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posted on April 17, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,Game Programming,iOS Development Tutorials,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,Game Programming,iOS Development Tutorials,Objective-C Some of the top grossing games on the iPhone and iPad have been line/path drawing games with Flight Control and Harbor Master being among the most famous. Her

3 hours later…
Anyone Online ?
@NitinGohel : Good Morning … There ???
HI @All Good morning
@NitinGohel @Leena @DivineDesert @Coder @MoorthyTheBoss @Prince @Mayur @AppleMap @ALL "Good Morning Friends :)"
VGM @iShwar bhai
tab bar ka solve huva?
gm to all
Hey all ,very good morning :)
Q: Creating a view like Newsstand using UICollectionview

DhruvI have used collection view to display my content similar as shown in below image . But I am not able to set the background image same as give in the image, as my cell is size of icons in it,I am not able to set backgroung image in to it as per row. Is there any way I can set image in UICollect...

@NitinGohel : hey
there ?
@iCodeAtApple hey hi
please help me with this pathetic issue
I fetch songs from webService and display them.
But lately I've observed that when the songs are being added to backend i.e. the server the changes don't reflect in the device (i use iPA), but when i clean the code and reset the simulator it does reflect the changes.So always i need to give a new iPA to client. @NitinGohel
@iShwar gm jsk bhai
i fetched the songs from the web service link in an array and have used the most common
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
} method @NitinGohel
not getting your issue
that new added song not apear ni curunt one?
already existing songs are reflecting but when new songs are being added it does not reflect … though i use the same web service to fetch the data.
you have to reload
all things
put the button
to reload
that did not reload automaticully
after add new item you have to reload all stuff that add items in to array
or load array again in to list view(tablview)
noo in the backend the user will add songs… and i have a service that will pull songs from there … but when i upload a song i does not gets reflected in the device (iPA), but when i clean the code and reset the simulator it gets added…and then again i need to create a new iPA …again and again
@iCodeAtApple maaam
you not understand me
@NitinGohel "JSK Bro :) :)"
why that apear after clear bcz that process do again that saved method of new song in to you app
that add this stored sone in to array that fill again after clearn or reset
but when backend side adding new song
that add in webservice
you download it and save it
all method do again while new item added put breack point
and check
what happen after download new song
that adding in to array list or not
follow allprocess that happen after download song
put each method breack point and debug it
got it?
i have a table for that purpose i.e.
for example… table has cell 1,2,3,
when i click 1 i navigate to a new screen to display songs from1…same for 2,3 etc….
@NitinGohel : Yes i got you SIR, its just i am telling you the entire scenario
okay il add some code to reload….
and ping you once done…OK ?
where you
sstore download song
i don't download songs
i directly play them with url
then you store URL in array?
ok NSLog array after get new url
each time'
that url added in to array or not
did that…
its added
if added then just put [self.tableview reloadData[;
aftr NSLog
when i reset the simulator and lean the code
only reaload tableview
nothing else
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
[self.tableview reloadData];
} method
this method ?
after fill array
when did you add song after adding song finish Filling array finish put reload code
@Leena gm maam
@NitinGohel dude but
the songs are being played and displayed in the detailViewController
table --> cell ---> click ---> didSelect ---> newView ---> displaySongs(playSongs)
then what is an issue
so you want me to load the table from previous view
will this work because i am filling the array in the detailView
hi @NitinGohel @Coder @AppleMap @MoorthyTheBoss @Mayur @Dhruv gud mrng :)
that comes after clicking didSlectrowatindexpath
@Leena G VGM :)
@Leena Good Morning :)
issu is only after adding New items from webservice in to your array that you need to reald your display items view
now that is logical how to handle it :P
@NitinGohel : I've reloaded the the table in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath
do one thing
what happen when
shall i reload the array ? is it possible ?
not checked yet
try diff diffway
what should i do
@NitinGohel : ?
reload array at didFinish after Fill array
yeah il do that
@NitinGohel : it was written this way
NSMutableArray* array = [dicnatry valueForKey:@"song_list"];
in the connectionDidFinish
and i changed it to
NSMutableArray* array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
array = [dicnatry valueForKey:@"song_list"];
i hope this will work
@NitinGohel yesterday's issue solved?
colig ka tha
@iCodeAtApple hope so
where is tablereload code
table reload i have written in didSelect nah :0
in the detailView i don't have a table
you have to reload from detailviwe to mainview
using custome delegate or notificaionCenter
reload table from detailView
can i import the tableC into the detailVC and do something like this

objTableClass.table reloadTable];
try ones if that reload
put breck point at numberof row
yeap will do...
@NitinGohel : dude you seem to be situated in almost all the question ;)
was browsing and found a post and the answer is given by you… AMAZING (Y) :)

this is i am talking about
Q: Call [tableView reloadData]; on a viewController from a modalViewController

BrandonI have a modalViewController that comes up over the top of a viewController with a tableView. When the user clicks a button on the modalViewController I want to reload the tableView within the viewController with this: [tableView1 reloadData]; I do not want to put the reload in the viewDidApp...

