which gives both options to pay, means user can pay via paypal account or via any bank card(eg. cred...

@Anilkumar hi
any idea about text data changed currency symobl?
@NitinGohel can't use paypal
do google you will get bro
@Arvind why
    "country_currency_symbol" = "$";
i am getting currency symbol like that
@NitinGohel client doesn't want :(
i checked google
nothing related came
how to convert text into symbol ios
like this
what text in to symbol
"$" ? What does it look like?
@iAn what
3 mins ago, by Anilkumar
    "country_currency_symbol" = "$";
finally i got it
its called html text
i searched as html text
convert into symbol
that above symbol is for $
why your backend developer did not provide actual symbol
my app is going to release all the world
so for that reason
@iAn (y)
they dint provided symbols
@Anilkumar but it does not means that html tag is covert automaticuly
of that change then you can also put related symbol
as well
for Indian app, its already in waiting for review mode from last 1 week
hardworking BOY
i am getting response as
"country_info" = {
"country_currency_symbol" = "$";
"country_currency_type" = Dollar;
now u have to use pastie
if i put symbol according to text, unkown text like spanish, how could i manage?
you can easily get symbol from code
predefined symbols
for that reason i am converting to symbol
if i put symbol according to text, unkown text like spanish, how could i manage?
Q: How can i get currency symbols from currency code in iphone?

Yuvaraj.MI have get currency code (Eg: USD, EUR, INR) from webservice response. I need to show the currency symbols for the corresponding currency code. If the currency code is USD, i need to show $, if the currency code is EUR i need to show €. How can i do this? Please suggest any idea or sample code to...

you get currency code with response so you can get :P
@iAnum hello
this is nice approach really
Hi friends please help me resolve stackoverflow.com/questions/25893557/…
Q: Exception :unrecognized selector sent to instance Dismissing View Controller in IOS 8

2vision2I have open another view successfully in current view using the following code OptionsViewController *optionView = [[OptionsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:IS_IPAD()?@"OptionsViewController_ipad":@"OptionsViewController" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController presentViewControll...

anyone here?
have u ever worked on admob iOS?
4 hours later…
posted on September 17, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,Swift     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,Swift With the introduction of iOS 7 I mentioned a nice set of tutorials covering many new aspects of the iOS 7 SDK from Sam Davies of Shinobi Controls. Now with the introduction of iOS 8 here’s anot

04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 20:00

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