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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

posted on September 04, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C Sometimes it can be difficult to see if the dimensions of views within your app properly match those within your design, and sometimes you may just want to generate some dummy placeholder imag

1 hour later…
hello all
hows it going
GM to All
GM to all
Gm Everyone
gm to all
@sanjeet @shantha.kumar @AnilPrasad
@Sport gd mrg
gm @Sport
@sanjeet i have an issue can help me
Gud Morning
Gm to all
@sanjeet ihave button and button method i want to change the button image and settext to my uilabel i can able to set the uilabel but not able to change button image
@NitinGohel GM sir
hiii gm @pooja_1205
gud mrng @sanjeet
@NitinGohel gud mrng
@pooja_1205 gm sister
wait for min @shantha.kumar
@shantha.kumar... Best way is to change state of button.. In your xib add the image for the selected button style and text.. and on button click change button state
On button click : btnAddDestination.selected=!btnAddDestination.selected;
@NitinGohel :)
@SunnyShah can please check my code ihave done something linke this
@sanjeet k
@shantha.kumar have you taken the button in xib
@SunnyShah s im using storyboard
@NitinGohel hi sir
@shantha.kumar go to your storyboard.. click on you button
@shantha.kumar no metter
just set two image for one buttton in to view didLoad
one with UIControlStateSelected
then below button type there is state config
and onr with UICotrolstateNormala
and as @SunnyShah said in to Actionof button
@shantha.kumar have you found..?
and check that image automaticuly change
ya i will try thanks @NitinGohel @SunnyShah
one question.
hi all
is it possible to allow only people that has a iPhone with 4 inch to use the app?
when submiting the ios app to the appStore?
or it needs to work on 3.5 and 4inch...
when submiting the ios app to the appStore?
Because our application was never meant to work for 3.5 inch. and we are late and we need to ship with 4inch
you can't
for device
you can only restication for ios
better to check if app install in to 3.5
then show alert
and dont go other view
just put alert this app only compatible with 4 inc screen device
Apple allows this?
might be yes
but not sure
because im having trouble
with the keyboard and textview when sending a new message
I added a constrain to all the views
but that one seems complicated at this point
@eddwinpaz yes with autoLayout
that doing hard
since it has so many calculations for resize the webview and the textview and keyboard
have u solved ur problem @shantha.kumar
use autolayout
but the textview resizes
when user types
Q: Submitting an app only for iPhone 5/5s/5c

Nick MarinovI've worked on my application for a couple of months, I hired a designer to do the UI and every screen in the app is based on 3 main elements - top bar, bottom bar and content. I tried to use auto-layout and setting the top and the bottom bar was a piece of cake, but the image I use for a backgro...

if no use this pastie.org/9525846
Hii good morning all.. please check out if anyone can help on this.. stackoverflow.com/questions/25641322/…
@Nisha if you doing clearColor what happen?
@NitinGohel uiview background?
nope image
@NitinGohel do you have any tutorial or link where i can see a keyboardresize with a view like imessage does???
@Nisha i think i got the issue
see that background image you are setting for wall view
andit's actul image is not full fill
butter to add two imageview
onefor set markert and onefor set image as a addSubview
dont set background of view as a image
@NitinGohel ok i will try and tell you what happens
gud mrng :)
@Leena no
@eddwinpaz in this github copy they used collectionview
with autoLayout as well
maintain keyboard and text
@Nisha set markerview.backgroundColor as a clear Color
there must be something to change in google map file
yes might be
anybody here worked with UIImage metadata ?
i am not getting UIImagePickerControllerMediaMetadata while selecting image from photos album.
what you want from image metadata
good Morning.
from imae Picker
yes @NitinGohel from uiimagepicker
I get meta data info when i take picture from camera. but i am not getting meta data info. when i select already taken photo from albums.
if you are taken photo from camera this image contain meta deta
like lat long
time date
A: ALAsset longitude and latitude from metadata

Nitin Gohelusing CLLocation *location = [myasset valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyLocation]; helps you getting lat and long from captured photo check bellow code and use as par your requirement. - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)i...

