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this line working in viewcontroller.m
i want to call this in appdelegate.m
its not loading SWRevealViewController
not showing error also
u want to call SWRevealviewcontroller in appdelegate class, right?
instead of viewcontroller class?
using id "swreveal"
set as a rootviewcontroller
of window
do like above brother @Square
@nitinGohel is correct
let me try
Warning: Attempt to present <TipsTableClassViewController: 0xc28fd80> on <LoginViewController: 0xc17bd70> while a presentation is in progress!
i am getting this type of warning
[viewController1 dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
[self presentViewController:viewController2 animated:YES completion:NULL];
is this helps?
i am using OpenUDID class in my app, apple will reject my app?
because i need unique id from device
SWRevealViewController *swrvc=[storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"swreveal"];
its not working
showing black screen
SWRevealViewController not loadded
u need to allocate memory brother
as per my knowledge
then only it would call
    self.LoginViewController=[[LoginViewController alloc] init];
like above
the above code for xib
i used storybord
use exampe of @NitinGohel given
yes i used that only
after that this issue
SWRevealViewController *swrvc=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"swreveal"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:swrvc animated:YES];
this is working
check then github demo how does it working
if not clear @Square
Q: Present storyboard view controller from app delegate?

Steven FisherI have a view controller subclass, SignInViewController, used for signin that my be needed at any time. Rather than have every view controller in my app listen for the notification that signin is needed, I'd rather have the app delegate do it. But how do I trigger it from my app delegate? Do I ...

check this
i called this in viewcontroller.m , same thing i want to load when user logedin . thats why i need to call this appdelegate.m
bro then u need to check condition right?
yes condtion is working
not able to load VC bro
may be mistake some place of code
check brother
may be .
navigation is the issue
use presentmodalviewcontroller, and check
what will hapend
instead of navigationcontroller
hello every one
anyone can help me how to solve my error about fb sdk
i m using NSDateComponents *difference = [self differenceBetweenDate:myDate andDate:myDate_created];
its load present view controller
to get the time differnce between two nsdates
but i want to go another view
@squre i dint got u
but this is wat i m getting -> time difference:351881440
@Pooja no idea, sry
@pooja_1205 in seconds
why this time difference is cuming so
Q: Convert Seconds Integer To HH:MM, iPhone

StumfI am struggling with this. I have a value in seconds that I want to display in a label in HH:MM format. I have searched the internet for ages and found some answers, but either not fully understood them, or they seem like an odd way of doing what I want. If someone could help me out on this one t...

[loginClass dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
[self presentViewController:tipsTableViewController animated:YES completion:NULL];
this is not calling tipsTableViewController, brother
allocated class in to the
create object in side
i didnt get u bro
create object of tipsTableViewController in side th compliation block
or dissmis
but i am passing array after allocating the memory to tipstableviewcontroller brother
pls check above link once
Hi every1
@Anilkumar atlist try ones
put in side array passing code as well in to the block
I want to achieve multipeer connectivity for streaming audio from iphone microphone... has any1 worked on such thing b4??
@MayurCM sorry from my side
okay bro
Thats ok bro
actually some1 else has asked this question already
@NitinGohel I was trying socketRocket OpenTok stuff.. is it worthy to spend time on these in my case??
@MayurCM actuly i have no idea about it so i can't say anything about it
that much better for u and me :)
Q: EasyJSWebView breaks when reloading the webview

mBeckhamI have been implementing EasyJSWebView into a project that pops up a web view on the receipt of a push message. This works fine for the most part, until you want to reload the current webview. At that point the functionality of EasyJSWebView breaks and the javascript in the webpage cannot communi...

