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@Abizern Hi Sir , I am having one confusion my one of the app when archived its size of .ipa becomes 2GB , so can i upload it to app store with the developers account, I read the condition and it was that the max size limit of app is 2GB but the executable size should not exceed 50MB so i get confused, I just wanna know can i upload my app whose size of .ipa is of 2GB on app store with developers account or not.
@UFO Welcome :) do you have any idea about above mentioned thing.
Nope..I just have only 1App - size is 1.8Mb :)
@iShwar How big is the executable?
@UFO its ok buddy thanks anyways :)
And I hope you tested it on an actual device to be sure you aren't going to have memory problems.
@Abizern Yes Sir , the lot of images and videos are there in the application and all are locally stored in the app, And yes the app is bug free, and i resolved all the memory issues in that. Earlier it was only for enterprise but now the client is asking for uploading on app store.
So the query. I have no experience of uploading such a big app on appstore, yet.
Can you make it smaller?
one doubt i want to swipe cell to call custom menu like twitter. My concept is when i swipe first time it should show reply option, then second time i swipe it should show delete option shall i use swipe gesture to move the frame of cell and create dynamic view with button action ?? @Abizern @UFO
how can i do
@Abizern no sir, with lot of efforts it become this much small, Its the construction organization's application and so all the videos and images of there diff construction site are there, And hence the size, I suggest him to make the short version for app store but he refused with the fear of cost for short version. It would be great for users to download the small app instead of such a big, but the client is not able to understand our view :)
Will it be approved by app store Sir ?
Q: How to get Public Url of the Google Drive Files?

JamesI am trying to get public url, which can be accessed any where for streaming. I am able to get downloadUrl, but same approach i apply for exportLinks, but i m getting null value. I am nnot able to find out what is the issue... The code, which i tried... NSError *error; NSString *exportURLStr; ...

@iShwar I have no idea. I'm not an app reviewer. But if he wants it uploaded, upload it and see what happens. What else can you do?
hello! how can I change speed of animation (or put limit of speed in gesture recognizer) in uipageviewcontroller?
one doubt i want to swipe cell to call custom menu like twitter. My concept is when i swipe first time it should show reply option, then second time i swipe it should show delete option shall i use swipe gesture to move the frame of cell and create dynamic view with button action ?? @Abizern @UFO
@Abizern ya of-course sir, That only i can do. Thanks for your time Sir !
does anybody know why flipping animation fails if swipe gesture is too fast? (UIPageViewController)?
Q: how to cancel or back up from google drive signin in iOS

KenMI'm using the standard OAuth2 viewControllerTouch for user login in my iOS app. What are some ways to implement a "back" or "cancel" to return the UI to my app if the user gets frustrated and can't complete the login?

@Ravindhiran What about it?
2 hours later…
hii @Abizern
I am facing a problem. please check this link : stackoverflow.com/questions/18921170/…

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