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GM @JaiminModi
GoOd MoRnInG
@AnilPrasad GM
@JaiminModi @iBug @AnilPrasad Hi
@NitinGohel sir hello
gm to all
@iDeveloper gm sir
@iDeveloper VGM
@NitinGohel GM SIR
@AppleMap oh gm maha sir
good morning everyone
Gm to @ALL
Hello every body
i have a query
I am donwloading videos file through ASIHTTPRequest and saving in document directory successfully but there is no sound in that video
@NamoNamo @RoshanJha
@bhanu Sorry bro I am also new to iOS
@bhanu ASI i think deprecated
why you not using AFNetworking
no its working fine
video is downloading successfully
Gm to all
i integrated the facebooksdk to my app
and added url scheme also
after launching the facebook
its showing the message
Error App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properl
i got solution for this, as make enable the ON button for status and review in facebook developers website
but while i clicked the ON button, its not enabled
any idea to do that?
@Anilkumar there is no need forsubmit
app for review facebook
you just need to add ios platform
and also mention you email id so you can enable app for all user
or set your application identifire like com.abc.adf
@Anilkumar i have checkd
i done everything
but that eror coming Bhai
but ON button not enabled even i clicked
what i said
did you set your email id in to app
else that no enable on button
I have already account in fb
what i said did you undastnad
valid email id means?
i am logging with one gmail id
is that not valid?
contact Email sirrrrrrrr
in to your app --->setting
there is colom like above screenshot
hi @NitinGohel @Mayur @iDeveloper gud mrng :)
oh, got it @ Nitin thx bhai
i left that column
so, it wont take automatically our email id, which we used to login facebook
this is not for that parpos
just app is live for all user
not only one test user
for email id you have to set proper parmission
fine done
please leaer facebook development from facebook dev site
ther is all documentation
@NitinGohel maha sir ??
@RoshanJha gm sir
@NitinGohel Gm Guruji
@NitinGohel one help bro.
@AppleMap yes sir
jo googlekarvanu hase to tare karvu padse
is there any short code to get profile info from facebook, @ Nitin bhai?
@NitinGohel pastie.org/9194859
@NitinGohel table scroll karu 6u tyre image change thati jay 6 yr..
@NitinGohel update thati rety 6...
Hello, Can you please look into iOS Native player problem while doing streaming:
@AppleMap a issue to mare pan ave che
also finding this solution
but no luck yet
@NitinGohel to bhai su karva nu ??
malse to kais tane
@NitinGohel madiyu kai solution ??
@NitinGohel tu aj rite kare 6 k ??
@NitinGohel ?
Hu to afn thi imageload karu chu
but same issue mare ave che
oky... male to k je kai k
Yes @bhanu
issue solved yrr @NamoNamo thanks
@bhanu HOW
some output sream issue?
no no
actually there is server issue
the video URL coming from server have problem
k @bhanu
:p hmm ab client nu problem che.
@NitinGohel, for submit approval, what should checked the check mark in facebook?
@NitinGohel mare profile iamge and post image bey same thai jay 6.. e prblm pan ave 6 bhai
@Nitin u there bro?
Hi all
any idea, how to show route between two places iOS
@Jeev how about doing google
I asked, IF soem body has already done that
but why don't you first google out
before asking over here
i guess i need to start blacklisting the developer who dnt even first google for their issues
@Leena g hi
@Leena hii
@iDeveloper hii
hello @AppleMap
@Leena yes go aHead
posted on May 21, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I’ve mentioned a number of interesting resources demonstrating physics with UIKit dynamics such as this tutorial o

@NitinGohel sure?
@Leena yes
@SaadChaudhry hi
hey Nitin bhai good noon
@SaadChaudhry hmm
@RoshanJha hey RJ
kesi ho/kesa ho
@SaadChaudhry Acchha hoon tum kaise ho
hahahhaa last time tum achi bane hue they
hii @RoshanJha
@SaadChaudhry Nahi, Main har baar acchha hi rehta hoon
@Leena hi :)
Roshan Gujrati ati ha tumhe?
@SaadChaudhry Haan
@Praveen thank you bhai
Elan Technologies
@NitinGohel What is the use of deleting Deriveddata in Xcode?
@Praveen means
when we run project
And, will it improve the XCode performance? If not, then how to get that? My XCode getting slow when i opened the storyboard
in xcode there in derive data ther is contain all data
each project copy as you show
in blog post
and some time wen you change that not refelact because derive data did not change
Okay :)
and we thought why that change not working
3 mins ago, by Saad Chaudhry
Elan Technologies
so we need some time remove this subfolder build from derive data
@Praveen for slow storybord open xcode work
that happend bcz of ram
in mavrix have 6 gb ram necessory
that working smooth
@SaadChaudhry Yes
else create a diffre diff story bord
for each sectio
Oh oh! Okay i'll ask my management to upgrade with 6GB :) Thanks anyway
@RoshanJha salman khan zyada pasand ha kya
@SaadChaudhry :p FB khol liya tumne
@Praveen for more clear
see my answer
A: Too many views in storyboard - Xcode running Slow

Nitin GohelI faced the same issue when I was working on an Enterprise App. In the Project I had only one storyboard and all views in a single storyboard. Opening the storyboard caused Xcode to get very slow. So I divided the storyboard into multiple storyboards as module-wise and load a separate storyboard...