@iCodeAtApple If you used Core Data with an NSFetchedResults Controller as your tableview's data source, this sort of thing is taken care of for you.
@Abizern : Is it ? Well that was something new i could learn today…but i am afraid i could not try to make any changes in this phase as i need to deliver the project in the First Half.
Nevertheless , id surely keep up to this in the near future…and i am azamed as to why apple hasn't yet provided any neat solution for this as we need tableViews in almost all of our app..
Thank you so much
@Abizern did you used GPUImage?
i am not able to import this in to one of my project
i followed all stap from readMe
still i am getting GPUImage.h not found
Hi to @ all
hi @Nitin
any idea about tipview?
@Anilkumar hello
@iCodeAtApple There is a neat solution, at least with Core Data and an NSFR, as for the rest, there are lots of ways of updating a table, so a standard solution wouldn't be that useful.
@NitinGohel I haven't used it. As for not finding headers, are you sure you set up your search paths correctly?
@Nitin u there bro?
@NitinGohel Actually you don't need to do that. I see it uses the simple method of including the library as an Xcode subproject (my preferred way of including code anyway). It only takes three steps. Are you sure you've done them all?
i drag xcode project in to my project
select target dependancy
as well as adding .a file from framward adding
@nitin any idea about poptipview displaying?
@Anilkumar right now bit busy wiht my issue
will see
Okay bro @Nitin
@NitinGohel Are you adding the .a file to the link section not the dependency section?
hey @NitinGohel bhai
posted on April 17, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I’ve mentioned a number of resources related to the iOS 7 transitioning api such as these tutorials on creati

@SaadChaudhry hello
nithin bhai can I ask you a query about mac
mera skype nahi install ho raha
mavericks kerna sa pehla tak theak chal raha tha @NitinGohel
@Leena GM :)
@SaadChaudhry download updated version of skpe
nithin bhai 6.15 kiya ha, still skype chalta he nahi
skype quit unexpectedly always
@SaadChaudhry download updated version of skpe
@leena hi
any idea about displaying the Tipview in iphone?
whats that
@Leena GPUImage use kiyahe kabhi
kabhi nahi mere bhai
Good morning.
good afternoon
see this link
like that
Don't shoot me. I would like to start learning Objective-C.
@leena u got it?
which link
@Duikboot nobody is goona shoot you
containts image url
the website is blocked on my side
What is a good way to start learning? I mentioned the syntax is something you have to get used to.
how to share that image to u?
dnt know ask @NitinGohel may be he might help you
check also this
he is very busy now
I started out following the tutorials on lynda.com. Is that a good source of starting?
Is that an application you are working on?
whats the issue in this
@NitinGohel I'll see if I can find time to duplicate the issue. It's usually an easy thing to do.
yes ithink issue of seting header searech path but i dont knw how that works
@Anilkumar say
see that image @Nitin
like that tipview i need to display in app
@Duikboot Not in my opinion, there are better choices.
@Anilkumar :(
I am searching SO for some good books.
@Duikboot The CS193P (I think this is the correct number) course available on iTunesU is a reasonable set of videos to start with.
@Duikboot But you could do a lot worse than reading the initial Apple documentation such as developer.apple.com/library/iOS/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/… and then reading this book amazon.co.uk/iOS-Programming-Ranch-Guide-Guides-ebook/dp/… which will take you to the stage we're you're good enough to look for your own solutions.
The Big Nerd range are good books I heard.
@Duikboot That's the one, although I think there are more recent ones than than.
I learned Cocoa programming from the BNR books - I highly recommend them.
Is it a high/steep learning curve?
It depends on your exposure to other programming languages, but yes.
The hardest part isn't the language, it's the frameworks and being used to the design patterns that are employed.
You can be up and writing apps in about a month, but there will still be a lot to learn after that.
Time to go to work.
@nitin bhai any idea?
about that tipview?
whats the issue that you are getting while creating a view like that @Anilkumar
Hi guys! I develop ios app with Instagram API, and now I need to display in TableView my followers and relationship. I use GET"/users/{user-id}/relationship" but its only for 1 user! Can I use this request for 5 or 10 users???
i dont have awarness creating tipviewpopup in ios?
i know popup creating
but this is tipview
creat view and
apear with animation
@Rubik Can you show us a code snippet from your current Query?
api.instagram.com v1/users/322832064/relationship?access_token=***
where 322832064 = userID
@Duikboot Yes, I use this request but in answer I dont have information I followed this User or not
I want display Foolowers and relationship with it! Followers its whi follow me, but I dont know I follow this user or not.
Hmm I never used the api. Can't you find anything related on SO?
I can use request what you write, but in this case I have only users data, like:
"username": "meeker",
"first_name": "Tom",
"profile_picture": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/profile_6623_75sq.jpg",
"id": "6623",
"last_name": "Meeker"
"username": "Mark",
"first_name": "Mark",
"profile_picture": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/profile_29648_75sq_1294520029.jpg",
"id": "29648",
"last_name": "Shin"
Q: Show only MKOverlay part on Map

