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hey got the answer thx @Sierra @Yohan
@Preethi :)
@Yohan Thanks, will check
why sdwebimage??
anybody know This?
@droiddev pls check this too stackoverflow.com/questions/7520640/…
hello any body has some experience with serialization of nsmanged objects ?
Q: NSJSONSerialization from an nsmanagedObject says a key is not key value coding-compliant

Stef GeelenI'm trying to send back my NSManagedObject as a Serialized object to my webservice. This is how I do it. NSDictionary *menuDictionary = [self dictionaryFromMenu:appointment]; NSError *err; NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:menuDictionary options:NSJS...

Q: Entity is still not key value coding-compliant for the key, even after rebooting my dev Mac

QueueOverflow if (self.temp) { NSDateFormatter *form = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [form setDateFormat:@"dd/MM/yyyy"]; dt1 = [form stringFromDate:[datePicker date]]; [self.temp setValue:dt1 forKey:@"dateOne"]; } else { NSDateFormatter *form = [[NSDateFormatter alloc...

sorry i ve not work on this
i know why use sdwebimage
@StefGeelen i think you missing the key value it is more like array
image caching and asynchronous loading of images from server
Good noon everyone
i have a problem in iOS please help me
i want to give a call to a post web service
just want to call it with the parameter so that it can increment the count in the backend
thank you
@Sierra : could you please address my question
@Sierra whats goingon :)
bit busy :) tel u later
thats good
@iCodeAtApple what are you trying
using request
@iCodeAtApple Isn't this a question about the backend rather than an iOS question?
NSString *songCountString = [@"myWebService="stringByAppendingString:songId];
NSURLRequest *countRequest = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:songCountString]];
NSURLConnection *countConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:countRequest delegate:nil];
[countConnection start];
@NitinGohel , @Abizern
@Abizern : I've been a big follower of you…i know you quite well you seems to very intelligent where iOS is concerned
@Sierra do mean in info plist??
@NitinGohel : @Abizern : MI doing it the tight way ???
@iCodeAtApple That's not really a POST request, is it?
i don't want to send the request i just want to open the connection
that is just hit the url with the count as parameter
on a specific event
Sorry - don't understand the question.
Okay i have a button which is to be click for a certain number of times after which it would be deleted..so the backend team created a post web service…my job is to send the count to the backend …i do so by calling the web service with the count i get, as parameter..i just want to know how to call this web service … @Abizern
@Sierra I have chaked in info plist its correctly set. I mean I have set FaceBookAppID and URL scheme with fb prefix and AppID .
They've created a post webservice. You aren't posting anything. And I have no idea what you mean by "just want to open the connection".
i want to pass the count to them (through the web service)…and for that probably i need to give a call to that webservice
hi guys When you have a UIButtonTypeRoundedRect and you click over it the title label Alpha goes down. I tried to set the adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO but still not working.. do you know How to keep the title alpha same value between normal and highlighted state?
i have a web service (post) which i need to call/or start once the button is clicked
@iCodeAtApple Okay. 1)please stop pinging me.
2) When I first said you need to send a POST request, you came back and said you just wanted to open a connection. Now you are asking me I don't know what.
Just send a post request to the server. If that isn't your question, then please ask a clear question, because I can't see one.
I am sorry for unknowingly confusing you…probably yes…i need to send a post request
was the above correct way i was doing
10 mins ago, by Abizern
@iCodeAtApple That's not really a POST request, is it?
In short i want to open the url
Hi ... How can I animate a uiscrollview to scroll infintely that has images which are being brought asynchronously from a server ?
In short i want to open the url
@iCodeAtApple I think you are getting confused about the difference between "posting a request" and "opening a URL". Time for a little reading developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/…
@IronManGill Keep changing the scroll offset, I suppose.
I am displaying an UIAlertview , Once the alert displayed, i am pressing the home button and relaunching the app. The alert coming foreground with some delay. How can i reduce that dealy.
Yes I can do that but the issue is the images are being downloaded asynchronously.... Now how do i get to know which images are there and then apprpriately scroll
@IronManGill Controllers and kvo. When your picture downloads scroll.
Thank You..
@iCodeAtApple as you said you want send the count in parameter you should use POST to pass count value in parameter
NSString *songCountString = [@"myWebService="stringByAppendingString:songId];
NSURLRequest *countRequest = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:songCountString]];
NSURLConnection *countConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:countRequest delegate:nil];
[countConnection start];
if you see @Yohan i did appent the songId to webservice
i just want to call this
@Yohan : do you know how to do it
@iCodeAtApple Do you know how to send a POST request from iOS?
@Abizern : haven't tried it as yet
Did you even look at the documentation link I sent you?
i did look intact i am still reading it
Because there is an entire section on sending a POST Request in there.
but i can't find something related to my question
reading on...
hey anybody help me ?
agh the second link was helpful (Thumbs Up) @Abizern
@Abizern will you help me ?
