As shown in the following figure I want to implement "move and scale" functionality for the image fetched from the photo library.
If you have any idea or code then provide me.
Thanx in advance.
is it possible i want to create like this view. i have already an image and i dont want to pick image i just want to edit my image for move and scale functionality.
How can i play a random sound in iOS 5 in xcode?
I keep getting a "throwing an exception" error.
I tried this:
int randomNumber = arc4random() % 24 + 1;
NSString *tmpFileNameRandom = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Sound%d", randomNumber];
NSString *fileName = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathF...
if you are checking sample code of provide by Facebook in FacebookSDK there is one sample SessionLoginSampleplease check how did work:-
You have to configur you app like this:-
in Native iOS app you have to set you app Bundle Id that you are using in to you Project for example(
As shown in the following figure I want to implement "move and scale" functionality for the image fetched from the photo library.
If you have any idea or code then provide me.
Thanx in advance.
I am doing a POC in which I need to crate an app which fetches Input from iPhone mic and outes the output to the Bluetooth headset/speakers.
I referred the following code
The code works flawlessly but it produces the output via In-Call ...
i just review your issue and got nice answer something you want try with Bellow code:-
// create and set up the audio session
AVAudioSession* audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[audioSession setDelegate:self];
[audioSession setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecor...
@NitinGohel its for bluetooth input and not for there any difference
@NitinGohel if you could look at the sample code pointed in my question, could you help me find out which part I should edit to obtain the ouput from bluetooth speakers
if you are checking sample code of provide by Facebook in FacebookSDK there is one sample SessionLoginSampleplease check how did work:-
You have to configur you app like this:-
in Native iOS app you have to set you app Bundle Id that you are using in to you Project for example(
guys, in my prepareForSegue I have this: I want to avoid a new detail vc from being created everytime i navigate to the same detail vc. how am i supposed to do it?