@Hiren one of my frnd suggest me about this stuff.
player view ka ek view animation karake opaque nikal diya h ... and player view ko chota kiya h
player view jab chota hoga tab tuzhe piche ka tableview ka interaction mil jayega then you can scroll table view as well scaling alongwith animation karana h bass
I want to be able to present the camera picker, and take multiple pictures before dismissing the modal view. I would also like to display how many pictures the user has taken before the view is dismissed. Is this possible? I'm aware that I would have to use an overlay for the image count, but I d...
I use following code to create a MyAlbum via ALAssetsLibrary.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
ALAssetsLibrary* assetLib = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc]init];
[assetLib addAssetsGroupAlbumWithName:@"MyAlbum" resultBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *group) {...
My new boss thinks you can submit an update to app Store and mark it as priority once or twice a year. if your abuse it you lose your privilege?
Is he correct. I've been submitting updates for years and never heard of it?
@Bajaj You can request a Expedited review, which should be used if you've submitted an app which has been approved but it has an issue that needs to be fixed urgently. As your boss has said they can only be done a few times so be cautious doing them.
I am trying to pass values from SWReveal(table view) to Collection view controller. first time when i load the app the collection view has this
collection <UICollectionView: 0x91cfc00; frame = (93 90; 931 603); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x8e43aa0>; lay...
@pooja_1205 then you have to set web service calling when user install app and run in app delegate you need to get device programeticuly is that iphone which device user used and post this paramiter in to websrvices :P
Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C I’ve mentioned a number of open source projects for working with PDF files most recently ILPDFKit for working with PDF forms, and BNHTMLKit for easily generati…
you can easly detect iphone, iphone5 and iPad with below condition (But not iTouch! iTouch is treated as if it were an iPhone with this code!):-
if([[UIDevice currentDevice]userInterfaceIdiom]==UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
guys i have an issue with collection view in parent view controller.... i am using SwReveal view controller... when i open the reveal view controller and call a method of the parent view controller from the reveal view controleller the colelction view becomes null
I am trying to pass values from SWReveal(table view) to Collection view controller. first time when i load the app the collection view has this
collection <UICollectionView: 0x91cfc00; frame = (93 90; 931 603); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x8e43aa0>; lay...
I am making NSURLConnection in a loop in a asynchronous fashion, but as it is in a loop all the connections are running in parallel, But I want to make second connection only when I get response from first and so on.. How can this be done. Any help appreciated.
I need to set
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
in my tableview.I can check multiple cells to delete the rows.While doing this the default image to delete at left is not getting displayed.Its working fine when I am setting selection styles to
` UITableViewCellSele...
@NitinGohel, how many requests to make depends on the loop, so the loop will not wait for the BOOL value right, if it doesnt get that value it will come out of the loop
I need to read xls files in my IOS app. First of all, I want to convert xls files to csv format files, then my app parse csv files, but I can't find any ios library to convert xls to csv, please help me
i am using mpmovieplayer controller can you tell me which function is call when movie play one second mean i need a function that call on every increase second of movie
@NitinGohel @Leena do you know how to set some propertys as reqiured ? is that possible? for example: i am using a class and this class needs to have an array which is required. so how to mark this array as required?
Hey guys, just implemented inappsettingskit, and it seems to work, but the layout only shows the control, I get no labels or a value for the slider? I'm using storyboard, and assigned a custom class to the view controller. Any advice much appreciated.
i have a pod which handles data from social networks and so on. i want to have a completion/success block to be sure that DATA exists. because: after data exists i am making a fetch and pass the data to other pod.
before i send you the paste, what i want to achive:
i want to call my Class and after this init of this Class i want to work on. so may to call this Class like : SocialNetwork *social = [[SocialNetwork] alloc] initWithCompletionBlock { success here } else error here.
I am working on one application that have tableview , When I run it in my simulator and iPad running well in both of , But client say it's crashing , I integrated in this "Flurry" . In flurry I'm getting this error pastebin.com/3BhSE7Zj . @Leena help me
I have been seeing the below crash in my app through testflight. I am not understanding where and how this crash happens. I have multiple UITableViewControllers in my app ( around 10 ), hence not really sure which piece of code to paste here. Any help will be really appreciated. I have already re...