@iCodeAtApple It was all related to your question. Knowledge is inter-related.
@ParvendraKumar I have no idea what you want help with, so I can't say.
Actually i used revealviewController in my app ....and i want to g back previous viewcontroller but cant do it
HI wen i set a scrollview content offset the scrollview jumps up as if its hieght has increased ...
3:9: 'SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h' file not found
anybody know this issue
u have not added the UIImageView+WebCache.h in ur project
have u added the sdwebimages folder
check in that folder is the file there
yes its there added
then u have to inheriit it in the class u r using the imagewithurl method
using imagewithurl method
[cell.imageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Placeholder.png"]];
have u imported the .h file here ?
in this class i mean
#import "UIImageView+WebCache.h"
yes while importing its not visible in the header
that means its not in ur project
in already existing sample error in sdwebimage code
where did u download it from
evrting is ok but error in [cell.imageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[urlParamatersArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]];
[cell.imageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[urlParamatersArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]
placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Placeholder.png"]options:indexPath.row==0?SDWebImageRefreshCached:0];
github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases downloaded from this link
what error
[UIImageView setImageWithURL:placeholderImage:options:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xb2acb70
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIImageView setImageWithURL:placeholderImage:options:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xb2acb70'
[imgProfilePic setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[urlParamatersArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Placeholder.png"]];
put this
imgprofilepic ?
what can be the reason - that addObject: is not adding objects to NSMutableArray? In loop that I'm using, NSLog shows that each entry added to array is well, but result array at index 0 contains (null)
u might not hav initialised the array @AlmaDo
i mean allocated it
I did
wat is at index 0
umm. typo may be. I'll check :D
yep, typo. thank you. initialized another array with similar name. And if not your advice, I'll look there in last order :p
i too do same mistakes :D
@Leena Maam u cnt commit mistakes :P ...
why i can't i am also a human being
is there any major change AFNetworking 2.0
No u r a zoozoo :P
and that too a female one :D
meee too
doing mistake
strange that it worked without crash :p
but holla! I've done the stuff :p
@Sierra Still not resolved?
hello @NitinGohel, I have calendar in one of the pages in my app, so here I use NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar]; So this is alwyas initliased when I open this page. I got to know by time profiling that this is taking lot of time. So how can we increase the performance
any suggestions?
wat is ur issue @Ranjit
issue is this line NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar]; which is taking lot of time according to time profiler
but we need this when we do any date computations
So want to know the proper way to use it
@IronManGill, any suggestions
How can we set UIButton's custom class in .m file ?
sdwebimage is not working
we can set in .xib file like this postimg.org/image/k9p22vljr
but don't know how can I do from .m class
@Joge.... write button.frame=cgrectmake(X,Y,Width,Height);
@Sierra Don't tell not working. You don't know how to implement that. Right?
have you seen my screen shot
Its a powerful framework for image handling and using with most of the users
Funny one advertised me
I want set custom class of button like .xib file in .m flie
yes i also say you that..... obj Of Button.frame=cgrectmake(x,y,w,h); likh do bhai
ha bhai wo ban jayega
par me e cahata hu ki Google plus ke button me custom class add karte h na
fir or kya problem hai bhai Joge ?
@Joge Its easy. Create a Objective-C class with super class of UIButton Then, you can set it in your xib
and How can i implement in my class
@Joge Refer this example - github.com/Dillion/DemoButton
i am displaying an alert view . After displaying the alert i am going to background without pressing any button and Relaunching the App . The Displayed alert is taking time to come to the foreground .
how can we resolve that delay
once we relaunch , immidiately alert should show
@Joge You're welcome
@Praveen my file writtining only one time it is not checking existing
@Praveen @ParvendraKumar
please help me out if u can
@YSRfan You can display your alertview in applicaitonDidFinishLaunching
@Yohan Not getting
Just a comment. if (webView.isLoading) is enough.. No need to assign "Yes" or "No" and check with isEqualToStringPraveen 3 mins ago
i am displaying in some viewController
on pressing some button
@YSRfan Then, you need to check this with NSUserDefaults or kinda things
i created a json file and storing it as .dict in directory first time it is created but now the file not generatin @Praveen
@Praveen what should i check in userdefaults
@Yohan Never worked with file management :( sorry
@Praveen fileManager??
@NitinGohel bro??
@YSRfan When you entered your app into background mode. Set a bool value in your NSUserDefaults as YES. Like below -
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"logged_in"];
ok got it. Thanks @Praveen
And, in your applicaitonDidFinishLaunching validate that NSUserDefaults with logged_in key. If its yes, show your alert there simply :)
@Yohan Nope never worked on that
@all hi guys
can any body tell me how to get email addres of user via facebook graph api
i am able to get all the information of user
but did not get email
while i have give permission for email also
A: How to get Any user's email Id from facebook graph api

