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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

@NitinGohel thanks
@AppleMap @AppleMap incorrect url just analyse log
@Maddy means link me prblm he rght ?
this my link
@Maddy tnx man will check it and ll say you
@yohan if you want LOAD more button (technically uitableview cell) thats also easy to implement
@Abizern Are you here?
@SlavcoPetkovski might be @Abizern can help on this
@NitinGohel i hope :) just waiting for him to respond
@Yohan @NitinGohel is there any way like paste i can upload sample zip?
u mean share zip here?
or abotu your app
not getting u
@Maddy its like how while i reach tableview end it will automatically add row to tableview or how???
@vivek welcome you have write access now
@Yohan yes you must have an array (MasterArray for example) having 1000's of records
thank you...i want help guys
@yohan , then a dataSourceArray which will be populated from MasterArray (see method in code i have provided newDataFrom)...
@NitinGohel share zip..
where ?
@AppleMap I want to tell you one thing, if someone is helping you out, be polite with them, I dont like being rude. I dont think @Abizern was wrong, it was for your good only and he was polite too. Never do this again, mind you
@NitinGohel same like paste bin...just darg and drop there
@DivineDesert ok madam
Jul 13 at 13:59, by Herçules
USE http://www.ge.tt FOR SHARING FILES
@Maddy use this
@DivineDesert Thank you.
@AppleMap I wont be here always but I dont want to hear this agiain from any one, hope you maintain ethics of our room, we dont create any rules, just be polite thats the Request
@Abizern no need to thank me :)
@DivineDesert i think he told me follow some other rules same like abizern room
@Maddy sorry i didnt see ur question man
@DivineDesert and he give me rudlly ans. some time so.... that's not good i think
@DivineDesert abzeren have good knowledge but not create rude atmosphere ..
Ignore then, thats the best thing you can do, dont deal like this ever, ok ? Else tell me or @NitinGohel or @Leena
@DivineDesert oky mam sry..
@AppleMap he is better than before, I guess we should not compell him to get back to old days
Ok ?
ok ji...
@AppleMap Good
@DivineDesert thank u....:-)
Hope you take care of this
not only you all in this room
ok sure... no worries...
but one more think is that
ya nitin..
@NitinGohel yes
if any here who help's to other then also they must behave polite insted of dump other... bcz here all are not cleaver in code some one are fresher too
great nitin..
I accept this, so I told that this is for everyone
I am not bias to any one but I never keep an eye here,
@nitin thanks @yohan i have used this base project..but modified it as per my needs....the zip i have attached simply lod more on load more button press.....but the logic i have shared with on paste bin loads more on table scroll...ge.tt/6hJe7Q01/v/0
i axpect both side behave kind not only one side
okok change the topic and plz do the work
If you find issue, or any misbehave tell me @NitinGohel bevause I know you also get warm too soon
@Maddy let me check sir and ll say u
here all are same who have 20k repo or 20 repo sharing knwlage and help without looking any parson name or its repo
@NitinGohel @DivineDesert plz change the topic ???
@NitinGohel (Y)
yes I agree @NitinGohel but some times ppl who want spoon feeding, I tell them to google and they feel like m rude
@DivineDesert ?
@AppleMap ?
i know a man who behind this
Unless I wont get any point, I wont tell any one for any thing, so point me about facts, thats all what I want to tell, dont fight within family.... Well I am going back to work
@MoorthyTheBoss matter is over BTW
@DivineDesert ohh is it
ok ok
@DivineDesert good
i want to learn how we can make use of objc_msgSend in the application
currently getting warning implicit declaring library function objc_msgSend
@Leena That's part of the Objective-C runtime. Have you imported the correct header?
yes i have
objc_msgSend(object_getClass(aVCObj), @selector(reloadViewForLanguage));
@Leena object_getClass() returns a class, but objc_msgSend needs an instance as the first parameter, not a class.
Any reason you're doing it this way rather than [aVCObj reloadViewForLanguage];?
i just wanted to make use of objc_msgSend in my app
Okay. But you aren't getting any benefits over normal Objective-C syntax.
actually i want to call a method named reloadViewForLanguage of every viewcontroller in navigationcontroller stack
so instead of using if else conditioning i thought if i try to use it and will get to learn a new thing
@Leena is that really a good idea? In a navigation stack only the top VC's view is visible, so you'll be doing work to load views that aren't visible. I'm not telling you not to do this; I encourage experimentation, but IMHO, this is probably not the right place to do it.