MayurI have created MKOverlay class & add it into the Map-view. Now i need to have some customisation in it as following : While opening it should only display MKOverlay & not show google map anywhere. Scrolling can only done in MKOverlay area. To show only Overlay visible & hide google map area i...

in this data no Relationship me with this user)
Oh you would like to receive if the user is following you or not?
I need to receive I follow this user or not :) For display button in Cell (follow, unfollow)
Where I can upload screen for u?
You don't have to upload me anything.
I am even not a Obj-C developer.
But it sounds it's just a way of finding out the good API request URI.
Hi at all.. I'm Pasquale an italian developer..
Welcome @ Pasquale
@pasquale welcome to ios developer family :)
I just need know can I check relationship only with one user for one request or I can check some users with one request
@Harshad thank you :)
i'm available for any type of aid
i ask this question, anybody know possible solution ? stackoverflow.com/questions/23107267/…
Hi everyone,
please tell me how to take a picture with overlayView using UIImagePickerController?
How does databse integration work in Os?
@NitinGohel : there ?
And what is the most used database for objective-c I mean sqllite/mysql/... postgresql
Ok thx
@Duikboot sqlite
Ok. Thanks.
Did you guys learned Obj-c on your own?
'Receiver (<reply: 0x8c44ee0>) has no segue with identifier 'Reply'' (Reply UIViewController)
@Harshad it saying there is no segue with the name of reply check spelling or the segue connected properly
@Duikboot you wana learn obj-C?
how to create json for below

msg = "{\"description\":\"\",\"from_image\":\"\",\"from_name\":\"Tasnim main\",\"message\":\"hi\",\"type\":\"text\"}";
sender = "[email protected]/Smack";
@Harshad what you are trying to do ?
@Leena hie hows u?
@Harshad That's terrible. what are you trying to do?
@Nitni i am gud
i trying to pass uitableview selected value on another viewcontroller
@Duikboot Don't get hooked up on databases. You can use SQLite, but it's far better to use Core Data and not worry about the form the data is stored in.
@Harshad you don't need to create the destination view controller yourself, the segue does that for you. All you need to do is to pass the values that you want it to display.
can you please delete that message @Nitni
and yes
@Leena sorry just wanted to confirm as hearing many humours
can you please help me

how to create json for below

msg = "{\"description\":\"\",\"from_image\":\"\",\"from_name\":\"Tasnim main\",\"message\":\"hi\",\"type\":\"text\"}";
sender = "7";
hope u got me :) @Leena
yes i know what you are talking about
@abizern i delete that code line but still getting some error . :(
but this is not right place to discuss all those things
ohk @Leena
@TasnimZ create a NSMutableDictionary and use a library to create json
is it possible to pass button object with tap gesture ?
@Abizern @NitinGohel @Leena @Lovely @Pasquale @Duikboot
@iPatel its possible if you hvnt added any action on the click of button
1 message moved to VOID
@TasnimZ please use pastie
@Leena i added also button with action.. and put imageView on it and imgVie has tapGesture.. so i want to call button;s action methos when i touch on imageView..
@iPatel why are you complicating remove the image view and set the image as a background image on button. No need to add tap gesture on image view you will directly get the click :)
i knew it but image size is 15*6 and button size 280 * 30 .. so..
@iPatel It should already be passed as the sender parameter
@Harshad "Some error". Not a good bug report.
@pasquale can u pls elaborate
@iPatel There is something called a content inset and content size on the button image.
@TasnimZ i use this inside my projects github.com/johnezang/JSONKit
@Pasquale NSJSONSerialization is part of the standard SDK, there is no reason to use a third party library.
i am using SBJson
Thanks frndz for your suggestion .. i did it by ..
-(void) selecteProductFromPickerView:(UITapGestureRecognizer *) gesture
UIButton *btnProduct = (UIButton *)[gesture view].superview;
[self btnAllProductTappedAction:btnProduct];
i did it by above code.
its working for me,.
@TasnimZ Same thing again. SBJSON is good if you have very specific needs, but usually, NSJSONSerialization should be the first thing you reach for.
@iPatel You're assuming that the button object is the superview of the gesture recogniser.
yes,, @Abizern
@iPatel And normally, I would just use a nil-targeted-action for something like this, as the button is in the responder chain, you should just need to send the action to nil and it will find it's way up the chain. developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/EventHandling/…
@Abizern - you mean .. [btnProduct addTarget:nil action:@selector(btnAllProductTapped:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[btnProduct addTarget:nil action:nil forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
@iPatel No, that's the target action for the button.
i'm a newby of memory managment, what can i check in this memory behavior ? oi60.tinypic.com/4hpbts.jpg
@Nitni Yes, Im looking for the best way to learn it.
@Abizern How about local storage?
@Abizern can you please help me on this : stackoverflow.com/questions/23126914/…
What book are/have your red for learning obj-c? ( I would like to create ios applications ) But currently I have no knowledge yet in Objective-C.
GA to all
can we exceed the height of the CMPopTipView?
@Abizern why send me this link ? i not make any touch when receive this "leak"..
@Abizern Hello I need your help
@Pasquale Have a look at the whole document rather than one particular section.
Can you please tell me how to install build via TestFlight without adding UDID on mobile provisioning?
Is it possible?
I am just asking..
@Mohit It's not possible.
OK @Abizern thank you
@all hi friends, how encode the url which consists of spanish text as one of the parameters ?
@Mohit you can do that if you have ios enterprise program, otherwise it isn't possible
Q: How to implement Bar Graph in iOS app?

