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guys, how can i load a file from a group folder
i have a few files named index.html, sorted in different groups
one checking purpose, i am doing one webservice in app delegate class, is it fair?
bcas i am checking device id, if existed then going to one class, else login page
so, for that i am doing webservice in app delegate class
is it fair?
posted on July 16, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools,Swift     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools,Swift I’ve mentioned a few ORM frameworks for use with SQLite and Core Data – here’s a database

yes no issue with this
@brush51 NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"groupFoldername/file" ofType:@"txt"];
every thing id fair in LOVE and CODING @Anilkumar
not in ios its in android
okay brother
as u said i done like below for previous query
but its not forwarding to nextview controller brother
Warning: Attempt to present <TipsTableClassViewController: 0xc28fd80> on <LoginViewController: 0xc17bd70> while a presentation is in progress!
for this issue
any solution brother
something other process have to progreess
i dont think there is any issue with your above line
i am doing this in didfinishloading delegate method
if i called like below
[loginClass dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:NULL];
[self presentViewController:tipsTableViewController animated:YES completion:NULL];
@NitinGohel how can i load a indexfile with other files to display a local page in webview?
after gone to tiptableviewcontroller, viewdidload finished, its again comebacking to loginviecontroller
this is the issue i am facing brother
currently i have the problem that the images in subdirectorys are not displayed in webview
@Anilkumar that what i said there is issue with other code
after present that again back to login
@brush51 u mean load image in webview
Q: Using HTML and Local Images Within UIWebView

JasarienI have a UIWebView in my app which I want to use to display an image which will link to another url. I'm using <img src="image.jpg" /> to load the image. The problem is that the image doesn't load (ie. it can't be found) even though it's added as a resource in my project and is copied into th...

Jay Shree Krishna @nitingohel
this my code in that loginviewcontrolelr class
could u pls check once
i am facing this issue from yesterday onwards
and previous i never faced like this issue
pastie is empty
ther eis in tap class some dismiss
check there issue is not wirh login clss
leaving time bro
1 min bro
may be it will take 5 mns to check
check this
check and pls let me know bro, if i done anything wrong over there?
i am getting google plus and fb user info
and calling one custom method
in there, i am passing values to server
thats only i done bro
u there brother?
u there?
looks good
ur code @Anilkumar
but y its calling back again previous controler?
really strange issue bro to me
ok where
u need to debug
that bro
only thing to get
going working
i didnt get u bro @BulletRaja
bro need to go
will see ur code tomorrow
if u don'yt mind
@Anilkumar i need your help
u dere?
no issue
what is issue?
@BulletRaja u there?
hey anybody ....know ...iOS 7 main koi nye colection type include hue hai kya
Hello @AKSH @Anilkumar
can you help me?
Actually i have problem with Setting the Image in ProgressBar?
@iTag buddy lil bit bsy stii l tel me ..if knw ....
Sure bud die. I want to do like Youtube ProgressBar. ie. playing and Streaming
how can i achieve This,
simple use slder with prgress upadte and customize it in application did finish launching
Actually i used Progress bar, and Playing And Streaming and Background things - i have to set the Images
I followed Two Progress bar for handling the Playing current time and displaying the Streaming, These two i need to set the Images
Q: Building a custom UIProgressVIew in XCode

Julian ColteaSo I'm trying to create a progress bar using the following images: This is the background: And this is the fill that I want to use to fill the progress bar: Any tips on how to go about this?

heloo @aksh
7 hours later…
@SaadChaudhry Do you know anything about the ECSlidingViewController?
Why you need that?
josephswebdesign cool, where you from
I am having a problem with converting it from a tableviewcontroller to a viewcontroller
why you want to convert one?
what you are trying to do
hi someone here ? :-)
hi hello hello hi
saad ?

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