Hi All
I have a small issue with UITextField
i have added navigation controller as child controller in a view controller and when i tap on a buttonin my Parent VC i want some changes to be done in my current visible VC also i don't even know which VC is visible currently
I am trying to add custom font and size to UITextField
its applying
@SlavcoPetkovski Works normally for me, here's a minimal example - dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/585261/SearchBarRotation.zip
but on focus out, its resizing to some default font and size
for example on focus - http://d.pr/i/Pi88
and on focus out - http://d.pr/i/ySMF
@Leena UINavigationController has the topViewController method which returns a reference to the VC at the top of the stack, this has the view that is visible.
ok tried an alternate way
finally got to work the way i wanted
@Leena :O
hi allllllzzzz
@DivineDesert @Leena @NitinGohel hi wats upppppp
@Maddy ???
@Yohan yes dear
nothing @Anjan doing work
@Leena gr8
@Maddy while i scrolling itself it becoming y>h then y adding reload_distance???
you can remove that part just magical number...
i my case i have to give some illusin
@Maddy yap thnx fr t clarification
@Leena @Leena if i run the task and and suddenly my net is gone so i stop that process ok ... and when net is available i resume task ok ...
@Leena @NitinGohel if i my applications is terminated than how can i resume my task\
no idea ask to @Leena or @Abizern
bye bye :)
might be if app terminated then all process going to release
not sure
@Anjan iOS7?
@Abizern if its possible4 in earlier ios 6 than its more benificial
I don't know about earlier ones, but iOS7's NSURLSession has support for this - loading while the app is not running.
I don't think you can do anything about tasks once the app has been terminated on earlier versions.
i also know that
@Abizern i totally agree with u
@Abizern hmm ok thanks for your sample project. I can see its working there, but please look at my project :D it's the same but it is not working… dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67542609/TestConstraints.zip
@NitinGohel, @Abizern ,@Anjan, @Leena, @ALL Byieie Coders Gn :)
Hello Apple Family how are you all
@Abizern dispatch_release is working on ios deployment target 5.0 but crashing on ios 6 and ios 7.when ARC enabled.....if i comment out dispatch_release then arc will auto manage memory release for queue but at the same time memory will not be released for ios 5 @Leena @NitinGohel
hey maddy you can use -fno-objc-arc in that class
@Maddy Wrap those calls in a platform check.
@Maddy For example coderwall.com/p/fvhreq
@ParvendraKumar Not a good idea, IMHO. Fixing the problem is better than hiding the problem.
oh yes thats good thanks @Abizern
@Abizern fantastic thanks
@ParvendraKumar thanks for ur interest
@Anjan there
kuch naya kuch adbhut avishmarniyaa .. dekhne milega
ohhhh bap re
adbhut hi he suspended for one year
are kyu par aisa
dontknwjust check karyu ne khabar padi
koi cross votingkaryu hase ghani var ak day ma
and ghani flag kari kase koi a
so suspend thayo
ke che ne ke for voting irregularities
@NitinGohel I don't think it was flagging; SO has an automated script to pick these things up. must have been quite serious for a 1 year ban.
yes i am surprise when seen 1 year
ohh ok
This one is the worst I have seen chat.stackoverflow.com/users/1316896/preeti
this user removed?
This user is suspended on the parent site and cannot chat for 4441 days.
Yeah - he was being extremely creepy with an underage girl in chat.
Guys maybe I'm annoying, but on landscape weird things are happening. The simplest project ever -> dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67542609/TestConstraints.zip
@SlavcoPetkovski Did you see the one I posted?
@Abizern yes and it is ok. But I'm confused why my design is not working :S
@Abizern just check mine. Rotate to landscape (iPhone) and you can't click on 320+ pixels
@SlavcoPetkovski Have a look at my updated example. Again. It works for me dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/585261/SearchBarRotation.zip
@Abizern I saw it and the odd thing is that i can't see any difference between yours and mine code, but mine isn't working… I don't know why.
I've got autolayout turned on, and I've set constraints, and my example is simpler than yours.