@Nirav sir gm
@NitinGohel Is iphone automatically adds the meta data info in every single image captured by camera app ?
see my answer
you got like this
using ALAsset
yes i have seen your answer. but i am using this UIImagePickerControllerMediaMetadata
try ones like that instead of UIImagePickerControllerMediaMetadata
comment your code in imagePickerController deleget and see what you get
@NitinGohel i am not getting timezone (local ), i am getting current date and time 2014-09-04 11:28:50
in this format
@NitinGohel actually my requirement is to add the lat,long data in existing meta data.
so whenever i capture the image, i manually add the gps cords in meta data and update the image. I also want to add the meta data info when i select image from library. but metadata is null.
+0000 , i want my local timezone
@NitinGohel got solution i have to make background clearClear of view and also opacity = NO
@NitinGohel opaque=no
what what i thinking
36 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
@Nisha set markerview.backgroundColor as a clear Color
@Sport pastie code
@NitinGohel ya markerview.backgroundColor as a clear Color and also opaque=No than black color will not come
ohh @Developer sorry have no idea about it
@Nisha wow
@Nisha try my code
@Nisha is markerview is webview?
@Yohan issue is fix :)
@SunnyShah what how does your code working?
that create an image from view
@NitinGohel yap i seen but want to know markview is webview? nitin ji
@NitinGohel Yaa i have tested
@NitinGohel solved screencast.com/t/YXV5pcSoaxkc... post your answer as you have given suggestion of not giving image in background also mention about opaque=no
GM to all
@Harshad Gm
@Nisha posted :) thx
@SunnyShah [self imageWithView:markerview]; i have used this method for converting uiview to uiimage
@Sport never nslog of NSdate object
that never return tru output
NSLog(@"destinationDate: %@", destinationDate);
@NitinGohel accepted
@Sport do nslog like:
NSLog(@"Todays date is %@",[formatter stringFromDate:todaysDate]);
@Nisha claps
@NitinGohel @ALL Good mng
@Kani Gm pa
can i test icloud in simulator ?
Q: Using iCloud in iOS Simulator

user772845In my App, when I try to run code in the iOS Simulator: NSURL *iCloudURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:@"2VHM28566N.com.eept.TestICloud"]; NSLog(@"IS ICloud : %@", [iCloudURL absoluteString]); It shows that iCloudURL is nil. Can we use iCloud without an iPhone device?

Q: Testing iCloud sync with a single iOS device

ClafouI have just one iOS device at the moment, and it hasn't been a problem so far. But I now want to add iCloud sync support to my app (which uses Core Data). Will testing be simply impossible until I get a second device? Or is it possible to use iOS Simulator in conjunction with my device or to fak...

posted on September 04, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools,Swift     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools,Swift I’ve mentioned a number of libraries for working with maps, such as the CCHMapClusterController for high-speed map cluste

