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@Abizern i have sub classed a table view and connected the table view with xib now it showing application should have root view error if i set outlet for view it showing error like loaded the "xxx" nib but didn't get a UITableView
what is the problem
@HimanshuJoshi pata chal gea hain kay kia waja the
second image ki y position 0 hote hain
es waja se ye sab ho raha tha
@Yohan HTF am I supposed to tell from that?
@Abizern am very new if you can say i don no where is the problem sub classed properly added an table view and connected with the xib but it showing didint get Uitableview error
@AliRaza : in the Developer portal , under certificates , there is no seperate tab for Adhoc and Distribution certificates. There is only one radio button AppStore or Adhoc certificates
"radio button" App Store and Ad Hoc:
Sign your iOS app for submission to the App Store or for Ad Hoc distribution.
@Abizern??any idea
Hi guys, anyone used the new iOS 7 NSURLSession for uploading data yet?
@Yohan Are you using storyboards?
@RyanBurke Not yet - I just route it all through AFNetworking. Version 2.0 uses NSURLSessions.
@Abizern do you know if AFNetworking supports pausable background uploads. I'm on a project where we need to be able to upload a number of images (probably about 10 on average) in the background. They're critical to the system so need to be as reliable as possible, so the idea was to split the image into chunks and send each chunk and wait for a response from the server before sending the next one.
I've been looking into backgrounding tasks on iOS and it seems very limited, especially in iOS 7 now forcing all background networking tasks through NSURLSession.
@Abizern no am not using story board xib oly using
@RyanBurke There is a setting for allowing background operations in AFNetworking.
@Yohan So how are you loading your initial VC?
i set subclassed Vc as my root view
How are you loading it?
should i use navigation??@Abizern
@Abizern tableview separator adding line at top of tableview. how can i remove that?
@Abizern this s the error am getting loaded the "ViewController1" nib but didn't get a UITableView.'
@Yohan What is the exact error
@Abizern thanks, ill take a look at that
@RyanBurke you can use this library also github.com/mzeeshanid/ZeeDownloadManager
my main issue with using external libraries is that its a project for a company, therefore everything we use has to go through legal, generally we can only use stuff using MIT licence.
yes this is an open source
@RyanBurke Don't use the library recommended by @sumit. ASI is long dead.
loaded the "ViewController1" nib but didn't get a UITableView.' @Abizern
Stick to AFNetworking - it's almost an industry standard, now.
@Yohan The exact error message.
@Abizern it give more features than other third party tool
@Yohan Have you connected the tableview outlet to your UITableViewController? The message is telling you that you have a UITableViewController without it's tableView property set to a valid object.
Thanks @Abizern i will take a look at it now
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
@YSRfan Have you looked under your desk?
@Abizern i placed an table view controller in empty interface and connected it with the class
@Yohan I can't understand you at all. Email me the project. [email protected]
@Abizern k i ll mail
@Abizern i sent
Hello. I have an issue with CPU usage in my app and I need some help (: Anybody willing to help? (:
@NitinGohel, @Anjan, @SumitSharma, @ Abizern Byiei Friends Gn :)
heelo everyone
i´ve been searching a lot all over the net...but i can´t seem to find a solution for my problem....i have a tableview which is loading a lot of cells....and when i scroll ...the content of the cells change place and sometimes simply disappear...what is it?
does anyone has/had this problem before? how did you resolve it?
I had such a problem a long ago. You are doing something wrong.
@Japa You're probably doing something wrong with the way you recycle your tableview cells
well...i´m loading the cells in cellforrow method like everyone does...i´m using an array, and then: CostumCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"threeLines"];
isn´t this the way to do it?
Q: iOS device CPU usage is 100% in Airplane Mode

iWheelBuyA very weird behavior of the app is taking place. I start an app when the device is in "Airplane Mode" (no internet connection). The CPU usage is always 100%! If I turn on wifi or 3g the CPU usage is going down to 20%. And even if I enable "Airplane Mode" again the CPU usage is still 20%. I use ...

iºm confused because it can be 20 cells sometimes...and i´m thinking if it is because of memory usage...could it be?
this is the way i´m doing:
@Japa I'm sure that memory issue is not an issue. Show us your code
i´ve posted the code but it has been erased by the chat room...why?
Jul 13 at 6:12, by DivineDesert
oooooo....ok...very sorry!!!
1 message moved to VOID
@iWheelBuy can you see my paste?
Yep I can.
what do you think is my problem?
Well, isn't not the correct way you create a cell
@Abizern any idea??
@Abizern hi
@iWheelBuy could you be a litle more specific please?
Q: How to display the UITableView programmatically?

QuestionsI want to ask a question about the UITableView of the objective C. I am writing a program and I would like to create the UI programmatically. However, I don't know how to display the table programmatically. I already have a NSMutableArray to store the displayed data. And I create a object UITable...

@Japa you try to dequeue the cell. if it's nil you create it.
have you seen my new pastie?
yep. and it doesn't work still?
no...let me explain better, my costum cell as multiple textfields, one of them is the title of the cell.Depending on the title, some textfields will have to disappear(which i control in the costum cell class) as well the size of the cell (which i control in the tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath in the tableview).I have read that sometimes is better to create more costum classes and xib files so that this doens´t happen, but i also read that this is not necessary.
@Japa Are you using storyboards?
huh! wait
for the costum cell i´m using a xib file...but ...yes, i´m using the storyboard for the tableview...why do you ask?
well...i´m going to search a little bit more...but thanks for your help
@Abizern i sent you the zip file have you got?
bye @iShwar
@Yohan Yes I have. The problem is that you are trying to load a Nib from a view controller that already has a view controller. I fixed that for you. Now you have an error about the tableview not having a cell class associated with it.
no worries. :)
@mann No Idea. Sorry.
does anybody catch this issue:
modal controller view change frame on superview if keyboard was showed?
hi @Abizern, I did that, but with a UIView and its working fine.
I know that we can show the time with am/pm using the dateformatter = "hh:mm:a" but I want to show just the am/pm in caps like AM/PM.
@Ranjit Write your own formatter.
oh... this means that their is no formatter provided by apple for this?
@Abizern hi
@Ranjit Not that I know of.
@Anjan Hello
@Abizern if i use OpenID class as alternate with UDID ... apple will reject my app
I don't know. I'm not an Apple reviewer
its ok thanks
1 hour later…
Bed time ! Good Night Abizern!
is anyone online?
hi @Abizern

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