when you close the app by pressing the home button at once, app goes in background , So we have lots of ways to do something at such a scenario, but when you close app by pressing home button twice, you juz CLOSE the app, so you cant do anything in background for the app which is closed. @xCode !
some of Feature that provide by apple Native API we can't create same like this for and yes if some one create something like that then some time apple reject you app too @xCode
@xCode alternate way you can send the notification to user with the badge on the app icon, with-ought any sound alert. Whenever the user will have the new mail send the notification . @NitinGohel Bro is it possible ?
I was asked to write a native iPhone to provide a filtered view of items in the Mail InBox. For instance, I may want to list out only the emails with text "Mac Tablet Gossip" inside the mail content. However, I don't need (or want) to access the inbox of the mail account, but instead I hope that ...
@xCode are you said you are going to check for mails on the server for each 5 min. and later on your saying that you are not going to store the data on the mail server. your contradicting with your own words.
I want to use google map to existing(not a new one) iPhone project.Now i am using Google map ios sdk and i successfully added google map framework to my project.But i got error like this
ld: framework not found GoogleMaps
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invoc...
@NitinGohel: in third tab I am first ckecking some condiation and depending on that pushing another viewcontroller... so on every tab click I want to call a rootview controller to ckeck condition
I'm writing an iPhone app using Appcelerator Titanium Mobile. I am hiding and showing the tab group based on what window has focus.
dashWin.addEventListener("focus",function(e) {
if (dashWin.tabGroupVisible == true) {
Yesterday I recived an email from google saying that I could acces to the map api for ios, I generated my key from the app console and I follow the steps of https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios/start but xcode throw this error.
#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h> //file not found
Yesterday I recived an email from google saying that I could acces to the map api for ios, I generated my key from the app console and I follow the steps of https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios/start but xcode throw this error.
#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h> //file not found
if you are not ios developer if you are not worked on ios then what need to doing this and yes for understanding of this task first you need to undaunted begin of ipa and it relevant information too
Sorry @Abizern..something went wrong with my DSL modem after my last message yesterday..i had no access to the internet till this morning.about solving my issue step by step here are the next lines pastie.org/8376665
HI need help on UITableView - Cell having TextField in each rows, appx 20 rows. user entered some values in that. how to access all the values from textField. on scroll Cell recreates every time. ?? or this is not possible using UITableView ??
@NiteshMeshram sir you Need to set tag of each textfiled like textfiled.tag=indexPath.row
and at the delegate of textFiled you got selected value using condtion you set this value in another string and set this string for relevant textfiled text
Hey another one doubt using custom class of table view i created an table view class now i want add a banner at the top bt i cant add a view so how can i do that @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel [self.ShortlistedTableView registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"HeaderView" bundle:Nil] forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier:@"HeaderView"]; i set like this but no chnage it showing