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@sac look at requireGestureRecognizerToFail:
@Abizern one help i wanto show phtolibarary photos in my own UICollection view instaed of going with imagePicker i can able to fetch all photos only but i wanna fetch folder wise and wanna show it in collection view any idea
i don no how to search exactly for that
Q: This bundle is invalid - Invalid XML character '0x10' at index 327 in Info.plist

GaneshI have created my application which supports iOS7 and above. I archived my app and submitted to app store for app review. After successful uploading it says invalid binary and I got the email with following issue. This bundle is invalid - Invalid XML character '0x10' at index 327 in Info.plist....

@Abizern any suggestions?
how to get lat & long of dropped pin in mkmapview
hello bhaoi
r u there
@AlokSinha i tried bro but couldnt get related wit that
@Yohan ALAssetsLibrary.
@Abizern i fetched all photos using ALAssetsLibrary and showed in UIcollectionview
but my query is shall i show folder wise how imagePickerControl shows?
what is the default Facebook framework added for the ios6
can u name that framework
can we invite the friends using this framework
for Facebook and Twitter
@Abizern i fetched all photos using ALAssetsLibrary and showed in UIcollectionview
but my query is shall i show folder wise how imagePickerControl shows?
@Yohan AlAssets library has lots of other classes - such as ALAssetsGroup. They have various info dictionaries. Have a play and see if you can find the information you need from there.
@Abizern k thx:)
I have some problems in coredata .. can anyone help me?
@YSRfan It encapsulates Sending URL requests to the services, so if there is an endpoint it may be possible.
@Jean-LucGodard Probably.
ok .. I am confused with the concept of primary key and foreign key in core data
I know - I'm adding an answer to your question on SO
coredata generates the primary key by it self that we can retrieve , right ? but the issue is suppose I have 3 data ..pk1 , pk2,pk3 and suppose I have deleted data 2 .. so pk2 will also be deleted right ? now I am adding something so at what position it will be added ? is that pk4 ? what I want to add some data at pk2? @Abizern
ok .. Thanks @Abizern
The objectID isn't used for ordering. Nor should you by thinking about "positions" in Core Data. CD is an object relationship manager, if you think of it in terms of a SQL database, you'll just confuse things.
@Leena @Yohan @NitinGohel Can we restrict the number of app request in facebook sdk to a particular number ?
Hey hi to all
hi everybody
sorry guys
was out
@Abizern .. yes you are right , comparison between coredata and sql db made me confused .. but if I want to execute this example mentioned above .. how should I do it ? [New object at position 2 instead of 4]
@Yohan bhai r u here
@Jean-LucGodard You need to manage the order yourself or use a ordered relationship.
@AlokSinha s bro say
@AlokSinha ve u asked abizern??
@Abizern .. so okay , if I want to use pk in coredata , I have to add my own attribute for that along with present attribute
abhi dekha
aur kya chal rha hai
@Jean-LucGodard I can't understand your question.
ok .. If I want to use primary key in coredata .. I mean If I want to track orders of attribute position then I will have to add another attribute for that which keeps track for that [which i can say my own primary key].. @Abizern
@Jean-LucGodard Yes. You need to add an attribute that you can use to sort the data.
:D gud job @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel @Abizern @Leena hello
@NitinGohel @Abizern @Leena for iPhone 5s which simulator i can use ?
i think 64 bit
4 inc
for iphone5s
but i m not sure for that
@AbhishekGupta the 64-bit one.
@Abizern i have Xcode 5
@AbhishekGupta It's the only one that comes with the 64-bit simulator.
@Abizern ok
so in the attribute how can I make some attribute incremental than how can I do it ? @Abizern
Good Evening to all
@Jean-LucGodard You have to write the code for it.
UIWEBVIEW height can increase dynamically with respect to its font size ,
but i couldnt reduce the content height of UIWEbview when changing the font size to smaller
But why do you want an incremental attribute? I thought you were concerned with position?
ok .. Thanks a ton @Abizern
@Abizern hi can u help me ?
@Jean-LucGodard Don't get sarcastic. You haven't explained what you are trying to do properly and you seem to have a weak understanding of Core Data. You talk about positioning objects and then you talk about auto-incrementing attributes - which are mutually exclusive.
Hi Friends Please go through my question
Q: iOS : -[__NSCFDictionary _expandedCFCharacterSet]: error

Jack1231I am working on iOS application.In one scenario I am sending phone number and some text message to server like this - (void)postData:(NSString *)message :(NSString *)mobileno { NSLog(@"postData is called"); @try { NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://anlgelist.commonshe...