sanchitsinghI am working on a project where I need to show following graph. Please advice which library of iOS would be best to implement. Also I need to customise library according to my requirement. Please suggest.

@Mayur /me shrugs
@Abizern means ?
@RajugoudBingi URLEncode the string
@Mayur It means dunno.

i am fetching nsmediumstyledate format but for differnt device i am getting different date time how can i get it in one specific format?
@Abizern ohh ok
@Abizern have you any idea about google sdk ?
The date styles depend on the locale settings of the device. If they have different locales then the outputs will be different.
1 min ago, by Abizern
@Mayur /me shrugs
@abizern so how can i achieve that?
@TasnimZ Achieve what?
specific datetime format?
can anybody tell how to do scanning in ios app?
@TasnimZ NSDateFormatter
do we need to use thirdparty api or programatically can we do?
@abizern yeah i did that but in some devices it works
@TasnimZ "Not a good bug report"
move uiview based gesture recognizer swipe in ios
any one pls help
What have you done? What do you see? What do you expect to see?
i want swipe uiview Slide/Swipe in ios
@Anjaneyulu That's what you want, but you haven't answered my questions.
ha ha ah
I'm glad you find it funny.
@Abizern thank you
@abizern hi, there is not 1x/2x button being displayed on my iphone app running on iPad, i remember it use to display in older devices/OS , am i missing some thing can you help me please?
@Alok Not sure. I don't have my iPad on me to test myself.
kk thanks
@Abizern i encoded like this pastebin.com/KyQyJKMb
i have url like this:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://www.abc.net.1230?rev=%@&kt=tc&rc=5",textfield.text]
if i enter text in english its fine. If i enter any spanish words its not working.
A: Objective-c iPhone percent encode a string?

Rob at TVSeries.comThe iOS 7 SDK now has a better alternative tostringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding that does let you specify that you want all characters escaped except certain allowed ones. It works well if you are building up the URL in parts: NSString * unescapedQuery = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@...

Try using Core Plot.. Here are few links to move ahead.
Any one can explain how to handel gesture and UIscrollview in same View
@prakashsys see
A: remove gesture for UIButton

Nitin GohelTry with bellow code that delegate of UIGestureRecognizer return FALSE if that subview is kind of class UIButton Class. also set delegate dbpan.delegate = self; while you setting and add UIPanGestureRecognizer. - (BOOL) gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouc...

and set in kindOfClass UIscollview
that helps you
Q: Intercepting pan gestures over a UIScrollView breaks scrolling

BlackRiderI have a vertically-scrolling UIScrollView. I want to also handle horizontal pans on it, while allowing the default vertical scroll behavior. I've put a transparent UIView over the scroll view, and added a pan gesture recognizer to it. This way I can get the pans just fine, but then the scroll vi...

@Abizern thank you friend
can you help me on this ? @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel @Leena @Abizern @Mayur @Coder @ALL "byieiei Friends Gn Tc SD :)"
@Mayur no idea boss
@iShwar gn jsk bhai
:) @NitinGohel "JSK broooo" bByieieie :)
byee @iShwar
@Leena oho tame' ahiya
thx you
haan @NitinGohel i m here
thanks you
@NitinGohel ok
Hello Anyone can tell me how to download a file from FTP URL...My prob is ...I dont know how to attach username and password
@PrajnaranjanDas Usually in the request header
posted on April 17, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Early this year I mentioned the release of an Xcode 5 compatible version of the excellent CodePilot was released by Maco

@NitinGohel hello sir
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