@RoshanJha kabki
@SaadChaudhry Jyada use nahi karta isliye sab chiz outdated hai
@NitinGohel hello sir
i doubt
i ahve a collection view which contaon 15 item
i m showing 5 item at a time
i ahve next and back btn to show item in 5 at atimes
like first time 0 to 5
when user click next 5 to 10
but on clicking next i m settinf collectionview content offset
but it is not setting the right
Q: Dynamically setting layout on UICollectionView causes inexplicable contentOffset change

Timothy MooseAccording to Apple's documentation (and touted at WWDC 2012), it is possible to set the layout on UICollectionView dynamically and even animate the changes: You normally specify a layout object when creating a collection view but you can also change the layout of a collection view dynamically...

good morning
need a help
need to detect the image of number plate of vehicle conatins some blur images or not ?
Q: Is there a way to detect if an image is blurry?

SamI was wondering if there is a way to determine if an image is blurry or not by analyzing the image data.

Does anybody know how to put a Sharp Sign (#) in a linux configuration file ?
It comments the line out if I don't use any skip character or something
how to use parental control for email for kids app
Bullet raja hi
did u worked on facebooksdk?
yup say
after redirecting to our app from fb, where should we call method to fetch the user data?
got my point?
where should we call that above link method?
thats i am confusing
if u know, pls post ur answer
i am going to lunch
if u need it in multiple classes
then in appdelegate
else in the class u need
@iBug i just go through that link but its not clear how to implemen that part in my app
its provide documentation answer with matrix and algos
But i need a solution or proper way to implement that part
@BUllet Raja
no i need in viewcontroller class only
i mean first class
in viewdidload i am calling the fbloginview
after that, where should i call fetch data method?
u there @Bullet Raja
how to play vimeo video in iphone app
pls help me
Q: How to play youtube/vimeo video within the application in iPhone

AvijitI am building an application where I want to play video from url like Youtube, Vimeo, Direct url. I am making custom player using AVPlayer to play a video from a direct url of video clip(like www.abc/play.mp4). But later I faced a huge issue to play youtube & vimeo video. And after searching a lo...

Q: How to play a Vimeo video in iOS?

Dennis MadsenI've tried to search to web, but I couldn't find a topic not older than 1 year regarding this problem, therefore; How can I play a Vimeo video in an iOS App? EDIT1: When using the solution I'm sometimes getting this HTTP response from Vimeo Why?

@Leena (long)moviePlayer.playbackState
i m getting this value 4
@NitinGohel hello
when player is playing
and alos sometimes 1
i m using
bullet raja
this delegate method not callin bro after facebook login
any idea?
i puted delegate self also
@Anilkumar wait
Okay @BulletRaja
i am required to make a dictionary global as i need to use it in some other class.
So i created one dictionary in appDelegate and assigned this dictionary to the dictionary that i want.
but the dictionary in nil when i use it in some other class
@NitinGohel, @Leena
@iCodeAtApple Do you really code at apple?
i just got awake
@iCodeAtApple did you allocated properly?
I doubt he code at apple :p
@Leena hello
i need a help
@BulletRaja looking at your question only
which i have never used
are you streaming data?
@Leena : i did not wrote
uiapplication sharedApplication for appDelegate...
thats working fine as now
Thanx for the clue:)
Now he works at apple
@NitinGohel Guruji hi :)
Has anyone worked with facebook sdk to get user information?
@Leena playing video from server
may be that is the issue
"The playback state is affected by programmatic calls to play, pause, or stop the movie player. It can also be affected by user interactions or by the network, in cases where streaming content cannot be buffered fast enough."
as per the documentation
i have the issue i m during buffering i m not getting the right state
if videos is paused due to buffering is still shows plaback satte
see what apple is saying
due to network issue it can be affected
good evening to all
Good evening
@NitinGohel rply to ap
@NitinGohel Mera nyota mila ya nahi?
@AppleMap kya aapu?
kam ma padyo chu
@RoshanJha yes boss
@NitinGohel Ok
hi @Abizern
i have one issue bro
i integrated the facebooksdk into my app
after login facebook i redirect to my app
up to that fine
but issue, is
Sorry. Let me stop you there.
u dint worked on fbsdk?
I can't help with Facebook questions.
oh okay
anyone can tell, i cant fetching the user info after redirect to my app from facebook?
A: I am not able to fetch user data from Facebook in iOS

Nitin Gohelif you are checking sample code of provide by Facebook in FacebookSDK there is one sample SessionLoginSampleplease check how did work:- You have to configur you app like this:- in Native iOS app you have to set you app Bundle Id that you are using in to you Project for example(com.compame.pr...

@Nitin I done like that
but after redirecting to my app from fb, its not calling any delegate method
but the difference is ur app is in live, but my app is showing
"This app is public and available to all users"
hello guys
i am implementing IAP and getting invalid product identifier
i checked so may post and i think i am full filling all steps except i did not "Contracts, Tax, and Banking infromation in itune
is it a valid reason for getting invalid product???
"Contracts, Tax, and Banking infromation is this information is provided by you or not?
i did not provide
someone told me it not necessary in development phase
is there is any kind of warning when you login in to itunesconnect
yes i am getting this
You do not currently have a iOS Paid Apps contract in effect. If this In-App Purchase was submitted with your app, then your app will not be available on the App Store until your contract goes into effect. Legal, Admin, and Finance users can go to the Contracts, Tax, and Banking module in iTunes Connect to view your contract status.
when i update product in itune then it appears
i guess you need to update these info first
is it your account or client's account?
its my tl account
i think the warning pointing about app submit did not pointing IAP in development phase
i too had same issue
so first provide proper info and then test for IAP
thank for your suggestion first i want to conform by which i will update my team lead, then he will provide that info in itune.
9 hours later…
posted on May 21, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS App Design,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS App Design,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Just over a year ago I mentioned a nice library for creating PSD formatted files called PS

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