dmirkitanovNo, you cannot retrieve emails nor phones of your friends through API. Facebook restricts this for security reasons.

i able to get the email
Then, what?
but today i did not able to retrive
few days ago
like yesterady i got email
in response from graph api
but no longer now
No idea dude
Ask @NitinGohel He has worked on it
how to reach NitinGohel
propbably the reson is
that you used accound is not verified
Please help
me to get the user email id
else you foget to given parmision for fatched
from facebook
i have give the permisson
let me show the code
on pasty
A: I am not able to fetch user data from Facebook in iOS

Nitin Gohelif you are checking sample code of provide by Facebook in FacebookSDK there is one sample SessionLoginSampleplease check how did work:- You have to configur you app like this:- in Native iOS app you have to set you app Bundle Id that you are using in to you Project for example(com.compame.pr...

take a look this @aloksrivastava
and its demo
when we create app id
@aloksrivastava kya haal h bro?
at that time do we need to set that parmission
@SumitSharma hi
gud yr... tune baat ni karvai?
bhai maine tera msg convay
kar diya tha
thanks 22
master ji kaha client ki call pr h
aaj leave pe hai
yes please
shayad ab tak ki 2nd leave hogi
did you got what i am saying
did you check my above answer
@NitinGohel yes
i am asking you
@NitinGohel sir kya haal h?
humm what
@SumitSharma me too good sir
at the time of creation of app id
what about u
same here
sir ek cheez batao?
@aloksrivastava humm
AFNetworking 2.0 me NSURLSession agaya.
koi demo mil sakta hai kya
github wala smajh ni araha
@NitinGohel i have just got the app id from my client
its fine
just yesterday
i got the email
today i did not get even a single time
Should i show the code on pasty @NitinGohel
i used this inmy code but i dont knw this is old or new
Please wait
thanks for the reply
@SumitSharma u welcome
anybody knows the difference between fecth Batch Size and fetch limit in coreData
this is diff code with mine
just dwnload the end of my answer demo
and check with your id
you surelly get the email
will check that in few minute
and yes
check with other id with your code
might be in you testind id were did something change
@NitinGohel pls one help
so test with other facebook id
@Yohan say hurry i have lots of work
i created json file and wrote it in .dict format initially worked nw everything null
tried log its giving path evrything but json value in dict null
i am getting
is there some thing to do in my application to imlement
this code
@NitinGohel i created json file and wrote it in .dict format initially worked nw everything null
tried log its giving path evrything but json value in dict null
from php responce?
gives Null?
no i stored my array in .json file and creating dic using that
@NitinGohel some thing i need to change except app id
thsi is namuaaly task
@aloksrivastava not getting you
@NitinGohel cant get u
I m just checking with my app id
its working
thanks again @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel ??
@Yohan i m not udastand what have you trying
Hi All, I have a very small question - Is it a good practice to maintain separate stroryboards for iphone 3.5 inches and iphone 4 inches display ? I know I can manage it using one storyboard with autolayout. But there are lot of animations involved in the application to handle it with auto layout.
@Yohan sorry i dont knw about this
and the fact is that I am quite afraid of auto layouting as I don't know it much.
@NitinGohel : can you guide me in the above scenario ?
@NitinGohel su saheb
@Anjan hiii
Hello everyone, I have a little problem with the transfer of data between a view controller and another ... I used the protocols and everything seems to be correct, but it does not work and I do not understand where I'm wrong ... someone can 'help me? I posted my question on StackOverflow stackoverflow.com/questions/20566817/…
@NitinGohel, need help regarding addChildViewController

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