@Abizern ... sorry if I dint mean to be sarcastic .. yes I have almost no understanding of core data .. I just said you thanks for your help .. I was trying to compare coredata with sqlite .. that why I had no understanding of positioning ..
then you and martin (the one who also answered my question in SO) made me understand that I need to add my own attribute .. so I asked you guys that if I make that attribute auto incremental .. I am sorry but I really really had no sarcasm abt that in my mind
sorry for my english .. read first sentence sorry but I dint mean to be sarcastic .. in above
@Jack1231 SBJsonWriter *jsonWriter = [[SBJsonWriter new]retain];
try this once
@jack otherwise check once retain mobile num and message string where u assiging text
hi @NitinGohel, @SaadChaudhry @Abizern
how are you?
Good, thanks.
@Abizern : I want to save the state of tableviewcell : I had a custom cell and when I scroll it the tableviewcell properties are changed. any idea? how to achieve this
@SumitSharma sumit bhai how are you
I am good bro and you?
am good
I want to implement the reverse image search functionality in my app
looking for some Api
@SumitSharma Can you explain this a bit better?
I had a table view in which I am using customcell. Custom cell had checkbox in it. checked and unchecked is working fine. but when I scroll the tableview the checked property is not shown. I want to retain that checkedd==true
@SaadChaudhry I will come back to you later on : busy with some project: have to share the build with the client
@SumitSharma That's because of cell reuse - you need to configure your cell in cellForIndexPath: every time.
You should be updating the cell state from the tableviews data source.
I agree with you
So , according to you I should take an array and save its state
Am i right
Why use an array, can't you put the state in your data source?
for images and video's URL and text of textfield
i think have to create a wrapper class that save data , is it right way ?
@Abizern Am i right?
i wish anybody can provide the solution to me
Hi @NitinGohel,
pls advice me how can I save the state of a tableviewcell. The problem is when I scroll the tableview - its properties are changed
@SumitSharma Where do you get the data for your cell?
i have a mutable array contains , image URL , Video URL and Video title ,
on reloading table view , the data will refresh and there is nothing on the cell
I assume your mutable array contains dictionaries?
Then add another key to store the state of the selection. What's the problem?
ok got it, let me try and let you know
Hey everyone! I feel like my brain has been replaced with farts, I can't even hardly think how to phrase my problem so it makes sense anymore. Let me try....

I want to be able to use a table cell to navigate to a to new screen and release the first screen from the stack rather than have a "back" button in the upper left. My app is a tab bar controller with relationship segues to 4 nagivation controllers. From one of them (it's the home view in this case) I'd like to navigate to the "view all" view which is one of the other tabs. Rather than push this on and have a back button I'd like to j
you just need to change selected
tab index
Q: Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?

rottendeviceLet's say I have a UIButton in one tab view in my iPhone app, and I want to have it open a different tab in the tab bar of the TabBarController. How would I write the code to do this? I'm assuming I unload the existing view and load a specific tab view, but I'm not sure how to write the code ...

Thank you for this. I appreciate that as I was starting to feel sick from the smell of the farts in my head tharrrrr.
I should stick that in the prepareForSegue, aye?
It's not something you do through a segue.
Ah, right, so I should load the view in the old fashioned way
is this not possible using storyboards?
So (for a laugh) I stuck that selectedIndex = 1 into a prepare for segue anyway. It was hilarious.
Depending on how comfortable you are with advanced topics - you could use an Unwind Segue instead.
Interesting, I've not ever used that before and it's nice to have an opportunity. Thanks for the heads up I'll look into it. At the minute I'm just making an iboutlet for my static table cell then I'm going to try the whole selectedIndex jazz properly, should only take five minutes and I'll have the basic option done. Then I'll look into the unwind action so I can live & learn ;)
posted on February 27, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C Earlier this month I mentioned a picture taking component which is a pixel-perfect clone of UIImagePickerController with a number of nice added features. Here’s an open source compon

@Abizern : couldn't able to do that
That doesn't tell me enough .What did you do? What didn't work?
Ok I got it going with the `self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 2;` line. However, this is not the same functionality as actually hitting the tab bar button.

On the page I'm navigating to there is a graph (XYPieChart) which loads in with a nice animation. The `self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 2;` method skips this animation and just presents the final view, already loaded.
The other one (...tedIndex = 1) is just a table so it doesn't matter, there is no animation there anyway
How/where are you loading the animation?
TBH I'm not 100% on that, it's XYPieChart and I went looking for what kicks the animation off and couldn't see it. github.com/xyfeng/XYPieChart/tree/master/XYPieChart
That link there is to the chart's header and implementation file by the way, there's not a lot to it but I couldn't see it
@LpLrich Did you see the reloadData method that kicks off the animation? See where that is getting fired, or fire it yourself in the appropriate place.
Ill look for that now, thanks for helping.
Hmm that doesn't trigger the animation for me. I'm calling it in a variety of places and logging a "Hello!" to make sure the viewWillAppear is being called etc, in there I'm calling the piechart reloadData but it's not happening!
Think maybe it is because it has my data by that stage and the animation is on adding slices, my chart already has its slices so to speak and therefore isn't adding any..
Yay I have it working by just sending through the data to load in the piechart itself rather than calling reload data
Cheers for helping in the mean time, been a good experience - this is the first time I've used SO chat. I'll be back, there's always a problem lurking in my code somewhere
It would be best if it loaded every time, which is what I'll look into, on closer inspection it loads now the first time I hit the button but not the subsequent times... Hmm cheers though
Still looking for anybody out there know AVFoundation and camera controls enough to help with controlling Focus and Exposure? If so, I have a question posted here: stackoverflow.com/questions/22029381/…
1 hour later…
@SaadChaudhry han ji saad bhai ab batao
@SumitSharma sumit bhai reverse image functionality add kerni ha app ma
like tineye, you paste a url and it will return you some results
1 hour later…
anyone here uses uservoice ?
[UserVoice initialize:config];
This should be called when your app starts up so that we can provide accurate metrics in your UserVoice admin console.

I created config object and passed it to initialize in appdelegate.m didFinishLaunch method

Now I need to use that config object in my other classes, how do I do so
posted on February 27, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I’ve mentioned some tools and libraries for reducing the size of images in your app such as the Wasted tool that o

@SaadChaudhry you try any library like google API
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