I have to integrate app request on my app but it doesn't seem to work. I searched about it and I can't find a clear answer. Some replies from the reports said that the request can be found in Facebook App Center but I didn't receive any request and also, no notification was received.
I'm using F...
I am developing an iOS application where I want to get notified as soon as a notification comes in my facebook account.
I am able to pull the notification using JSON, where I am polling every 5 minutes.
Can I get automatically something like Push-Notification, not Pull-Notification.
Not a push...
Hi guys, I always use a TapGestureRecognizer in order to detect touches in UITableViewCells . Now I wanna use tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: ... But it seems not to be called. Anything that I should know about this Method ? P.S: My view controller conforms to UITableViewDelegate Protocol, and I set it as my table's delegate, And I'm sure the method is not being called, because of the breakpoints not being triggered !
@Unkn0wn.Bit Are you sure you have implemented the correct method? A frequent problem is that people use auto-completion and implement did__De__selectRowAtIndexPath instead of did__Select__rowAtIndexPath
I have also this problem in Xcode 4. In my program, there are lots of UILabel which have no IBOutlets so I do in that way;
First, subclass the UILabel to CustomFontLabel
Then, override the "awakeFromNib" method
@implementation CustomFontLabel
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[super awakeFromNib];
I could solve my problem with help of another question Here
by setting self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView.superview.hidden = YES
it worked for me..
View hierarchy for iOS 7 is changed..
can nyone plz tell me plz how to autoresize the table for both landscape and portarit mose... hv followed so many option like flixible margin , height width .... size to fit .. but dont hw to do this....
Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Last month I mentioned a couple of nice libraries to aid in iOS form creation -FXForm for quick table view based form cr…