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in your viewcontroller
form xib
uncheck under topbars
and then set frame
@AppleMap stackoverflow.com/questions/12747944/… .Please refer this,It will help
let me know if it works
@TeAmo oky.. will check thank x .. dude
@BulletRaja Hi Friend .....Any idea about this : stackoverflow.com/questions/12747944/…
@BulletRaja bro am using storyboard bhai
@BulletRaja hi
@Yohan do it in storyboard
just select ur viewcontroller uncheck topbars
and then set frame
for scrollview
then after
@BulletRaja ll try bro
@TeAmo also i need add new xib for iphone 5 ?
@NitinGohel friend i did thanks
Hi guys...
@BulletRaja Sorry !! I need the help on this : stackoverflow.com/questions/20800686/…
@Vishnu hi
@TeAmo no idae dear
You have pinged me right?.
@AppleMap If u will make use of "AutoLayout", then u don't need to use other xib file it will be ok .......but if u are not already using Autolayout and have problems with autolayout then u must have to create two xib files ....when u will add [email protected] then phone will recognize the iPhone 5 using the macros
i need some pointers regarding UICollectionView
@Hisenberg What do you need?
pointers for what?
i want to knw one thing
regarding autolayout
with scrollview
@NitinGohel ka bhai
@AppleMap yes sure
i can able to scroll long height image in to scroll-view
@AppleMap hi kem che
@NitinGohel happy new year
you back again
@Yohan r u there?
@NitinGohel bs jo,,,
@১২৩ using code
I don't know auto layout, I just use autoresizeMask
but can able to scroll via diclation xib
@NitinGohel i wnat to make iphone 5 compatible app.
Actually i'm working on CollectionView with section headers..and when i scroll my collection view it crashes..with error..
"layout attributes for supplementary item at index path without invalidating the layout"
@NitinGohel which way better ??
@AppleMap if you knw the autolayout then use it other creat new xib's or storyboard for iphone 5
@NitinGohel without storyboard ?
@NitinGohel only create xib...
set all frames
is this ok ?
with condition ?
ok ?
2 messages moved to VOID
tu to pastie use kar
I love that.
is this ok ?
@Charan what ?
@AppleMap yes
Moving the messages with code.
@Hisenberg share some code. What do you set in flow layout ?
@NitinGohel hi
@Charan i need to knw one think how to set image in to scrollview in storyBoard that used autolayout
bhai me autolayout enable kar raha hu xib pe to lock ki sign ati hain aut enble nahi karne de raha muje
Give the constraints between scrollview and image view. Whats the big deal init?
i given but not able to scroll
oh! Do you want to scroll the images in the scrollview?
@Anjan :O
@Charan yes
i done it with programeticully
but want to knw how to set up via storyBoard
Then why are you going to story board ? Just do that shit part through code.
@Sierra hello
[messagename removeObjectAtIndex:button.tag - 1];
[messagetext removeObjectAtIndex:button.tag - 1];
i used button tags using tags shall i remove
Well, if you are committed to do it in story board. Make a padding between two images in the scroll view and then just loop those two image views until you reach your final image.
@Sierra u there
@Charan @BulletRaja anyone have used xmpp library?
@Sierra @Immi
@Charan i done via code like this
xmpp ? I hate it. It is a holy crap.
but how to do with storyboard
@Vishnu yes i had one problem, so only i pinged, but now it is solved
@Charan ya i facing problem with this library..
u are able to list all upcoming events from facebook
@Sierra yes
u can
but not good approch
because u need to change tag always
why u using that
store clicked index
and remove from array
@Sierra u are able to list all upcoming events from facebook
Hi.. Developers.. can anyone tell me..? i have a problem with integrating google drive api into my iOS application
yes @Immi
NSLunchTime :)
then how to remove array and object @BulletRaja
when i remove that object from array should be removed rite
@Sierra good ..k i am able to fetch events which i m going to attend, but not able to see ALL events , same as it lists in Facebook events... can u tell me how u did
Actually i Followed their own Dr.Edit Sample .. i can able to sign In and sign out successfully.. but i can't able to list out files..
