I am working on audio recording. I am able to record my audio in caf (Core audio format).i followed this tutorial Recording Audio on an iPhone with AVAudioRecorder. Now I don't want to record sound in .aac format directly, I need to convert recorded .caf audio file into .aac audio file... any id...
@Leena, hi. i have two pictures - one background and one logo. i am rotating the logo 30 degrees, than i want to combine the two images. but when i do that, the logo is rotated but it goes some pixels away from the position that i want
I found given below code for Merge two image if any one has another code merge this two image into a single image plz help me thanks in advanced
When i Merge two uiimageview into a single uiimageview then the Final image getting black or white shade.. Actual Color of masking image not coming in ...
i want to add two images from diffent imageview to give them 3d look such that both images overlap one another and when user show the image its shows both images and when user move their iphone by sides it show one image (only one image displayed and anothers be disappear) like a hologram.
Figured out the 2 options for solving this problem.
Option 1: Resize the Nav Bar
float currentVersion = 7.0;
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= currentVersion) {
// iOS 7
self.navBar.frame = CGRectMake(self.navBar.frame.origin.x, self.navBar.frame.origin.y, sel...
I don't do FaceBook, so I can't help with your specifics, but it sounds like you are trying to redisplay a VC in a Non MVC manner if you are trying to do it from the AppDelegate.
But I can tell you that setNeedsLayout isn't the way to do it.
@codeTemplar After logging in to facebook, the method - (void)loginViewFetchedUserInfo:(FBLoginView *)loginView user:(id<FBGraphUser>)user will give you the logged in users info, you can use this method to "refresh" the view
when an local notification alert will come on device home screen...we will get two options....View and cancel buttons.....can i capture cancel button event?
You can submit 64-bit apps for iOS 7 today that take advantage of the power of iPhone 5s. Xcode can build your app with both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries included so it works across all devices running iOS 7. If you wish to continue to support iOS 6 then you will need to build for 32-bit only. Next month we will be making changes that will allow you create a single app binary that supports 32-bit…