what is this "formatter'
i am getting erro
you need to set dateformate sir google plz
@NitinGohel hi sir
hello sir
i want to expand uitablecell only one at a time
hw to do that
use this
how to do that i dont know
you can do using above example
ok thanks sir
wc sir
1 hour later…
hello sir
@Bajaj yes sir
HI all
I have transform a imageview layer self.imageView.layer.transform = t;
using CATransform3D
now i want to convert this trasform into a image but nothing is working
can any one guide me on this
i developed an application using objective c and ios 4 (so very old) what are the probabilities that buying a new licensce and putting this on an iphone 5 it will works ?
@frank you have to update your code too before put it on app store
it wont work on the fly on new ios and devices
@Retro it means i must change half of my code ?
it is not back compatible ?
well it's depend on the code, business logic may not need to update but view and other things need to update
well ios too old for that
most app now only support iOS 6 or 7
First run the code in simulator and check which areas need change as per the new OS
yes, thats a good idea
i have snow leopard and i cann't install new ios development kit
i must buy new apple computer ?
if possible you can upgrade it
or if you just want to update this app only you can freelance it at low cost
or if you a pro programmer then buy new macbook pro :)
hi all
hi saand
@Leena hi
hello @shantha.kumar
@Leena i have expandable uitableview and have uilabel in my tableview if expand its giving too much empty space for longer text
hw to reduce the empty space
reduce the size of label
what else you can do
but for short text the not showing this much white space only for longer text its showing like this
that means your height calculation is creating issue
ok where i have reduse my height
im uising like this
i have tried by setting frame for the uilabel also
cell.answ.frame= CGRectMake(20, 35, 300, 80);
like this
@Yohan hi bro
can please help me
@Yohan this is my code bro
help me out
@Yohan bro r u there
@shantha.kumar can you show screen shot
the above one is still not uploaded my side its loading i wanna see issue
now can u able see it
nope still loading nw slow can u mail
@Yohan sent check ur mail
yap wait
bro check the difference bewteen two screen shots
u find the difference for longer text its taking too much white space for shot text not taking that much white space
i have used this code
@shantha.kumar have u truncate ur cell text?
@akk no bro hw to that ...
@akk bro r u thr
@shantha.kumar cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; or NSLineBreakByWordWrapping or blah blah
@akk bro im getting error like property linebreak no found on object nstring
cell.tit.text.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
i have used like this
@shantha.kumar try to change and run different different
its cell.tit.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
not for the string
u should set to the label not label.text
@shantha.kumar not it. yohan said
@akk any wrong?
u said right
thx :)
@akk after setting that also its not working+
change it for NSLineBreakByWordWrapping
these only help u
@akk ya i did its not working bro
ok change it to other
@NitinGohel hii
hello sir
sir have a question ...i just uploaded my nuild to appstore ..they rejected it coz of an issue
what an issue
i am asking password on logout in ma app
is it wrong ...?? i mean they ask me liek y are we need password at the time of logout
wat do i need to doo ...just answer them or ...i need to remove that feature
its you?
Q: Why apple reject my application

Rish BaranwalI am prompting for the password when user logout from my application, is this the reason apple rejects our application, is I am not following the Apple Human Interface Guidelines.

no its not me
see same quety
@AKSH better to ones explain to ituens team why you are put this feature
if they are setisied then no issue else you have to removed
this Feature
as par my thinking i dont think this Feature is useful
ohkk ... just one more thing have u ever seen that kind of app whcih requie password for logut ?
bcz i never seen any app or social media site there are asking password at login time lol
nope never seen
ohkk ..:)
did you tel any information when logout
why you need this?
thats ma client requiremant actuly not mine
if you are prompt alert why you need logout time password might be that will be fine
but first chat with iTunes team from dev center
if they are agreen then no issue
i can chat with them
with itune team ?
when you app reject
in to ituens click on your appicon
there are one line at header you can check the reason and at dev Center someting
and there is also potion to ask quertion attech screenshot
ohkk lemiii see
just see bellow the rejection details
there is a reply section below the resons ...u were talking abt this sir
ask to your qeary and abotu Feature
why you used
@NitinGohel keyboard tut gaya
@Leena kyu
its my style
gud sir
thx @Bajaj sir
@NitinGohel hi sir
@shantha.kumar hello sir
@NitinGohel did look my issue sir
still its not wroking
@Leena ji woh base se immediate set nahi ho raha
ihave givin my screen screen shot also
@shantha.kumar wrong calculation of you cell height with your text length
hw to so that sir
so you need to do google how to set dynamic cell height of table view based on UIlabel text length
which calculate it
@NitinGohel aapko koi idea
@Anjan kis chiz ka
Localization set karma hain forcefully
NO idea
at runtime sab kiya par immediate affect nahi hota
are to pehle hi key de te
mera to aaa jata tha
ek switch k toggle par
are madam mere me 6 targets hain air 7 language ka support hain to har koi target ke alag language supported hain
baap re
6 target
1 hi project me
isi liye to matha pachhi hain
kaunsa project hai
@Leena eng plz :P
what is this project is all about @Anjan
its company's project
@NitinGohel is that ok ?
@Leena too good
@Leena ohh mam tht i can disclouse
:18684470 hoohoohoh mary christmas
why what happen
haaaaain its september
i m not santa
@NitinGohel ans nahi aya
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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