@Sierra yes
when u clicked on collection view
you can store the index
where u clicked
and just remove that index
from array
share any links if possible
like if u cliked third in collectionview
ok will do
Lunch time
@Sierra can you show me
@BulletRaja s am here
the didselect code
tats not working
i tested it is workin gon my soide
@NitinGohel the same issue for me bhai
wat u trying
@NitinGohel.. r u there.. Bro
i do using code
Hi.. @Ni
you got my Quest?
i dont used gDrive
@NitinGohel using in storyboard or xib bhai
but with code i add scrollview
and its suview
it's okay.. @NItin..
in to storyboare viewcontroller's view
try with his
@NitinGohel let me try
@BulletRaja u tested using storyboard
nothing working man jus frustration full of
have u tested
under top bars
@BulletRaja hey
@NitinGohel hi
it is checked or unchecked
unchecked bro
u trying with navigation+storyboard ?
i am back
did i want to send code
@NitinGohel autorisize karu to condition ni jarur na pade ne bhai ?
Use Mac OS X remotely from Windows 7
@Sierra i need help in xmpp library have u used?
sorry i have not come across xmpp library ya
wt u r trying to do
if possible i ll share any links
@Sierra i am using that library but the issue is with fetching friendlist from server
@Sierra ok
@Sierra do u have link for ios?
hi @all
@Yohan yes
have u solved?
wait i ll send @Rock
nope doing
you just need indexpath
remove that index from array
  [self.collectionview1 deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:selectedItemsIndexPaths];
this is the code i used for deleteitemsatindexpath
@Sierra rite
@Sierra reload collection view after deleting cell
-(void)deleteItemsFromDataSourceAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)itemPaths
NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
for (NSIndexPath *itemPath in itemPaths) {
[indexSet addIndex:itemPath.row];
[self.selectedAssets removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexSet];
u working in tableview or collection view@Sierra
[self.selectedAssets removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexSet];
should remove the object
from Array
@Yohan have u solved?
@BulletRaja good noon
i tested it and it is working?
my side
@user1547937 hello
@BulletRaja nope
still in same ship of pblm
under top bar is checked or unchecked
@BulletRaja its k bro thanks for patience long live will browse something and trying now
its unchecked
u using stroyboard or xib bro
object is removing for both the options
sorry @BulletRaja
object is removing no issue in that
then whats the isue
@Yohan storyboard
u r displaying cells in collection view datsource on basis of array
based on the datasource only
remove the object from view but i want to keep the selected image static when keep button is selected
datasource array
is there
u need to remove that object from array as well
r u removing
object from array
[self deleteItemsFromDataSourceAtIndexPaths:selectedItemsIndexPaths];
show me didselect code
row at indexpath
@BulletRaja autoresize shld be on or not ??
@Sierra help me plz ?
@Sierra NSString *imagename=[selectedAssets objectAtIndex:0];
tel me
why u always getting 0th index only
@Sierra i wnat to make iphone 5 comp. app
using autorisize
check the attributes inspector
@Sierra iphone5 means only 4 inch ??
why u always getting 0th index only
@Sierra only set in 4 inch in ios 6 or 7 rght ??
tat string i dint use in code
numbet of cells
@BulletRaja only set in 4 inch in ios 6 or 7 rght ??
i need to sse
@BulletRaja ?
ios 6 7
are the opertaing
@BulletRaja so only set in ios 7 4 inch simulator ??
@Sierra -(void)deleteItemsFromDataSourceAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)itemPaths
NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
for (NSIndexPath *itemPath in itemPaths) {
[indexSet addIndex:itemPath.row];
[self.selectedAssets removeObjectsAtIndexes:2];
wt bat this code wrong
check youe second image sis deleting or not with this code
i have set index to 2
wil chk
implicit conversion
I have installed Mysqlserver on mac. I have not set any password for the default 'root' user. But now it says that "Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'fg". Can anyone please help me .
How to set Localnotification for system.config.network_change event @Leena
@Sierra i asked u bat event list
Facebook event list rite?
@Sierra i min
@Sierra yes
@Sierra ur code is rite
@Sierra u able to keep?
but not able to delete
@BulletRaja can u zip the file ??
i can unzip
the file
i have done it in past
hmmm k bhai
@IronManGill is it address to your home
@All Hello
@All Happy New Year To All
@AbhishekGupta thanks and same to you too
ye kya he yaar
@NitinGohel :D sorry
core data is making me maaaad
@NitinGohel any solution for tat pblm
i given code
what happen with thi
@NitinGohel am trying with constriants so asked
in code have add contrain programeticully
@NitinGohel unable to satisfy multiple constraints getting

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