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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

any1 here have worked on Audio unit?
Core audio ??
@Leena hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Leenaaa kaisee ho :) :)
See who is there :O :O @iLearner :D :P
@OmerObaid ios or android. ?
@iShwar iOS
ya sorry i havent worked on that, what you want to do.
hi @iShwar
Anil close the topic bahut khinch gaya
@iShwar want to build equaliser
@Leena tum name kyu change karte rehtee ho.... :D :P
@Leena okey:) I dont know hindi :P
@OmerObaid better i can do some googling for you :) :) :) Seee if it helps you
@Leena Magdale kon thiii :D :P
@Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena @Leena
@iShwar after doing that i came here.
so you have seen that link before. ?
@Yohan can u post full table view datasource code. let me check
@iShwar yes
@iShwar more than 50 times i think lol
kuch niiii DD kaha hai. me free hu aaj :D :P
@OmerObaid ohh :D:P , sorry then buddy !
@iShwar Its Okay. Thank you.
"most wel-come !"
take a look
@Yohan what is the problem?
@iShwar tableview gretting crashed when i start filter
"let me see/try if i can"
ok let me see
@iShwar with pleasure
exact location of crash and crash log? @Yohan
@iShwar @Anil i can able to add one record only when object at index 2 its getting crashed but my array shows 7 record is there
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 1 beyond bounds [0 .. 0]'
hopefully crash in cellforrowatIndexpath
NSDictionary *book = [[sections valueForKey:[[[sections allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)] objectAtIndex:indexPath.section]] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
put this line into if(isSearch){} else{}
into else part
in cellForRow
@Anil again u r awesome u saved me 2nd time again hmm small mistake s ve to grow lot myself anyway thx for the day man:)))
ve to learn lot from u peoples how to c problems specifically
most welcome bro:)
i have one smal doubt brother
@Yohan experience makes the debugging easy. All the problems that you are facing now we had already faced. Keep trying
its small logic i need
sure ask
i have login with facebook and google+
@Anil s exactly bro :)
i need to pass the value as fb if user clicks the facebook app
else if he clicks google+, i need to pass google+
how to put logic for this
u got it @Anil
my issue
passing to where?
webservice brother
@Anilkumar what's Your mind say when you have this task first ask your self how can u solve this?
i thought assigning tag, but where, i am confusing brother
guess we are not here u have only google so with witch key word so you wish to find this issue solution
only tag
Yup @NitinGohel
did you try to fine how t check is that login with fb or not?
you have only two option of login
one if FB and other is G+
so you just need to fine only user loginwith fb or not
if not then it must login with G+
that are two buttons no?
one if fibloginvew and other is Goolge+ button
only put this if condition if(FBSession.activeSession.isOpen){FB login}else{G+}
for button assigning i have idea to put tag brother
if(FBSession.activeSession.isOpen){FB login}else{G+} can do after the user logged in only
@NitinGohel, i dint get u brother, this condition where should i put
bcas logging doing after loading the app
where do you need to parse webservice
obvieously put this condition there SIR
and also the G+ get data its method and FB get use data delegate method must be diffrent
you can also put this web service
when you get its logged in user data
@Yohan great work
i am passing the values from delegate methods inside directly brother
my sir where do you get FBuser logged in data?
@NitinGohel not me its @Anil who done it
is there fb provide any method
@Yohan yes he is the great coder
- (void)loginViewFetchedUserInfo:(FBLoginView *)loginView
user:(id<FBGraphUser>)user {
in this method for fb user data getting brother @NitinGohel
so you can't fined which web service called for witch account
that same call when G+ user logged in
same thing same that provide methods
brother, i am not calling from certain place
i got it
i can do brother
after logged in oneview controller load
thanks @NitinGohel and @Anil
no issue
you are confused how to know the user from were to comming in this view controoler
you are trying to put webservice call from view did Load
of that after logged in user view controler
so in to the view DID load method put
if condtion that i given few mint ago
and accardint it calling web service is that fb then call it else g+
not need to checking both
i will try brother
@NitinGohel hello sir
hi sir
kaise ho sir
badiya paji
aap dasso
@NitinGohel sab thik thak ho
Any one idea how can we develop draw line like itunes.apple.com/in/app/photo-measures-lite/id417222688?mt=8?
@Anil there??
@Anil what exactly

NSDictionary *book = [[self.sections valueForKey:[[[self.sections allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)] objectAtIndex:indexPath.section]] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

it does ?
i have also used the sectioned table view and i have implemented the same thing in the number of rows method but i ddnt get it yet.
will tell u
yes , thanks !
let me break the statement first
ok, whether it returns the number of rows as per the sections, ??
no. self.sections holds the data for all your sections
its a dictionary
you will access the object within that dictionary using "valueForKey:" (objectForKey) is the proper method
for that you need the key
@NitinGohel hi
how will u get? . Get all the keys [self.sections allKeys]
sort it
get the proper key for the section
yes exactly.
now you have the data for the "Section" - it could be an array
means section have group of rows
so get the data for that particular row
last objectAtIndex:indexPath.row
will do that
so now you have the data required for that row
got it buddy. :) i just log the outputs like

NSLog(@"%@",[self.sections valueForKey:[[[self.sections allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)] objectAtIndex:indexPath.section]]);

and the scene is cleared :) , Thanks :)
in "numberOfRowsInSection" you use the similar code
yes exactly.
if u have any doubts just break the statement and see what it exactly doing
i have created the native contacts module in one of project in that i have used this ,
yes sure. the break ups elaborates a lot.
i got one of the tut and i just implemented the same in my project that time, i do not gone in depth that time.
Any ways thanks @Anil :)
@NitinGohel @Leena @MoorthyTheBoss @Coder @Anil @Nirav @ALL "Byieieiei Friends Gn Tc Sd :)"
@iShwar good by bro
@Coder hi
@NitinGohel hello sir
h r u
byee @iShwar
@Coder Hi
@NikunjJadav bolo seth... .
jalsa che ne ? :D
@NikunjJadav leee. . . . su vadho che tene ....
any idea?
@NikunJadav jovu chu .. be tu avu kyathi lai ave che ? :)
@NikunjJadav distance manually enter karvanu hoy to possible che... . bz me play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kr.sira.speed&hl=en speedgun jevi iphone banavi ti :)
@Coder lya app ma integrate karvanu 6e
@Coder ha distance manaally 6e
@NikunjJadav call par samjavu ??
A: Draw curved arrow between two points using Quartz Core in iPhone

DarkDustUse either the Cocoa Touch UIBezierPath or if you do prefer CoreGraphics/Quartz you can also use CGPath. See Drawing Shapes Using Bezier Paths or the Quartz 2D Programming Guide.

@Coder Thanks let me check it
@Coder all link for mac app
@Coder mac demo
iphone j che ne la.
@Coder Mac 6e
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 15:00

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