Yes, i tried with constraints and the same result… Please try not to use Search Display Controller, instead use ViewController. It wont work ^^
First i delete the SeachDisplayController, then i drag a ViewController and I link with the TabBar with holding control key and dragging from tabBar -> viewController and choosing viewControlers. Then I put segment, add constraints and it is not working...
@Abizern So instead of adding searchBar, just add segmentedControl in a ViewController, but not using that displayController
@SlavcoPetkovski Have you tried just creating a new project rather than reworking your old one?
@Abizern Simply yes. I've just add tabBarController and add segmentControl in the first ViewController. That's it. Please try it without searchBar.
You can try it yourself. It's 1 min work. New project, add TabBarController and in the first generated ViewController just add segmentedControl with constraints.
That's what I already did this morning.
I did it maybe 5 times, creating new projects, and not working.
i have downloaded a color picker and was trying to customize it
@SlavcoPetkovski I don't know what to say. I did it once and it worked.
@SlavcoPetkovski send me one of your attempts at a new project [email protected]
it is picking the color and returning values but if i change the image from which it is picking the colors it the values return still remain same
@iosLearner Why would changing the image change the colours that you have already picked?
no like i want to add some image and pick the colors of that image
@iosLearner Looking at the class you linked to it just picks the colour from it's own view, how are you trying to get the colour from an image?
the app is picking the colors of an image
i have just change that image and tried to pick the colors
but it is getting the colors of the image which i have replaced
@Abizern mail sent
if you download this sample you can have a look of it
of allow me to share my screen with you @Abizern
@iosLearner Sorry, I'm not going to do the screen sharing thing.
@Abizern its ok bro
anybody hav an idea how to get the access token from the latest facebook sdk
i want to show you my screen but its ok
can you download tha sample from git @Abizern
@SlavcoPetkovski Try this, rotate to landscape, the selection doesn't work. go to the other tab and come back and the selection works across the whole width.
@iosLearner Yes.
But I'm don't have time to download 2 year old sample code and explain to you how to use it. Again. sorry.
@Abizern Yup. I know that :D And i don't know why is acting like that. I just implemented workaround where I do this: [tabbar setSelectedIndex:1] [tabbar setSelectedIndex:0] . But this is very stupid :) I need to find some other solution.
hmmm no proble
actually it is a color picker
it is picking color from a image and returning its rgb hex etc values
if i change the image it have to pick the color values of that image
@SlavcoPetkovski It is a strange one. I'll have to have a look into it when I've got more time.
@Abizern Ok no problem. For now i will go with my "stupid" workaround, but also if you find any solution please post it at my question. Thank you
how to login my app using google account and facebook account login?
I dont understand that "How to login my app", but if you want to use Facebook login, you should use Facebook sdk.
how can i login my app using google account?
i have developed webservice app. this webservice app have first screen login page. this login page i need to access google account
@SWT well u need to read the google oauth service have u gone thru that ?
2 hours later…
@IronManGill g bhai
Hello ji
ye link ha
wo color picker wala
jo subha dekha tha
haan yr vo link maine dekh liya hai
mai abhi core data pr hi hun
Color Picker pr thodi der par aata hun
ager 1 image add ho photo library sa to uski pixel read kerna hein
Q: How to get pixel data from a UIImage (Cocoa Touch) or CGImage (Core Graphics)?

OlieI have a UIImage (Cocoa Touch). From that, I'm happy to get a CGImage or anything else you'd like that's available. I'd like to write this function: - (int)getRGBAFromImage:(UIImage *)image atX:(int)xx andY:(int)yy { // [...] // What do I want to read about to help // me fill in this bit, ...

han dekh lo core data ko
@IronManGill bhai apna kaam kiya hua ha ap mujhe bhi send ker di
yr jo aapka project hai.. usme Client ka toh koi use nahi hai
and bro
@property ( strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
@property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel;
@property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *persistentStoreCoordinator;
ye three objects har jagah banane padenge
kyu ki hamne appDelegate me bhi banaya hai isse
mera mtlb jaha jaha CRUD operations lagaye hai
vaha ye objects banane padenge
1 hour later…
g jitna mujhe pta ha yes
ap isko dekh lo pir subha ker lein ga isko
abhi time bhot ho gya ha @SumitSharma
Going to home
catch you @1-2
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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