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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@AKSH, @MoorthyTheBoss Gud mornig
GM to All
@All hello gudmrng!
@NitinGohel sir hi gudmrng!
@Leena g hello gudmrng!
@Rinku hello
@iDeveloper hi
Good Morning @AKSH @iDeveloper @AnilPrasad @Rinku @NitinGohel @Leena
@AshishKakkad vGM
@AshishKakkad hi gudmrng!
Gm to all
@NitinGohel @Leena @DivineDesert @PurpleDroid @AppleMap @MoorthyTheBoss @AshishKakkad @iDeveloper @Bajaj @ALL "Good Morning Friends :)"
@iShwar gudmrng sir!
@iShwar Vgm :)
"BRB Friends"
Good Morning @all
good mrning
Can anyone tell me how to bind a NSnumber with double value to sqlite statement? When I write [numberToBeBound doubleValue], it shows an error
Q: How to bind dynamic NSNumber Object to SQLite query?

Thomas JoosI'm wondering how to bind an NSNumber object into a sqlite3 query: const char *sql = "select name from myTable where section_id=1 order by name ASC"; I have a NSNumber object called 'nmbr' and want to assign its value to the section id..

I just figured it now. Instead of the doublevalue it will be longLongValue
Thanks anyway
But now it shows a warning Incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing 'int' (aka 'signed char') to parameter of type 'const char *'. Can this warming be removed?
@AshishKakkad, @NitinGohel @all Vgm
@Rinku gm sir
hello amol bhau
changla @iShwar
@NitinGohel "Jai Shri Krishn Bro :)"
@Jitendra Yes Please
ardent isys la opening ahe re
company was good
send ur resume
Morning folks
@NitinGohel hi need help from u
Do we need to create seprate certificates for each project which depends APNS?
Can we extract audio from a recorded video?
@Jitendra mail aala aahe ka...???
u jsut send ur cv
ok @Jitendra thanks :)
Q: Extract audio from video file

iPhone DeveloperHow can I extrace Audio from Video file without using FFmpeg? I want to use AVMutableComposition and AVURLAsset for solving it.e.g. conversion from .mov to .m4a file.

@Praveen YES
Q: iOS Extracting Audio from .mov file

GrinnehI've been trying to extract audio from a .mov file for a while now and I just can't seem to get it working. Specifically, I need to extract the audio and save it as an .aif or .aiff file . I've tried using an AVMutableComposition, and loading the mov file as a AVAsset. Adding only the audio trac...

@NitinGohel Thnx let me try tht
befor asking atlist you try to do google
@user3781959 sorry but you have atlist 20 repo for join any chat room in stack-oveflow.
posted on June 27, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C Earlier this year I mentioned a nice open source command line tool called fui that allows you to quickly find unused imports within your Xcode projects, and as you may know

@iShwar Welcome
@NitinGohel sir
i need to remove bottom border from navigationbar
but it s nt working
@NitinGohel @Jitendra @iShwar all sir's
pls do help me
@NitinGohel Okay thanks. And, sorry for late reply
@NitinGohel sir r u thr??
@iDeveloper use layer property of this dear
to remove border
make it clear color
[self.navigationController.navigationBar.layer setBorderColor:[[UIColor clearColor] CGColor]]
@AKSH may be the navigation bar background image issue
still border appears
u tried this
try this
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:[[UIImage alloc] init] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setShadowImage:[[UIImage alloc] init]];
in ur tutorial u just removing the shadow
u hv to remoce the border
see this
A: iOS7 - Change UINavigationBar border color

nullYou are removing the shadow but not the border, you need to do the following: [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:[[UIImage alloc] init] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; [[UINavigationBar appearance] setShadowImage:[[UIImage alloc] init]]; To change the border use an image of 2...

This is a sqlite question, guys....... I have a table with primary key as VARCHAR NOT NULL; when I try to insert that particular field, I get this Error..field may not be NULL
I have checked my code , the value assigned to be primary key is not null
@AKSH i solved it taking a transparent background image for navigation bar
@AKSH thanks buddy
This is my code
All it gives is this Error while inserting Products data. 'Products.productSku may not be NULL'
Can anyone help me?
@iDeveloper :)
1 hour later…
@NitinGohel can suggest me some lib for showing image with page indicator ?
@MoorthyTheBoss u mean page dots
@NitinGohel yeah
@Mohit hello
have u worked on multiplayer game
Yesterday i have done one screen
@Mohit please reomove
i understand
Can you please just tell me how to create a simple cell with two part on one part there should be image and in second i want to show video
easy just make a mpkmediaplayer object
and a image object on cell
and use it as normal
@BulletRaja @NitinGohel
please see it i want to show one image and one video or both vodeo both image it's dynamic
Q: playing videos in UITableViewCell

JonathanI am trying to play videos in the cells itself instead of a fullscreen video display. I am using MPMoviePlayerController for this purpose. I have defined MPMoviePlayerController *moviePlayer; in the implementation section Then in cellForRowAtIndexPath: I do this cell = [tableView dequeueR...