@NitinGohel ok
@IosDeveloper this is 15th time youpost question
hi can any one give me solution for this
i alredy given link how to call funtionof js
@NitinGohel i have no other option.i have tried so many wayss
@IosDeveloper :(
i have less knowledge in GCD, while converting string image to nsdata
ya but that is call javascript function from objective c.but i want to call objective c method in javascript viseve
@Anilkumar i suggest to sdwebimage no need to convert it url to nsdata
its taking somuchtime and system is hanging upto sometime
just pass the url and that load very nicly
so, i used GCD
pls have a look
while using GCD, image not displaying bro
i never work like that using GCD with image
if i removed gcd, then its displaying
okay @nitinGohel
click on above download it
using SDWebimage, system wont hangup?
actually problem is inner html page is not working (means not loading )
@IosDeveloper bro i can undastand but if i amnot done this type of work how can i fix this
@Anilkumar add this frame work in to your project not drag and drop
put this frame work in side to you project folder and add
as we add framwork inxcode from target ---
#import "UIImageView+WebCache.h"
@NitinGohel have you worked with 2d arrays?
without drag and drop?
@Anilkumar i said not drag thi framwork to direct xcode
u said not drag and drop?
then, how to import?
put this in side project folder and add
2 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
put this frame work in side to you project folder and add
add means, i didnt get u bro
@Anilkumar i am realy surprize with your ios work
Okay bro
will try
xcoeproject-->target--->Builde phasess--->Link binary with libraried
there is + button
tap on it
there is open one winodw
add another
click on it
tehre is open one window
this i know brother
add like that
i thought u said, add beside ur project
this thing i done for facebook sdk also
first put framworkd at you project folder
then add like that
okay bro got it
do thanks
so when you move you project that not crate any issue
what should be property of nstimer
nonatomic retain
or nonatomic weak
@BulletRaja i dont know
i never seen such type of things
i just used strong variable
@NitinGohel hello sirji...
okay boss
@BandishDave hi
sirji new fb sdk ma je configuration nu folder che a import karvu jaruri che
i means ena sample example ma
aa 4 file
dont know bro sorry i not used new sdk yet
Hi @NitinGohel , @BulletRaja
I want to implement an App , that enables the In App Purchase
I want that to upload to the AppStore
I am having two urls like :
#define ITMS_PROD_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL @"https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt"
#define ITMS_SANDBOX_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL @"https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt";
which one i should enable for App Store review.
please help me out @NitinGohel @BulletRaja
#define ITMS_PROD_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL @"https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt"
thanks @BulletRaja
this getting as a depricated method
and also some internal files error coming as @synthesize property allowed in ARC or GC
from inside classed of SDWebimage class
that time difference problm is not solved
@pooja_1205 humm
@Anilkumar :(
hre is mine working fine
ok no worry follow you code
as you doing
but app is hanging while converting to nstring into NSdata
thats y i am bothering @NitinGOhel
as of now use
2 hours ago, by AKSH
A: Async image loading from url inside a UITableView cell - image changes to wrong image while scrolling

RobAssuming you're looking for a quick tactical fix, what you need to do is make sure the cell image is initialized and also that the cell's row is still visible, e.g.: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ myCell *cell = [table...

will try bro
dispatch_async(kBgQueue, ^{
in above kBgQueue for this
do i need delcare anything queue?
third thing use AFN
its very simple
as you add two folder of afnetworkng right
some thing api call
u remember this
i am not clear with this review guide line.
What url should I use to verify my receipt ?
Use the sandbox URL https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt while testing your application in the sandbox and while your application is in review.
Use the production URL https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt once your application is live in the App Store.
@YSRfan whre do you use thsi url
i did not use thsi url for in-APp
in my any app
for in app purchase i am using in verificationController.m file
@NitinGohel i am not using AFNetwokring brother
i got this file from ReyWenderlich tutorial
i am using asynchronous method using NSURLConnection Delegate methods
@Anilkumar for asychronouse
image loading
ther eis providing class
using @AFNetwork?
this two folde past in side to you project
and add as we adding file in to outproject
after that
for in app purchase i am using in verificationController.m file. i got this file from ReyWenderlich tutorial @NitinGohel
#import "UIImageView+AFNetworking.h"
and use setImagewithurl
@YSRfan sorry no idea
@YSRfan then fully follow its blog
if([difference day] !=0) { timeString = [NSString stringwithformat:@"%d day ago", [difference day]];}
i already done everything using asynchronous method bro
now i cant revert back
no knwn cls method for string with format is cuming
because at most i need to submit the app today
@Anilkumar are mere bhai
i think i am wast mine and you time
@pooja_1205 what is this
no bro, sorry
for time i m using it
i have already done asynchrounous method brother
so, if i go with AFNetworking, it would take time
AFN provide classs for image loading too
thats y brother
like sdwebiamge
i am not talking aboutload webservice call
dont pardon me
thsi is for only image Loading that
is your currunt issue
will try bro
@pooja_1205 i given to link that you get seconds and convert it in to the munuts
@NitinGohel hi
i ahve mpmovieplayer ocntroller on table view cell
who is goel
on click i have to make it ful screen
@NitinGohel still i am face the problem in tableview cell stackoverflow.com/questions/24532131/…
@BulletRaja i think ther is mpmovei having fullschreen notification
google if for more
@chetu :(
but i have so my custum ui
so i make it
and not show default style
@NitinGohel ok
@chetu what an issue
with this now
i solve it with you demo
@NitinGohel i send you mail with demo code.you seen that.
@NitinGohel then can you give me any suggestion to fix this
donwload this
@NitinGohel ok
some have sample code for audio upload to server
not getting nay odea
please help

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