Ohh @BulletRaja
I want to use collectionview
@NitinGohel hi nithin
as you can see in image
i want date like this hh:mm:ss.[1/10s] @NitinGohel
1/10s means wht i dont know @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel my client is asking like this..
it is time zone
i guess
thanks @BulletRaja
@BulletRaja hw r u? long time no c :-p
Bhai plz see my question
just give me a suggestion
@Yohan bhai
hw r u?
@Mohit what problem u r facing
u r going good
@BulletRaja fine hw s going?
hello i have one problem regarding UIActionSheet ,I have two text field on 1 view,and on clicking on on text field i open an action sheet.The action sheet is open when i click on any one of text field.But when i click on other text field,the exc_bad_access exception thrown.
@TarunSachdeva on which delegate method of textfield u r open the actionsheet
hello i have some query about OpenEar sdk for ios any one have an idea
hello everyone
Google places API i am getting problem to load the nearby places. iOS
hi to all
can we save data in offline mode for cloudkit?
hi @AKSH
@Anilkumar srry dear never used cloudkit
u know about icloud?
@Anilkumar yess.. but never used
would it save data while have no internetconnection in our device?
and fetch the data offline mode even?
@AKSH u there brother?
yes i have
say what u need to do
hi @BulletRaja
i am going to use cloudkit in my app for saving the data
i have a query regarding that
could we save data even no internet connection?
to cloudkit or icloud?
and fetch data even offline mode?
u got my point?
@Anilkumar I think we can't save data on offline
As i had seen in whatsApp
If whatsApp is not doing then it might be chance that it's not possible @BulletRaja @Anilkumar
thanks for your valuable suggestion @Mohit
is there any doc regarding this @Mohit
I have an iPhone so i had tried it
I m working on chat application so we are syncing the chat on iCloud
so, we can fetch data in offline mode from iCloud @Mohit
Q: Which technique will be better to store IOS app data and run app in offline mode??Documents directory or cache directory or temprary directory?

Vaibhav KhatriHi recently my app has been rejected by APPLE, they says We found that your app does not follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines, which is required per the App Store Review Guidelines. In particular, we found that on launch and/or content download, your app stores 3.11 MB. To check how much ...

Hope it will help for you.
Cloud is concept to store something another location from your device. Then how can you get it without internet..As per my understanding technically it's not possible
Okay brother @Mohit
thanks so much
i dont have awarness on this brother, we have requirement regarding this
so, i need to give clarification to client
for that i puted query here
Gmail is based on concept of cloud..you cann't sync your recent mail on offline mode.
thanks again brother
i got it
If you want then you can store your data on local if device is connected from internet in that time you can upload data on cloud
But dear practically it's not possible to sync or upload data cloud offline mode..Not in iCloud if you are using windows-8 then there is feature of skydrive like icloud it's also not allowed data sync offline mode.@Anilkumar
now i understand
If still client want clarification i can send you the link
If still client want clarification i can send you the link
@Anilkumar Any other question
@Mohit no brother
hello anyone can help for push notification?
@user3140414 sure
good evening all
hello sir
my problem is i am trying to get payload data when i tap on app icon
so is it possible ?
if there is any notification found then you get like this way
u mean sir handleRemoteNotification method is called when my application is in background?
when you tap on app iconor notification from natification tab
at that time yo get likeabove code
but sir i want tap on application icon and trying to get that one
not from notification bar
same thing
give me 5 minute sir i am trying to implement this one
byee guys
@NitinGohel kem 6
@BulletRaja badhiya sir
tts hua
@NitinGohel is it possible to fill UIBezierPath up to the point tapped?
@Nina i never done bettor
mu touch move
method you can get point inside
the brizer path
and then you can fill color
@Nina some thing like
Q: How to detect encosed area in iOS and fill color inside that?

DeveloperI need to create an app just like Paint application in Windows. Please check out the video at this link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56721867/Screen%20Recording.mov This is how I need my app to be working. I am able to draw the lines and fill color by using UIBezierPath and CGContext cla...

But it fills the complete path
I want a portion to be filled
up to the touch point...
3 patti?
@Mohit yup
m leaving
hello nitin sir ...r u there?
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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